The Storm God

Chapter 1295 Reborn! (Please subscribe!)

settle down.

Inside the secret base deep in the mountains.

After two days of transformation, using the thousand-year-old Tai Sui as the main material, mixed with other natural materials and earth treasures, the old famous doctor finally succeeded in transforming An Shigeng into a brand new form, which is different from the one who can only sit on a wooden pile in the movie plot. In reality, unlike the wooden man who cannot move, the current An Shigeng is almost the same as before!


If you look carefully.

Some clues can still be seen, for example... An Shigeng's right half of his body is obviously bigger than his left half! That's because the old famous doctor began to use the knife on An Shigeng from the right side of his body, and the left side of his body, because of the vital heart, can't be transformed to a great extent!

Naturally, there are many changes. Almost half of the body has been replaced by the thousand-year-old Tai Sui and other natural treasures. The right half of the body is obviously stronger than the left half. And regained the control of the body, and greatly enhanced his own strength!

The original time.

An Shigeng is proficient in the two attributes of ice and fire, and his strength is extremely strong!

The overall level is probably higher than Catching God, slightly lower than Zhuge Zhengwo, but definitely inferior to An Yunshan. But now... After the transformation, An Shigeng's body is no longer completely human, and he is also compatible with the wood attribute of the thousand-year-old Tai Sui!

Water gives birth to wood, wood gives birth to fire, fire burns gold, and gold gives birth to water! The power of the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint! The current An Shigeng's overall strength, physical fitness, and his own realm have already surpassed him by far, far too much. It is not impossible to surpass his old man An Yunshan during the holidays!


After knowing the condition of your body.

An Shigeng is not only not depressed and unhappy, but rather excited and excited!

"The surname is Bai!"

An Shigeng clenched his fists.

With a ferocious expression on his face, he said viciously: "You wait for me, I, An Shigeng, will definitely repay the revenge of that day to you a hundred times and a thousand times!"

"Master An!"

The old famous doctor suddenly reminded: "Although your current body has been transformed, but because it lacks the two attributes of earth and metal, the power of the five elements is not complete. When the exercises are in operation, there will inevitably be some defects and flaws. There is nothing the old man can do, I can only rely on Mr. An to be careful!"

"No problem!"

An Shigeng waved his hand indifferently.

He sneered and said: "With my current physique and strength, there are few opponents, so there is no need to be afraid! Besides... that Bai, and everyone in the Shenhou Mansion, were hit by my Ten Fragrance Explosive Pill Powder earlier, There is no real antidote to detoxification, the more they use their internal energy to fight, the faster the toxicity will be exerted!"

"Fight with me?"

"See if I can't kill them!"


A pair of vows, the appearance of winning!

"Don't be careless!"

At this time, An Yunshan suddenly appeared behind An Shigeng, and reminded him in a deep voice: "That man named Bai has an extraordinary background, and his methods are even more strange. I had a brief encounter with him when he robbed the magic field earlier. It can be said that the confrontation is extremely difficult, and it is almost evenly divided with me!"

"This is the result of the other party being poisoned by the Ten Fragrance Explosive Pill Powder, otherwise..."

"The consequences are simply unimaginable!"


An Yunshan looked at An Shigeng solemnly.

He exhorted: "Before you looked down on the opponent too much, you were defeated like a mountain and almost lost your life. This time you regained your life, you must not be so arrogant again. You must know... there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are mountains outside the people." Someone! Maintain a heart of awe, sometimes it is not a bad thing!"


An Shigeng quickly restrained his emotions, put on an appearance of being taught, and said seriously: "I understand!"

"do not worry!"

"I will be more careful when dealing with them this time!"

"Will never make a mistake again!"


An Yunshan nodded in satisfaction.

After complimenting the famous old doctor, he took An Shigeng out of the transformation room, and discussed with him about An's family plan!

at the same time……


Inside the hall.

Catching God was sitting opposite Bai Xiaofei, talking about his enlightenment of swordsmanship.


The main thing is to thank Bai Xiaofei.

