The Storm God

Chapter 1298: Flying Pigeon Passes Letters! (Please subscribe!)

Shili Pavilion.

After getting the news from Mr. Ximen, Jiang Lei, Ji Yaohua and others rushed over with countless six-door arresters. However... when they finally arrived, what they saw was a messy scene and a horrible corpse!

"God catcher!"

"Lord Liu!"

"This, how is this possible?!"

"The Catcher is dead!"


Everyone was shocked, and their faces changed dramatically!

That's right!

The corpse lying on the ground.

It's Catcher!


Jiang Lei clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were about to split open, he gritted his teeth and said, "We are hurrying, but we are still one step late!"

The remaining soldiers of the six sects quickly surrounded the scene.

Wu Zuo also began to examine the body.

"grown ups!"

After a while, Wu Zuo came to a conclusion, and then reported like Jiang Lei and other leaders: "Master Catcher's wound is very special, and it is almost exactly the same as the fatality suffered by the massacre in various places. It can be concluded that it should be The same weapon!"


Jiang Lei gritted his teeth and said, "It must be Zhuge correcting me!"

No wonder he thought so.


All the evidence and clues point to Zhuge Zhengwo!

Jiang Lei and the others couldn't help but suspect him, and the reason why Catching God went out today was because of Zhuge Zhengwo's invitation. Now that Catching God has been killed, Zhuge Zhengwo is naturally the most suspicious!

And following Jiang Lei's opening, the countless soldiers of the six sects who were loyal to Catcher immediately became extremely excited and angry, threatening to go to Shenhou's mansion, arrest Zhuge Zhengwo, To avenge Lord Catcher Liu!

At this time, Leng-Blood and Life-seeking also came.

Chasing your life is nothing.

after all……

He doesn't know Catcher well.

To him, Catcher's death was almost no different from other massacres.

But cold-blooded is different!

To know.

Leng-Blood was raised by wolves since he was a child.

Later, I met Catching God, and then I officially lived a human life, and only then did I have the current Leng Lingqi. It can be said that they are Leng Lingqi's reborn parents. Although they are extremely demanding on Leng Lingqi, they can't conceal his kindness in nurturing Leng Lingqi. For Leng Lingqi, Catching God is his father!


Catcher was murdered, and his death was extremely miserable.

As a son of man, how can you accept being called Leng Lingqi? Agitated, angry and sad, he could no longer suppress the blood poison in his body, and instantly transformed into a ferocious werewolf, which really frightened many people from the six doors! Even Ji Yaohua and Zhui Ming who had experienced Leng Lingqi's wolf transformation were no exception!

this time.

A cold and abandoned wolf.

The image is more terrifying and comprehensive than ever before, almost completely becoming a giant wolf!


After being transformed into a wolf, Leng Lingqi was not controlled by blood poison and anger as usual, and became violent and out of control. Instead, he knelt down in front of the corpse of Catcher like a helpless child, feeling sad The incomparable Howl of Heavenly Wolf, that shrill voice is really earth-shattering, making people feel sad and cry when they hear it!

Everyone was originally afraid of Leng Lingqi after he turned into a wolf, but after seeing Leng Lingqi in such pain, almost all of them were infected by Leng Lingqi's sad and pitiful appearance. Completely forgetting his monstrous hideous appearance now, only sympathy and pity for him!


The news of Catcher's death spread quickly.

The entire capital, up and down, whether it was the imperial court or the people, were all amazed and stunned by it. While hating the murderer, they were also panic-stricken, fearing that they would become the next target! Especially the Wanlong Gambling House, who turned into Zhang Yiwan's Mr. Ximen!

"The Catcher is dead!"

"What a Zhuge correcting me!"

"you are vicious!"

While Mr. Ximen was terrified, he also had a complete understanding in his heart. The other party made it clear that he wanted to kill people to silence them, and completely cut off the restoration of the truth of the year! Even Master Catcher Liu, the head of the Six Doors, dares to kill, who else is Zhuge Zheng that I dare not touch? Rather than hiding and being beaten passively, it is better to fight vigorously to the death!

So far.

Immediately, Mr. Ximen stopped thinking about other things. After leaving the will and letters, he left the gambling house and came to the outskirts of the capital alone, with his golden hook and eucalyptus! He believed that even if he didn't need to notify Zhuge Zhengwo, the other party would definitely come to him.

as expected!

