The Storm God

Chapter 1292 The truth! (Please subscribe!)


Faced with ruthless questioning.

Zhuge Zheng's face froze for a moment, and then fell silent again!

What happened back then is really too hard to talk about. It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why Wuqing became disabled and the whole family was killed was all because of them. Although they were also designed by Cai Xiang, the facts are the facts , I can't tolerate your sophistry!

after all……

They are the ones who kill!

If Ruthless wants to avenge the tragic deaths of his family members, the first thing he should look for is Zhuge Zhengwo and others!

In such a situation, how do you ask Zhuge to speak?

"Say it!"

Seeing Zhuge Zheng, I was silent again.

The ruthless emotions suddenly became more turbulent, and he roared: "Why didn't you say it? Who are you shielding?"


"Besides the twelve culprits who destroyed my entire family back then, you were also one of them!"

"Then why do you still save me and raise me?!"

"You tell me!"


Speaking of which.

Recalling the miserable and painful scene when the whole family was killed, Wu Qing was sobbing so hard that even his voice became hoarse!

that look...

Really pitiful!

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's heart agitated, he couldn't help hugging him in his arms.

Repeatedly comforting: "Yayu, it's okay!"

"It's all about me!"

"rest assured!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Wuqing with firm eyes, and said with a strong promise: "Trust me! I will definitely investigate this matter for you and find out!"


He glanced at Leng Xue and the others.

Especially Ji Yaohua, who was standing aside, with no disturbance on her face, but she must be gloating in her heart.

Then he said: "I have some clues about this matter. The relationship is complicated and it is not suitable for too many people to know. Cold-blooded, life-seeking, Ji Yaohua, you all go out! Iron hands stay, let's sit down and have a good time." Let’s talk, since Yayu asked me for help on this matter, I will definitely find out the truth for him!”


Zhui Ming and Leng Xue exchanged glances.

Immediately nodded, without refusing, took the antidote of Shixiang Baodansan from Bai Xiaofei's hand, and left the hall. Ji Yaohua is no exception! Even the Shenhou Mansion's own people have left, and she, an outsider, has no reason to stay here!

In the huge hall, only Zhuge Zhengwo, Wuqing, Bai Xiaofei and Tie Shou are left!

After seeing irrelevant people, all left.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand!


The doors in the hall immediately closed automatically without wind. In order to prevent someone from eavesdropping, Bai Xiaofei even placed a layer of isolation magic circle around the hall in an instant, completely eliminating the possibility of the walls having ears. Immediately, I opened my mouth to Zhuge and said: "Mr. Zhuge, I have completely isolated the surroundings, and I guarantee that no outsider will hear a single word inside!"


"Can you explain the whole story of the massacre of the Sheng family twelve years ago?"

"Don't force me to use force!"


Say the last.

Bai Xiaofei's tone has become serious and dignified!

that demeanor...

No joke at all.

If Zhuge Zhengwo had remained silent, Bai Xiaofei would have chosen to use "tough" methods to uncover the truth of the case for Wu Qing!

It's not that Bai Xiaofei wants to get angry at the crown and become a beauty, but according to the progress of the plot, once the Sheng family's massacre is involved, the An family will attack Catcher!

Although Catcher is crazy, he is not bad, he is a usable talent, Bai Xiaofei is now in a time of employing people, of course he will not let An's family kill him!

in addition……

This matter is actually nothing. To put it bluntly, it’s just a misunderstanding. Just make it clear. The more you hide it, the more harm you will do!

Bai Xiaofei is not an inkblot person! Since Wuqing has a relationship with him, he will never let others continue to deceive him like this!

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei thinks!


Zhuge Zhengwo's face turned black, he never expected that Bai Xiaofei would be so steadfast with Wuqing, and actually wanted to help her!

How is this fixed? !

Could it be...

Do you really want to tell the truth? But the truth is cruel, it is not good for everyone to speak out!

Especially ruthless!

If I let her know that the iron hand who has raised her for twelve years is actually one of the twelve culprits who killed her Sheng family, and I am also one of the accomplices and instigators among them, Zhuge Zheng I am afraid that Ruqing will not be able to bear it !


If he didn't say it, seeing what Bai Xiaofei meant, he might really use his thoughts to pry into his own mind!

The level of ruthlessness is not enough, Zhuge Zheng, I am not worried about being seen, but Bai Xiaofei is different!

Facing Bai Xiaofei's mysterious and unknown pervert, Zhuge Zheng, I have no confidence at all! If you choose not to say it, then Bai Xiaofei will really see through your thoughts and know the truth of what happened back then. Once it is announced, its impact and impact will be more hurtful than directly speaking!

To say or not to say!

This is really a dilemma!


Zhuge Zheng and I hesitated for a while, and asked tentatively: "This matter is too complicated, can you give me two days to think it over carefully?"

After all, Wuqing has a lot of affection for Zhuge Zheng and me. The 12-year bond cannot be broken just by breaking it. Seeing that the other party is subdued, he is about to agree, but Bai Xiaofei directly refuses: "No!"

"Mr. Zhuge!"

Bai Xiaofei said earnestly: "It may be that the night has many dreams, let's talk about it now! Anyway, the truth is there, one day earlier and two days later, it doesn't make any difference!"

In the movie.

Zhuge Zhengwo had promised to be cold-blooded, and would give the other party a satisfactory answer in three days. As a result, Catching God died and he himself was arrested. Bai Xiaofei would not make the same mistake!


Zhuge Zheng, I was speechless for a while!

It's not hard to be human! He opened his mouth, and was about to say something more, but at this time, the iron hand at the side sighed heavily, and said first: "Sir, it's up to now, let's tell Yayu the truth!"

"Iron Hand, you..."

Zhuge Zhengwo was startled when I heard this, looked at Tie Shou in disbelief, and said worriedly: "Aren't you afraid..."

"never mind!"

Of course Tie Shou understands Zhuge Zhengwo's worries and worries. It is nothing more than fear that Wuqing will do something to himself and avenge his family when he knows the truth!

But he really doesn't care anymore!

Looking at Bai Xiaofei, Tie Shou smiled slightly and said, "With him protecting Yayu, I can rest assured!"


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