The Storm God

Chapter 1301 What's the matter with me! (Please subscribe!)

"grown ups!"

Among the crowd, Ji Yaohua had the greatest opinion and hatred towards Bai Xiaofei.


Seeing that the plan is about to succeed, Zhuge Zhengwo and Wuqing can finally be arrested, but Bai Xiaofei suddenly jumps out to interfere, of course she is not happy!

Therefore, after recovering from the shock, she immediately faked a smile and said to Bai Xiaofei: "In the massacres in various places, Zhuge Zhengwo is the most suspected, and I have nothing to say, and the ruthless girl committed murder under the watchful eyes of everyone. We have the right to arrest and investigate him!"

"Could it be..."

"My lord, do you want to cover them up?"


The tone is cold and fearless!

Ji Yaohua doesn't believe it anymore, now that the evidence is overwhelming, the parties involved don't defend themselves, and they acquiesce in the crime, how can you, Bai Xiaofei, arrogantly ignore the law in front of so many people, and defend Zhuge Zheng and me?


Bai Xiaofei snorted coldly!

He doesn't care about Zhuge Zheng's life or death! Although the other party is indeed a pretty good talent, it hasn't reached the point where Bai Xiaofei attaches so much importance to it!

What Bai Xiaofei really cares about is ruthlessness!

after all……

She is the woman Bai Xiaofei has his eyes on, so how can she just stand by and watch her woman being set up by someone to arrest her and suffer?


But Bai Xiaofei withdrew the flying sword, flashed from the sky beside Wuqing, ignoring the six-door policemen around him, picked up Wuqing, turned around and left!

"grown ups!"

Seeing this, Ji Yaohua became anxious immediately, and shouted coquettishly: "We have responsibilities, please don't make things difficult for us!"

And following her opening, Jiang Lei and other police officers from the six gates also pulled out their weapons in a very tacit understanding, as if they were about to shoot if they disagreed!


Bai Xiaofei is awesome!

Not only is he a master of martial arts, but he is also a national teacher of the dynasty. Who dares to disrespect him? But now and then, ruthlessly committing murder in public, everyone has seen with their own eyes that according to the laws of the Song Dynasty, one can be arrested and questioned, but now Bai Xiaofei is ignoring the law, and is about to take people away, the six doors attack Bai Xiaofei, Naturally, it is not considered disrespectful!

on the contrary……

They are defending the majesty of the law. Even if this matter is brought to the court, they are meritorious and innocent!

And because of this.

Ji Yaohua and the others are so unscrupulous, of say that they are not afraid, it must be a lie, Bai Xiaofei's strength is beyond everyone's imagination, trying to stop Bai Xiaofei from robbing people, it is tantamount to idiots' dream !

But the necessary posture still needs to be shown, otherwise, once someone gets through today's matter, saying that the six doors don't even have the courage to face Bai Xiaofei, it will be a shame to throw home!


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei stopped in his footsteps, turned his head slightly, and cast a cold sideways glance at Ji Yaohua from the corner of his eyes, then said domineeringly: "It's difficult? That's your business, what has it to do with me? Wuqing is my woman, If you want to touch her, you have to pass me first, if you have any problems, come to me!"


No matter how the crowd reacted, with the movement of Wushang Qinggong, Bai Xiaofei rushed straight to the sky with his ruthless figure in his arms, flew up into the sky, stepped on the flying sword, and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye!


There was silence.

Regarding Bai Xiaofei's unreasonable and robbing behavior, everyone was speechless and helpless for a while!


Seeing that Wuqing was fine, Zhuge Zheng couldn't help but feel relieved in my heart. He wasn't worried at all when he was arrested, but Wuqing was different. Wuqing was the core of the whole case. There will be more conspiracies and tricks calling on Wu Qing!

Ruthless life experience is already pitiful enough! After these 12 years of buffering, I managed to calm down, Zhuge Zheng, I just want this child who is like my own daughter to live a good life and stay away from those darkness and conspiracy!