After hearing that Catching God was killed, Zhuge Zheng and I immediately wanted to find Mr. Ximen.

To this day, apart from Tie Shou, Mr. Ximen is the only survivor among the twelve culprits. Whether it is for the truth of the incident that year, or to protect Mr. Ximen and prevent the real murderer behind the scenes from attacking him, Zhuge Zhengwo has everything. Responsibilities and obligations, I need to talk to Young Master Ximen!

What a dream.

Zhuge Zhengwo just went out, and saw Mr. Ximen on the way, and saw that he was alone, carrying a golden hook and halberd towards the outskirts, and an accident might happen, Zhuge Zhengwo couldn't care less now, so he followed him all the way , also followed Mr. Ximen to the outskirts of the capital.

at the same time.

After the people of Six Doors experienced the pain of the death of God-hunters, they immediately launched a large-scale investigation and search for clues. As the first person who predicted that God-hunters might be killed, Mr. Ximen naturally bore the brunt It has received the attention of the six doors!


When they came to Bandung Casino.

All he found was that Mr. Ximen had left letters and wills, and he himself had left the capital for the suburbs!

"not good!"

Jiang Lei and others are not stupid.

How could they not see what Young Master Ximen wanted to do?

After reading the letter, Jiang Lei and the others suddenly changed their expressions. After leaving some people to protect Mr. Ximen's family members, they immediately led a large number of soldiers and rushed to the target place that Mr. Ximen mentioned in the letter. , I hope to prevent the murder of Young Master Ximen!

And this among them.

Including the life-chasing, iron hand of the Shenhou Mansion, and the extremely angry Leng Lingqi!

the other side.


Bai Xiaofei is brewing a special medicine for Ruthless.

The ruthless disabled legs have reached the most critical time, and they only need to take this last batch of medicine to completely heal and become healthier than normal people. But not long after Bai Xiaofei left the room, a snow-colored white dove flew in from the outside with a "flapping edge".

Doves are very spiritual.

From the open window, the familiar ones flew into the heartless room.

"Xiao Fei?"

This white dove is Wu Qing's pet. Coincidentally, the white dove is also called Xiao Fei. Seeing Xiao Fei flying over suddenly, Wu Qing is quite curious. Isn't it in Shenhou Mansion? Why did you fly here so well? Then Wurui discovered that there was actually a small paper roll tied to its leg.

"Flying Pigeon Passing Letters?"

Wu Qing was startled for a moment, and immediately took off the scroll, opened it, and saw a line of small characters written on it: "One of the twelve culprits, Mr. Ximen is in the outskirts of the capital, come quickly! Otherwise, there is no hope of revenge!"

The words are short, but they go straight to the point and hit the nail on the head!

"One of the twelve culprits!"

Seeing this noun, Wuqing couldn't help but immediately recalled the tragic scene when his whole family was killed. He became angry and lost his mind in an instant. He didn't even think about why Xiaofei sent this scroll. Who exactly wrote the scroll, and what is the purpose of passing the book on this time!

This moment.

In the ruthless mind, there is only one thought, and that is revenge!

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was not there, no one was stopping him, and the ruthless who lost his reason due to the impact of hatred, he no longer hesitated, and immediately activated his thoughts, controlled a chair to fly in front of him, then gritted his teeth and sat on it, and finally used the Bai Xiaofei taught her the method of controlling objects with mind power, and led him directly out of the room, flew out of the palace, and rushed towards the outskirts of the capital!

By the time the servants in the palace informed Bai Xiaofei of Wuqing's departure, Wuqing had already flown away.

"Damn it!"

Bai Xiaofei was very depressed.

He never expected that he had already brought Wuqing to the palace, but he still couldn't stop the correction of the plot.

If I guessed correctly, Wuqing must have sought revenge from Young Master Ximen.

This is Anjia's conspiracy!


"I have to stop her!"


It's no small matter to go ruthlessly!

According to the original plot, after falling into the trap, Wuqing and Zhuge Zhengwo were caught by Ji Yaohua and others from the Six Doors, and all the stolen goods were stolen, and they could not argue with each other, and then they would be imprisoned in the Iron-Blood Prison, where they would be severely tortured! Zhuge is just me, that's all, his skill is unpredictable, it's okay to suffer a little bit, anyway, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care!

But ruthlessness will not work!

She is the woman Bai Xiaofei believes in, how could he just watch her suffer!



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