The Storm God

Chapter 1297 An Shigeng makes a move! (Please subscribe!)


In the heartless room.

At this moment, Wuqing has come to his senses, but his mood and face are not very good!

After Bai Xiaofei heard the news, he hurried over.

"Yu Yu!"

"Little Fei!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei appear.

Only then did the ruthless face change slightly, and the eyes were full of joy, excitement, hope, and spiritual sustenance! Perhaps... At this moment, Bai Xiaofei is probably the only person she can trust now! Besides Bai Xiaofei, she really didn't know who to trust!

after all……

Even Zhuge Zhengwo and Tie Shou, who had raised her for twelve years, lied to her!

And she was also one of the enemies who destroyed the family of her Sheng family!

This made her unacceptable!

"never mind!"

Relentless emotion is very emotional.

Bai Xiaofei could feel it, so he quickly walked up to him, hugged him in his arms, and comforted him: "Everything is over, and everything will be fine! Don't think too much about it, your current body is not injured. Light, especially in terms of spirit, you must rest with peace of mind, and the rest will be discussed after the injury is healed!"

In order to appease the ruthless agitation and disordered emotions, Bai Xiaofei even resorted to hypnosis and illusion.

Only in this way can Wu Qing feel at ease!

at the same time……


Shili Pavilion.

A big battle has already begun.

have to say.

Zhuge Zhengwo's swordsmanship is still very powerful!


Compared to Catcher.

But it's not enough to see, after all, he is now in the third level of swordsmanship, and he has realized his own unique swordsmanship, which has already surpassed the mortal world, and there is no need to use real sharp blades. Any substance can become a sword in the hands of God Catcher!


Facing Zhuge Zhengwo's attack.

Catching God was not in a hurry, his eyes shone brightly, while raising his brows slightly, he pointed his left arm together as a sword, raised it lightly, and in an instant, dozens of invisible qi swords that seemed to be solid were lying across In front of him, easily blocked Zhuge Zhengwo's stabbing sword!

Not only that.

Being beaten passively is not the character of catching God.

Seeing Zhuge Zhengme attacking me, he did not show any weakness, Qi Jian felt the intention of catching God, and immediately rioted, as if they were spiritual, flying all over the sky, like countless locusts, towards Zhuge Zhengme, madly Shooting away, the momentum is both urgent and domineering, and it is extremely powerful!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The air sword is fast.

Zhuge Zhengwo's reaction was not slow either, he waved his long sword like a fan, resisting all the Qi swords that were shot by God Catch. However, it was the powerful impact brought by the repeated attacks of the Qi sword, and he retreated again and again with regret, and his momentum was greatly reduced. The strength gap between the two sides was simply clear at a glance!


The catcher's swordsmanship is superb, and his eyes are even more fierce.

What is Zhuge Zhengwo's ability, Catching God has already made a decision in his heart, he is only stronger than himself, how can he be so unbearable? The person in front of him, even with such difficulty in resisting his own casual blow, must be a counterfeit! With this in mind, Catching God immediately showed no mercy, poking with the sword finger of his right hand, dozens of invisible air swords took shape again in an instant!

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

The qi sword shot out like a thunderbolt.

The fake Zhuge Zheng I was only able to resist the Qi sword in the left hand of Catching God, and I was already stretched, how can I resist the Qi sword in the right hand of Catching God at this moment?

Hearing a soft sound of "噗噗噗", dozens of qi swords pierced through various parts of the fake Zhuge Zhengwo in an instant, leaving a lot of scars on the opponent! But the other party is also considered powerful, at the critical moment, he escaped the fatal point, and now although there are many wounds on his body, they are all minor injuries.

Not worth mentioning at all!


The opponent pretended to be Zhuge Zhengwo's illusion, but because of this, a flaw was leaked!


A strange mist of smoke flashed.

Seeing Zhuge Zhengwo who was gnashing his teeth, he suddenly changed into a charming, coquettish and alluring Ruyan!


