The Storm God

Chapter 1300 Nothing to say! (Please subscribe!)


Green mountains and green waters, the blue sky is like washing!

"Yu Yu!"

Seeing Wuqing appear, Tieshou was shocked!

Sitting ruthlessly on a wooden chair, floating in the air, with cold eyes, bluffing hair, dozens of special hidden weapon darts, flying like elves, surround the whole body!

Opposite and below her, there is Mr. Ximen with wide-eyed eyes and an equally stern face and eyes!


Master Ximen can't fly.

But this doesn't mean that he has no choice but to use Wuqing. He saw him slam the golden halberd on the ground, three points into the ground, and then lift it up suddenly, with fierce strength and no waves, instantly destroying the earth!

Countless broken stones are like darts hidden weapons, and they immediately shoot violently, all rushing towards the ruthless in the sky!

"See how long you can fly!"

Young Master Ximen does not believe that Wuqing can fly for a long time, otherwise she would not be a mortal, but a fairy!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Ruthless is naturally not something to be trifled with, especially after accepting Bai Xiaofei's guidance, although her mind power level has not improved much, her operational ability has improved dramatically!

Just like this imperial art!

In the past, Ruthless was not very proficient in controlling some relatively large things, such as vases, let alone using his mind to float and fly!

But now...

Ruthless seems to be able to distract and multi-purpose, while keeping objects flying, he can also control darts to attack!

It can be seen how much progress it has made!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Ruthless's darts with concealed weapons are extremely accurate, without fail, all the hidden stone weapons shot by Princess Ximen were blocked by Ruthless, and even beat and canceled, and launched a new round of attacks on Young Master Ximen!


Mr. Ximen is not an idiot either!

The trick of throwing stones is just a trick to deceive people, his real intention is the blind spot directly below Ruthless!

"go to hell!"

The golden hooked halberd rose out of the sea like an angry dragon, and it rose up from the ground violently. It cooperated with Mr. Ximen's unique lightness attack, which was extremely extraordinary!

Ruthless caught off guard!

In addition, the level of mental power is too low, the body has not recovered, and after flying all the way, the mental power and mind have been consumed a lot, and the state is no longer at its peak.


Facing Mr. Ximen's premeditated attack, she was powerless, and it was too late to dodge it!

On the nick of time!


I saw a figure like an iron tower suddenly appearing across the sky, and bumped straight into Young Master Ximen who rose from the ground and rushed towards him ruthlessly!


The two fell from mid-air together.

Fortunately, both of them are first-class masters. To them, this little impact is not painful at all, and they didn't cause any injuries at all, but they just looked a little embarrassed!


After ruthlessly saved the day, in order to preserve his strength and save his thoughts, he also controlled the chair and landed from mid-air.

follow closely……

Under the control of ruthless mind, the wooden chair that carried her all the way shattered in an instant, turning into countless sawdust and fragments, which were used as hidden weapons by ruthless, and shot towards Young Master Ximen like a meteor rainstorm!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

What a Mr. Ximen!

As expected of a character who became famous twelve years ago, his reaction was really quick. A golden hooked halberd was used by him so superbly that it was impenetrable, knocking out all the hidden weapons that ruthlessly shot at him!


"The remnant of the Sheng family, now that you have fallen to the ground, your legs cannot move, I see what tricks you have!"


Young Master Ximen gained the power and knocked away all the hidden weapons. Seeing that Wuqing seemed to have nothing to control, he suddenly became vicious, waved the golden hook halberd, and immediately attacked Wuqing like a lightning bolt!

"You can try!"

The ruthless secret path is not good, I came out too hastily, I didn't bring any equipment, I only brought some original darts, now I have used all means, and I have consumed a lot of mental power and energy, this is a disaster!


Facing the enemy who killed the Sheng family, Wu Qing can't weaken his aura by saying anything, so he can only bite the bullet and fight it!

"Yu Yu!"

And just when Wuqing was about to fight to get injured, and wanted to unleash his strongest thought power attack method to kill Mr. Ximen, Tie Shou suddenly rushed over, blocked Wuqing, and started fighting with Mr. Ximen!


