The Storm God

Chapter 1294: God Catcher Visits! (Please subscribe!)

"grown ups!"

Jiang Lei said bluntly: "It's not that I have any opinion on the Shenhou Mansion, but that many evidences and clues point to Zhuge Zhengwo. I have to doubt the possibility that he is the murderer, although he has sufficient injustices. It was proved on the scene, but the Tiangang Five Thunders are Zhuge Zhengwo's famous weapon, and there are only a handful of people in the world who are proficient in this weapon!"

"Even if it wasn't done by him himself, it must have a great relationship with him!"

"The analysis makes sense!"

Hearing this, Catcher nodded in satisfaction and said, "Jiang Lei! You can investigate this case with confidence and boldness. If you need anything, just tell me! Your Majesty has entrusted this case to our six doors to handle it. We must investigate it to the bottom!"


"The case of robbing the court must be speeded up!"


Jiang Lei got the order.

Then he turned around and left, presumably to handle a case.

As for Catch the God, with nothing to do, in the empty six-door hall, he used his bare hands to unleash the profound meaning of the way of the sword that he had just comprehended, and saw countless transparent sword intents with his arms and swords together. The sword energy appeared in an instant, and all of them flew towards Catching God with cheers.

That posture...

It really looks like Wanjian Guizong!

that's the truth!

that day.

In Shenhou Mansion.

When Bai Xiaofei explained the confusion to everyone, he not only mentioned the different realms of swordsmanship, but also talked about his admiration for Wanjian Guizong, as well as some of the practical theories, and Catching God was inspired by Bai Xiaofei, Only then was he able to break through the realm and comprehend the magical skills of swordsmanship!

Today's Catcher.

The awakened kendo and sword intent, as well as the level and unique skills, are very different and different from the kendo he comprehended in the plot, but compared to the original one, the current catcher is undoubtedly stronger And those who are more unpredictable, can definitely be included in the ranks of peerless masters!


Peerless masters also have strengths and weaknesses!

Compared with the old fox like An Yunshan, although the current catcher is much more powerful, it is just like a newborn baby, almost powerless to fight back!

And about the mystery of this, only a very small number of people can know it!

after all……

Although Song Dynasty is full of talents.

But there are not many people who can be promoted to peerless masters!

This requires not only extraordinary talent, talent, and comprehension ability, but also a great opportunity. Several factors are indispensable! For example, Catching God, if it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei's help, according to the original plot setting, if he wanted to break through his own shackles and advance to the third level of swordsmanship, he would have to wait at least another year or a half!

Even if he has successfully advanced to the next level, it is equivalent to opening the door to a new world, and there is a wider and vast "world" inside, waiting for this pink and tender "newcomer" to catch God. "To explore and take risks, to get one step closer, is almost as difficult as going to heaven!

And characters like Bai Xiaofei and An Yunshan are equivalent to martial arts heroes in the new world, ministers of the court, and rich people among the common people. Catching God, Xiaomengxin who just entered Xinshou Village, and them The gap between them is really not that big, it is simply a difference between clouds and mud!

about this point.

The more Chasing God comprehends the power and obscurity of the new realm, the more profound his experience will be! And it was only at this moment that he had a clear and vague concept of Bai Xiaofei's unfathomable strength. If he compares himself to a seedling, then Bai Xiaofei is definitely a towering tree!

And it's still the kind that has lived for an unknown number of years, and is almost on the verge of becoming a genius!

If he fights against Bai Xiaofei, he will definitely lose!

So far.

Immediately, Catching God was full of awe and longing for Bai Xiaofei, and said in his heart: "I never imagined that Master Guoshi would have such a realm and strength at such a young age. It's really incredible! Compared with him, he who once boasted of being a genius, That is simply a waste of waste, and I don't know when I will reach that state?"


"With my aptitude and talent, I'm afraid there is no hope in this life!"

"Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish!"


I laughed at myself.

Immediately, Catching God ended the study and practice of kendo stunts, calmed down, returned to calm, and then said to himself: "My kendo realm can break through and improve, all thanks to the guidance and inspiration of the master of the country, now I have just mastered swordsmanship, so why should I show it to Master Guoshi!"

While talking.

