The Storm God

Chapter 1296: Mr. Ximen seeks an audience! (Please subscribe!)

"grown ups!"

After Catching God left the Shenhou Mansion, just after returning to the six gates, a younger brother ran over quickly and reported: "A homicide has occurred in the capital, and Jiang Lei, Ji Yaohua and others have already gone to the scene of the crime!"


Catching God was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought to himself: "Could it be one of the twelve culprits again? It won't be so soon that the Master of the State Teacher will say it right?!"

He immediately frowned and asked, "Where is the scene?"

"The eastern outskirts of the city!"


east of the city.

A mansion in the suburbs.

When Catcher arrived, the scene was already full of people, including people from Six Doors and Shenhou Mansion!


There are not many people in Shenhou Mansion, most of them are people from the Six Doors, and two waves of people are currently inspecting and analyzing the corpses of the whole family!

"grown ups!"

"God catcher!"

Seeing the God Catcher appearing, everyone greeted him one after another.


Catching God nodded lightly, glanced slightly at the scene of the horrific Miemen tragedy, and saw corpses everywhere, bleeding profusely, and the incomparably thick bloody smell, mixed with the expression of the deceased unwilling to suffer, made the whole scene almost unbearable. Just like Shura Purgatory!

Catcher frowned.

Then he asked Jiang Lei, "How is the on-site investigation going? Are there any usable clues?"

"grown ups!"

Jiang Lei glanced at the cold-blooded and life-chasing men in the Houshenhou's mansion without a trace, and then said to Zhushen: "The murder method in this case is almost the same as that in the previous massacres. According to my inference, the murderer should be The same gang!"

He didn't say a word later, that is, the weapon used by the murderer is still the extremely lethal Tiangang Wulei!

Jiang Lei suspected that the murderer might be Zhuge Zhengwo!


Since the people from the Shenhou Mansion are also here, Jiang Lei is too embarrassed to say so, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings!

Even if this suspicion is chasing life and cold-blooded, it is the same. There are some things that can be seen through or not explained. We are still good friends, but once it is put on the bright side, the nature is different!

Life-seeking and Leng-Blood are not idiots, how could they fail to see what Jiang Lei meant, they just acted as if they didn't know!

Regardless of everyone's thoughts and reactions.

Catcher pondered for a moment, then went straight to the topic and said, "Who is the deceased? Have you found out his identity and origin?"

This is the most important thing!

"Find out!"

Jiang Lei said truthfully: "The name of the deceased was Ouyang Da, who was called Yin Yang Fan by people in the Jianghu. He retired from the Jianghu 12 years ago and lived in seclusion here. The same, they are all people in the Jianghu who changed their names at the same time!"

"as expected!"

Hearing Jiang Lei's answer, Catching God sighed in his heart, and muttered to himself: "Master Guoshi has a clever plan, and the black hand behind the scenes actually did it again, and it was so fast. If Mr. Guoshi expected it to be true, then the murderer The next target should be me!"

"It seems..."

"Even if I don't want to act in this shocking drama, I can't do it! Forget it! Now that things have happened, I can only follow the trend and follow the master's plan to see what the real murderer behind the scenes is capable of!"

So far.

Catcher stopped hesitating and ordered Jiang Lei and the others to say: "Take all the corpses back, check carefully to see if there are any omissions, try to find clues as soon as possible, and solve the case!"



The massacre in the capital city was quickly spread by interested people. For a while, people panicked and prepared for danger in times of peace!

Especially the original owner of Ximen Villa, who is now aliased as Zhang Yiwan, Mr. Ximen who opened a blockhouse in the capital!

He is also one of the twelve culprits!

I witnessed that all the friends who participated in the massacre of the Sheng family's extermination all suffered misfortune and perished, and all the evidence and clues pointed to Zhuge Zhengwo! Naturally, he couldn't calm down, he was afraid that it would be his turn next!

It's not that he didn't think about leaving here.


Because of the robbery case, the entire capital is now blocked, and anyone who enters and exits is strictly investigated. In addition, Zhuge Zhengwo of the Shenhou Mansion is a long-established master and big shot, the capital is simply the home of the Shenhou Mansion. And the territory, Mr. Ximen is not confident that he can escape from the opponent's nose!


If you act rashly, maybe you will anger the other party and make yourself die faster!

But it is absolutely impossible to just sit and wait like this. Mr. Ximen now has a family and a room, so he can live a carefree life. Even if he doesn't think about himself, he still has to think about his family, his wife and children!


In order to avoid the tragic end of being murdered by Zhuge Zhengwo, and even killing his entire family, Mr. Ximen must find a way to save himself!

After thinking about it for a while.


Mr. Ximen still decided to announce the truth of the year to the public. Only by letting everyone understand the truth of the matter and making Zhuge Zhengwo the target of public criticism, can he have a chance of survival!

Even if I was arrested and convicted by the court, it was only myself and my family would not be harmed!

After making up my mind.

Young Master Ximen didn't hesitate, and reluctantly bid farewell to his family, he brought the golden hook halberd that he had been hiding with him for twelve years to the six gates!


"who are you?"


Although Young Master Ximen has lived in seclusion for many years, his aura has not weakened much. In addition, he is holding a long thing wrapped in high-quality silk and satin in his hand. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that it is definitely a weapon. , the guards of the six gates thought that Mr. Ximen was here to make trouble, so they shouted angrily to stop them, and all drew out their weapons, looking serious, if you dare to do anything wrong, immediately Get ready!

"Don't be nervous, gentlemen!"

Seeing that the other party misunderstood, Mr. Ximen immediately smiled and said: "I have no malicious intentions, this is just a guy who is defending himself, I am here to find Mr. Catcher Liu, I have something to tell him, and I also want to see some officials Please help pass the message, and say that Mr. Ximen is asking to see you!"


Fearing that the other party would continue to misunderstand, in order to show his sincerity, Young Master Ximen slowly put the golden hooked halberd in his hand on the ground, and raised his hands high to indicate that he did not have any malicious intentions!

as expected!

The soldiers of the Six Doors, seeing Young Master Ximen like this, immediately believed the other party's words. Although they still did not put down their weapons, their faces softened a lot.

One of them said, "It's a coincidence that you came here. Lord Catcher has just been invited out by Lord Zhuge Zhengwo of the Shenhou Mansion. You'd better come back another day!"


Young Master Ximen's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he exclaimed, "I was invited out by Zhuge Zheng of Shenhou Mansion?"

"Is he going to..."

"not good!"

Thinking of a certain possibility, Mr. Ximen suddenly shook his body, and while his face was frantic, he rushed to the armored soldiers who had six doors and said: "Zhuge Zheng, I want to cut my salary from the bottom of the pot, and completely cut off the possibility of finding out the truth of the case! Catcher!" Your Excellency is in danger!"



at the same time.

On the outskirts of the capital, in Shili Pavilion.

The scenery here is beautiful and there are many monuments. It is very famous around the capital, but few people come to it!

Catching God came here upon invitation, and saw Zhuge Zheng me, with his back to himself, standing with his hands behind his back, as if he was meditating on something, he looked like an out-of-world expert!

"Brother Zhuge!"

Catching God said with a meaningful smile: "Is there anything that can't be discussed in the mansion, why do you have to come here?!"

"Of course there is!"

Zhuge Zhengwo turned around when I heard the words, with a ghostly and evil smile on his face, but an undisguised cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he said, "For example... I want your life!"

The voice did not fall.

He flew up, holding a sharp blade in his hand, and shot towards God Catcher like a shooting star!


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