Catching God with a flash of lightness.

From the height of Shili Pavilion, fly down.

Looking at the enchanting and coquettish Ruyan on the opposite side, he sneered and said: "I knew that you would not be Zhuge Zhengme. Looking at your appearance just now, you must practice the ninjutsu of Penglai in the East China Sea! Unexpectedly, Penglai is a small place. , but the strange art is so weird and unpredictable!"

"If I'm not wrong, Ji Yaohua should also be your accomplice?"


Catching God said swearingly.

He has long been suspicious of Ji Yaohua. Although the suspicion of Ji Yaohua has weakened due to the incident of the dead body Han Long, as a catcher, his intuition and sensitivity have not weakened at all, especially It was after Bai Xiaofei's guidance that Catching God was even more convinced that there was something wrong with Ji Yaohua!

Now that the person pretending to be Zhuge Zhengwo seems to be from Penglai, East China Sea, Catching God's suspicion of Ji Yaohua is even more certain!


Facing the powerful Catching God, Ruyan was fearless, and said with a sneer, "As expected of Catching God, I saw Ji Yaohua's flaws so quickly, but... so what if you see through it? Today When you get here, you are destined to be unable to leave alive, and in the end, your position as the head of the six doors will be handed over to Ji Yaohua!"

And as she spoke.

Outside the Ten Mile Pavilion, a big red figure suddenly appeared strangely, he seemed to appear out of thin air, and the speed was very fast, before Catching God could react quickly, the other party was stunned in the blink of an eye, It appeared directly beside Ji Yaohua from the far side!

"What a speed!"

Catching God was taken aback immediately, and his heart was extremely horrified.

After awakening, he has comprehended the realm of the unity of man and nature. Although he has not yet fully reached the peak of this realm, he can already perceive some situations between heaven and earth in a small range. The reason for using the invisible air sword!


The opponent's movement just now.

Catching God has no sense at all, as if the other party is a part of the world, it can be described as extremely weird! But these are not the most important. What really horrified Catcher was that when Catcher tried to use his perception to detect the depth of the opponent's strength, his own consciousness and induction were directly swallowed up by the opponent!

"What kind of magical power is this?"

Catching God was extremely shocking, and at the same time, the alarm rang loudly in his heart, and almost immediately entered a state of full alert!

"Master Catcher!"

At this time, within the figure of Wei An shrouded in the big red robe, there was a familiar but extremely charming voice of laughter: "I haven't seen you for a few days, so you forget things so much, even me!" Can’t even recognize it? I still gave you a telescope!”


The other party raised his head slightly, and slowly pulled back the cover covering his head!

"Who are you……"

Catching God finally saw the other party's true face clearly.

Suddenly his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "An Shigeng!? How did you become like this?!"

However, An Shigeng saw that although An Shigeng still had a fresh face, the hair on his head had disappeared, replaced by a piece of green branches and leaves, and his right half of his body was covered with It has a vigorous and hard bark, except that it still maintains the appearance of a human body, it is almost the same as a tree!

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire right half of An Shigeng's body now looks like a human-shaped tree! Not to mention Catching God's astonishment, even Ruyan, who saw An Shigeng who had been reborn for the first time, stared at her beautiful eyes and was terribly surprised!


It seemed that the words of the God of Arrest had hit the sore spot.

Or An Shigeng, who really couldn't stand the special eyes of the two of them as if looking at monsters, saw him snort coldly, and said angrily: "The reason why I became what I am today is not because of the one surnamed Bai." That bastard killed you! Catcher, don't worry, after I kill you, that Bai will go down to reunite with you soon!"


Before the words fell, An Shigeng made a sudden move.

I didn't see him making any movements, but when he raised his right arm, there were countless tentacles-like branches, like thousands of spirit snakes, crazily coming towards the gods, not to mention extremely fast, even in an instant. Sealed off all escape routes of Catcher!


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