After all, without Bai Xiaofei's guidance, there would be no current Catching God. Catching God is not a person who does not repay his kindness, and has a millennium record of the fruit of his kindness. Therefore... for Bai Xiaofei's request to see the results of his sword comprehension, Catching God is naturally not easy to refuse, so he can only use a few tricks casually, in front of Bai Xiaofei, who is a master of swordsmanship, he has made a fool of himself with his axe!


"You actually comprehended your sword skills so quickly!"

"It's really yours!"


To be honest, Bai Xiaofei was still very surprised!

That day, he just casually talked about the mystery and general direction of Wan Jian Guizong, but he never expected that Catching God would actually create a kind of sword similar to Wan Jian Guizong, but with a strong personal style, relying on his own comprehension. The kendo stunt of the color and color is very powerful!

It can be seen from this that the comprehension of catching gods and the aspect of swordsmanship are still very amazing, but it is only because of the lack of help from good teachers and helpful friends that they are self-proclaimed, and they are deeply involved in the intrigue of the imperial court. His kendo realm has been stagnant!


The achievement of catching gods is probably not in the slightest!

"Your Excellency has won the prize!"

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's praise, Catcher hurriedly replied modestly: "If it weren't for the guidance of the master of the country, I am afraid that it would be impossible for me to make this progress based on my own efforts. Count it on the head of the master, the favor of the lord, I will definitely remember it in my heart, and I will never forget it!"

"Ha ha!"

"It's just a small thing, don't worry about it!"

"Sit down and talk!"


Bai Xiaofei waved his hands indifferently, and called for Catcher to sit down quickly, followed by a startled expression, and said, "But having said that, I really have something here, and I need Lord Catcher's help, but I don't know how to catch God Would God be willing to do me this favor?"


Catcher was startled when he heard this.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei with curiosity and puzzlement on his face, he said puzzledly: "I want to hear about this, what kind of thing is it that can make Master Guo Shi feel a headache and need my help? Your Excellency Just say it, if I can help you, I will do my best to repay the kindness of the teacher's guidance!"

"Is such that!"

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment.

Immediately after that, I explained all the tragedies that happened in various places, as well as the case of the Sheng family being wiped out, all related doubts, and my own guesses, all with Catching God in detail, and finally came to a conclusion: "If If I guessed correctly, the next target of the real culprit behind this scene is either one of the twelve culprits back then, or you, God Catcher, who is the master of the six gates!"


Catcher was taken aback on the spot.

Aside from accidents, Bai Xiaofei was also very concerned about these cases, and had grasped so many clues. He was also very puzzled by Bai Xiaofei's speculation. It seemed that he had nothing to do with these cases, right? ? Why did the murderer hit my attention? !

"Because only in this way can Zhuge Zhengwo be framed reasonably!"

Of course, Bai Xiaofei knew the doubts in Catcher's heart, so he didn't write any ink, and directly told all the things he knew: "It's just like the so-called killing people and punishing their hearts, that's all! The other party will not only be able to deal with the Shenhou Mansion, You can also master the six doors and completely clear the obstacles behind, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone!"


What Bai Xiaofei said was clear and logical, and he couldn't tolerate any doubts or rebuttals. After pondering for a while, Catching God's face sank, and he suddenly said: "Master, what do you mean... there are traitors under the murderer's subordinates in my six doors? All our actions now are under the control of the other party." Under control?"

Thinking that this possibility is not impossible, the first thing Catching God thinks of is Ji Yaohua and other female catchers!

No way, who made them the most suspicious!

"That's right!"

"But that's not the point!"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head when he heard the words, then smiled evilly at the corners of his mouth, his eyes glistened, and said: "The most important thing right now is how we will accept the move, use the existing clues and conditions, cheat the world, break the situation smoothly, until finally find out The real culprit, put an end to this conspiracy and chaos!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's sinister smile, Catcher is not an idiot, how can he not see that the other party already has a conspiracy?


Catcher smiled slightly, looked at Bai Xiaofei with squinted eyes, and said directly: "If I'm not wrong, Master Guoshi should have already planned this matter? Could it be that you asked me for help as you mentioned earlier? Is it related to your master's plan?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, nodded, and said truthfully: "I do have some plans for this matter. I plan to use the other party's traitors planted in the six doors to confuse the public and hide the truth. At that time, I will need the full power of the God Catcher." Assist, otherwise I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to finish this good show smoothly!"


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