Mr. Ximen has a golden hook and a great halberd, he is still a celebrity who became famous twelve years ago, but his iron hands are not bad either. Although he has no weapons, his pair of iron fists are invulnerable, not inferior to any magic weapon. The golden hook halberds fought together recklessly, and there were bursts of golden and iron clanging sounds immediately!

"Iron Fist Invincible?"

Seeing that his iron hand blocked his golden halberd with a pair of soft fists, Mr. Ximen was startled and said in astonishment, "It's you...!"


He has recognized the original identity of Iron Hand!


Before Young Master Ximen finished speaking, he saw the ruthlessness of his distraction and opening up opportunity, but shot suddenly, with full power of thought power, controlled the few stones under his feet, and shot at Young Master Ximen in unison like a cannonball!

"Puff puff!"

Poor Young Master Ximen, who possesses outstanding martial arts skills, but has no chance to show them off. Just because of a surprise and distraction, he was ruthlessly seized the opportunity, and was shot into a hornet's nest on the spot!

It was a horrible death!

at the same time……

Jiang Lei, Ji Yaohua and others from the Six Doors also just arrived at the scene. Coincidentally, they witnessed the scene of ruthlessly controlling Shizi and shooting Mr. Ximen!


Young Master Ximen's body fell to the ground in a state of indignation, blood was flowing, and the ground was soon rendered blood red!

The other side!

Zhuge Zhengwo, Zhuge Ming and Leng Lingqi, who were aware of the situation here, were all slightly startled, and all of them stopped involuntarily!


Although Leng Lingqi lifted the wolf-like state, his suspicion and anger towards Zhuge Zhengwo did not weaken because of this. Seeing Zhuge Zhengwo stop, he put the steel in his hand without hesitation. The long knife lay across Zhuge Zhengwo's neck!

"What else do you have to say?"

Leng Lingqi stared fixedly at Zhuge Zhengwo, and asked coldly. Zhuge Zhengwo looked at Wuqing with complicated eyes, finally sighed, shook his head and said: "I have nothing to say!"

"Come on!"

Seeing this, Jiang Lei, Ji Yaohua and the others immediately ordered angrily: "Zhuge Zheng me killed Catching God, suspected to be the real culprit behind the massacres in various places, arrest me!"


More than a dozen six-door warriors immediately stepped forward and arrested Zhuge Zhengwo. Zhuge Zhengwo didn't resist, as if he had resigned himself to his fate in despair, and let him manipulate him!

"Ruthless girl!"

Ji Yaohua came to see Wuqing, and said with a sly smile: "You killed Mr. Ximen, all eyes are on you, and the evidence is as solid as a mountain. According to the laws of the Song Dynasty, you may also come with us!"


Ruthlessly silent.

He just stared at the unidentified young master Ximen with dull eyes, neither the joy of revenge nor the sense of relaxation after liberation in his heart, only endless emptiness and bewilderment!

It's time to kill!

It's time to catch it!

But my relatives can't come back either! The world is so big, I am the only one left, so what should I do?


Seeing Wuqing's appearance, Ji Yaohua didn't say much, she turned her head and winked at the guards around her, who immediately understood and took out the iron chain to put Wuqing on her!


Just then.

Suddenly, a cold shout came from the void, the voice was powerful, but ethereal and unreal, as if it came from all directions, it instantly calmed down everyone in the field!

Everyone looked around in a daze, and soon discovered in astonishment that in the distant sky, there was a figure like a frightened bird, stepping on a flying sword, like a fairy in myths and legends, flying towards the sword!

The opponent's speed was extremely astonishing, in just a split second, he came not far from the crowd, and it was only at this moment that everyone really saw the face of the visitor clearly!

"Mr. Bai!"

"My lord!"

"Little Fei!"

Everyone exclaimed!

Especially Wuqing, the moment she saw Bai Xiaofei appearing, her eyes that were originally dull and dull suddenly flickered with ripples and colors again!


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