Backfired, the more you are afraid of something, the more the facts will come out. The twelve culprits were killed one after another, and their family was wiped out. Zhuge Zheng, I immediately guessed that someone might be targeting me and Ruthless!

So he tried his best to conceal and find out the real culprit behind the scenes, and he didn't want Wuqing to recall the events of the year and suffer from it.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei take away the ruthless arrogance now, Zhuge Zhengwo was surprised and shocked, but also recognized Bai Xiaofei's feelings for ruthless, and felt relieved.


He suddenly felt a sense of relief!

He secretly sighed that even if he was unfortunately killed by someone, he would not have any worries. The only regret was that he felt sorry for Jiaoniang!

"Damn it!"

Zhui Ming, Tie Shou, Leng Lingqi and others, seeing Wu Qing being rescued by Bai Xiaofei, were naturally very happy and admired, but Ji Yaohua was very angry, but helpless.


I could only grit my teeth in resentment, and ordered the arresters of the six doors to take Zhuge Zhengwo away!

As for the ruthless question?

talk about it later!


Ji Yaohua didn't believe it anymore, it was just a newly promoted national teacher, no matter how powerful he was, he could still have the power to overwhelm the ruling and opposition parties? As long as An Jia and Cai Xiang make an effort, the whole world and the imperial court will target you as the national teacher. We will see how long you can protect her!

"let's go!"

The people from Six Doors took Zhuge Zheng and left me!

Naturally, Tie Shou and others will not stay here. Mr. was framed and imprisoned, and the Shenhou Mansion has no leader. They must find a way to break the situation and rescue Zhuge Zhengwo!


Leng Lingqi was a little surprised!

He already decided that Zhuge Zhengwo was the murderer who killed Catching God, and he never thought about saving Zhuge Zhengwo at all!


When Tie Shou said to find a way, find clues, and rescue Zhuge Zhengme, Leng Lingqi said directly: "I'm going to you, don't count me in!"

Then turn around and walk away!


Tie Shou suddenly became furious and almost attacked directly. Others didn't know the truth. He and Zhuge Zhengwo were both participants in the Sheng family extermination case. How could they not understand the strangeness of this? It was clear that someone deliberately framed him!

But because of all kinds of scruples, he couldn't explain to everyone, and his whereabouts have long been filled with anger. Seeing that Leng Lingqi didn't believe Mr., and insisted that Mr. is the murderer, this kind of betrayal is simply equivalent to anger. Adding oil, how can you not be angry when you call Iron Hand?

If it wasn't for Zhui Ming who was blocking him, He Si Ni, just two hot-tempered guys, would have fought into a ball long ago!

"White-eyed wolf!"

"I should have seen it, you were never from the Shenhou Mansion, you were sent by the six sects to deal with us!"

"If you leave, don't come back!"


Iron Hand shouted angrily.


Leng Lingqi heard the words and didn't reply.

He just frowned tightly, with a cold face that seemed to remain unchanged for thousands of years, and left silently!

Regardless of the situation here.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei was very fast, and it didn't take long to bring Wuqing back to the palace, and gently put him back on the bed.

"Little Fei!"

Looking at Bai Xiaofei with ruthless eyes, his eyes were full of emotion and happiness, and said: "Why are you so stupid! Is it worth it to offend the entire court for me?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled brightly, nodded without hesitation and said: "Yayu, you are my only concern in this world, and those other things, to me, are almost just floating clouds, do you think it's worth it?!"


Ruthless want to say something.


However, Bai Xiaofei directly interrupted: "Yayu, you just used up a lot of energy and thought power, which is very bad for your injury, don't think about it now, take a good rest, and leave the rest to me Let's deal with it!"

In order to let Wu Qing rest in peace and restore his depleted mind, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to use hypnosis and illusion again.


Ruthlessly fell asleep!

After Bai Xiaofei covered Wuqing with the quilt, the smile on his face instantly dropped, looking at the note in his hand that lured Wuqing to the suburbs, his eyes flashed murderous intent!

"Woman who dares to scheme against me, no matter who you are, I, Bai Xiaofei, promise that I will definitely make you pay the price!"


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