The Storm God

Chapter 1293 Above the prince! (Please subscribe!)

Shenhou Mansion.

On the square outside the hall.

Zhui Ming, Leng Xue, Ji Yao Hua, the three of them stood here in unison, looking at the living room opposite with the closed door eagerly, their faces full of doubt and solemnity! After a while, Ji Yaohua was the first to be unable to bear the cold atmosphere, and said in a cold-blooded, charming and beautiful way: "Brother Leng, what do you think they were talking about inside?"

"have no idea!"

He replied coldly.

Regarding the massacres in various places, as well as the many doubts about Zhuge Zhengwo, Leng Xue is now full of confusion and confusion, and his thoughts are all on it. How can he still have the mood to flirt with Ji Yaohua, even if the other party talked about things, There is also something about this, but obviously missed the point!

"What else can I say!"

Hearing the words, Zhui Ming shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said: "In my opinion, Mr. Zhuge, there should be many clues about these cases, including the mystery of the ruthless life experience, but because of many objective factors, I can't tell you. Everyone, according to my intuition, some extremely important people may be involved in this!"

"An important person?"

Ji Yaohua smiled slightly, and when she heard Zhuge's words, she turned her eyes, and then said with a deep meaning: "Mr. Zhuge's background is not small, even the prince is his best friend, and he can be so scrupulous by Mr. Zhuge." The important person, could it be him?"


"Is there anyone more important than the prince?!"

"On the prince, is that?"


Speaking of which.

Ji Yaohua paused on purpose.

Because there are some things, it's best to stop at the end, and it's too late!


as expected.

After hearing Ji Yaohua's conjecture, whether it was chasing life or being cold-blooded, all of them frowned, and began to think about the case infinitely. Let alone, after Ji Yaohua's guidance , The two of them really thought of a lot of things, and many things that they couldn't understand before suddenly became clear.

Just at the critical moment when the two of them suddenly realized the truth and were about to figure out the truth of the matter, they heard a "squeak", and the door of the opposite hall opened without warning. The three of them looked intently, and saw Bai Xiaofei walking out of the hall in a "princess hug" posture, hugging the unconscious Wuqing!

Bai Xiaofei's expression was only worried and anxious!


Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

What Bai Xiaofei is worried and anxious about is not the so-called case, but because of ruthlessness!

As for Zhuge Zhengwo and Tie Shou?

All right!

Their complexions are not very good either!

All of them had sullen faces, full of guilt and remorse, self-blame, and worry, as if they owed others a lot of money and favors, and their brows were almost wrinkled.

"Mr. Bai!"

"Is the negotiation over? Ruthless, what is it..."

"Go away!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei approaching with Wuqing in his arms.

Zhui Ming and Leng Xue took a step forward immediately, wanting to ask what happened to Wu Qing, didn't they mean to ask the truth of the matter? Why did you suddenly become unconscious? What's the situation? Unexpectedly... what he got in return was Bai Xiaofei's roar and a merciless collision!


Bai Xiaofei just left.

But Chasing Life and Leng-Blood were bumped into by Bai Xiaofei and staggered one after another, nearly falling to the ground! After they managed to stabilize their bodies, the ground under the two of them had already been deeply branded with several big footprints!

The strength of Bai Xiaofei's collision is evident from this!

This is life-seeking and cold-blooded.


In the words of ordinary people.

He was afraid that he would be hit by Bai Xiaofei on the spot, his bones would be broken and his chest would be shattered, and he would be seriously injured and spurt blood!

"I rely on it!"

"What's the situation with each of them?"

"Too rough!"


Chasing was speechless.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei's leaving back angrily, and wanted to complain, but he didn't have the guts to say it, and finally swallowed it in his stomach. And Leng Xue rushed directly in front of Zhuge Zhengwo and Tie Shou, asking, "What's wrong with Wuqing? Why is Mr. Bai so angry?"


Zhuge Zheng and Tie Shou looked at each other, then just shook their heads and sighed.

There is no explanation.


On the contrary, Ji Yaohua, who knew some inside information, was thoughtful after seeing such a scene, and secretly smugly hid there.

At this moment……

Jiao Niang came in from the outside.

Seeing that there was something wrong with everyone's expressions and faces, he couldn't help asking: "Just me, what's going on? Why was Yayu taken away by Bai Xiaofei? And he was still in a coma, and he didn't even bring his wheelchair. Could it be that he was injured? But this is not right!"

She looked suspicious and puzzled.

"do not talk!"

Zhuge Zhengwo interrupted: "Yayu has already left, from now on, she is no longer a member of the Shenhou Mansion!"


It doesn't matter how everyone is.

Old Zhuge turned around and left the hall, not knowing where he went.


The eyes of the rest of the people.

Then they all transferred to Iron Hand, hoping to find out from him what happened. However... Tieshou is a boring gourd, no matter how everyone asks, he just doesn't say anything! I just kept on in my room, smelting, smelting, and smelting!

It's quite depressing to make everyone!

at the same time……

In the settlement base somewhere in the deep mountains and old forests.

An Yunshan took a lot of trouble, and finally found an extremely rare thousand-year-old Tai Sui in the land of Kunlun, and then sent people to the capital in a hurry. Until now, this has just arrived here, followed by Immediately, An Yunshan took it out and sent it to the old famous doctor.


An Yunshan pointed to the thousand-year-old Taisui and said, "Can this thousand-year-old Taisui be used as the main material for the transformation technique?"

"This is……!"

After seeing the thousand-year Taisui, the old famous doctor was stunned for a moment, then widened his eyes, and said in great surprise: "The thousand-year Taisui? Oh my God! It's still alive! It's unbelievable! Hahaha! That's great! Master, yes! With it, I can assure you that Mr. An's transformation technique is absolutely foolproof!"

"Nothing is lost?!"

Hearing the words, An Yunshan immediately nodded in satisfaction, and ordered: "Very good, since that's the case, then you should carry out the transformation as soon as possible!"


The old famous doctor left happily.

At this moment……

Sexy and enchanting like smoke.

Twisting the waist of the water snake that was grasped gracefully, and the "crippled" giant chest sticking out, she walked over softly and bonelessly, then saluted An Yunshan very respectfully, and reported: "Master, I have followed your orders. Kill all the people on the plan list with the five thunders of Tiangang!"

"What should I do next?"

"very good!"

An Yunshan's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "In this way, the Six Doors and the Shenhou Mansion will inevitably be messed up. We must take this opportunity to completely destroy them! Next, you go to the Six Doors Open the door and ask Ji Yaohua about the specific situation on both sides, and then I will make relevant plans and actions!"



Inside the six doors.

Catcher sits high on the throne of the master of the six gates.

At the moment, I am listening attentively to Jiang Lei, describing the big and small events in the capital and various places after he retreated, especially about the attack on the palace, the arrest of An Shigeng, the robbery of the execution ground, and the massacres in various places. Catching God's intuition told himself that there must be some kind of necessary connection among them!

"grown ups!"

Jiang Lei talked for a long time, and now he finally got to the point: "These cases all have one very obvious thing in common - they were all killed by the extremely powerful Tiangang Wulei! And this Tiangang Wulei is the result of Zhuge Zhengwo's youth. In the whole world, there are only two sets of famous weapons used at that time!"


Catching God's eyes fixed, and said for him: "So you suspect that Zhuge from the Shenhou Mansion is correcting me?"


Jiang Lei didn't dare to hide anything, so he answered truthfully.


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