People have gone farther and farther, and finally disappeared at the gate.

at the same time……

In the dark.

Somewhere in a dark corner of the Great Hall of Six Doors.

A wave of ripples suddenly appeared, followed by the darkness, revealing Ji Yaohua's beautiful face!

It turned out that she had been hiding here just now, secretly monitoring Catching God's sword practice.


"As thin as a cicada's wing!"

"Straight to the inside!"

"What a powerful sword intent and sword energy!"


Ji Yaohua turned her beautiful eyes and took a fixed look. She was injured by the sword energy of Catching God just now. The stone pillars in the hall were full of sword marks. She said to herself with a serious face: "Unexpectedly, Catching God retreated for a few days. , the strength has risen to such a level, it seems that it is absolutely impossible to assassinate Catching God with my strength alone!"

Regardless of what Ji Yaohua thinks.

the other side.


Bai Xiaofei returned to his room with ruthlessness.

The prince followed closely behind, and ordered the subordinates in the mansion to rush forward and backward, for fear of neglecting the ruthless and angering Bai Xiaofei.

not long...

Bai Xiaofei's room was tidied up.

But Wuqing still didn't wake up, she was still in a coma, her pretty face was cold, her brows were tightly frowned, even though she was unconscious, she still maintained a sad and resentful expression, it can be seen that Zhuge Zhengwo and others concealed the act of the Sheng family's massacre , How deeply it hurt her!


Bai Xiaofei sighed deeply.

Although he had already expected that Wuqing might not be able to stand the cruelty of the truth, causing him to lose control of his emotions and be stabbed in his heart, but he never expected that Wuqing would be hit so violently that he was so angry that Qi and blood flowed backwards, and the nervous system was disordered and passed out on the spot!

If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei's presence, who promptly treated Wuqing, which greatly alleviated her physical damage, especially the damage to her mental and nervous systems, Wuqing's long black hair would have turned silver on the spot. Flying Waterfall has become Wen Rui'an's version of the white-haired witch!

But that's the case.

Ruthless' waterfall-long hair, there is still a small part, which has turned into a silvery white color. Just eighteen years old, at the age of youthful exuberance, but with two strands of white hair growing out, it can be seen that the blow that Wuqing received this time is absolutely painful to the marrow and heart!

Thinking of the ruthless encounter, Bai Xiaofei felt very uncomfortable!

Especially now, seeing the already pitiful Wu Qing, two strands of incomparably silvery white hair grew out of his forehead, combined with Wu Qing's sad face and brows that couldn't be stretched even when he was in a coma, Bai Xiaofei felt as if there were countless needles. , like stabbing my heart fiercely, the pain is excruciating!

The most important thing is...

Bai Xiaofei knew all the reasons for this, but he couldn't help Wu Qing, this is what hurt him the most!

According to common sense, it should be the treacherous and cunning Cai Xiang who killed the Sheng family. Isn't it murder? !

If Wuqing really wanted to avenge the Sheng family, Cai Xiang would certainly die, but what about the other people who were used?

Song Huizong and the other eleven culprits will not be mentioned for now.

What about Zhuge Zhengyi and Tie Shou?

To know.

They have raised Wu Qing with their own hands for twelve years!

Twelve years of fetters and the kindness of nurturing, it is simply like the ruthless reborn parents and relatives, which have already left indelible marks on the ruthless life and heart, and now... the truth is revealed, and I have been raised for twelve years. The relatives of the year were actually one of the murderers who killed his whole family!

How can you be ruthless to bear such a cruel truth?

Not to mention Wuqing, who is only eighteen years old, who is not deeply involved in the world, and who has just begun to fall in love. Even Bai Xiaofei, who has experienced a lot of trials and tribulations and has a mind far superior to ordinary people countless times, will be helpless when encountering similar things. It's so confusing!


For ruthless.

A coma is now the best way to escape!

She would rather all this is a dream than wake up and face the pain and fate that is hard to choose!


"Send someone to take good care of her, and if she wakes up, notify me immediately!"

"Yes, my lord!"


Bai Xiaofei sighed and left the room.

Just a few steps after walking out, someone came down to report that it was God Catching a visit, and brought a lot of gifts!

"Catch God?"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback when he heard that.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, as if he was planning something.


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