The Storm God

Chapter 1302 Death of God Catcher! (Please subscribe!)

six doors.

In the dark and cold mortuary room that has undergone special treatment and transformation, a group of professional butlers are busy examining the corpse!

The corpses here are all the dead of major cases, such as Sun Bugong, Dugu Wei, Ouyang Da and others!


Even Catcher is no exception!


The stone door opened, and two people walked in, it was Ji Yaohua who was temporarily acting as the head of the six doors, and Jiang Lei, his deputy!

In fact, according to her qualifications and merits, Ji Yaohua was originally not in her turn to be the master of these six doors. Jiang Lei is much more qualified than her! But who made Ji Yaohua hard in the background!

"grown ups!"

Seeing the two people coming in, the operators inside hurriedly greeted them respectfully. Ji Yaohua waved her hand, and then asked: "How is it, how is the body inspection of Catcher? Are there any other clues?"

Of course she didn't really care about Catching God's affairs, she was very clear about how Catching God died, all this was just a play Ji Yaohua pretended to show to the other six-door people!

after all……

Catching God was the former master of the six doors, but now he was designed to kill him, and the crowd was furious, wanting to find the murderer to avenge him. Ji Yaohua is the first to take the position, if she doesn't behave well, she will inevitably become dissatisfied and appear It's a matter of obedience and obedience!

This is not what she and An Jia want to see, so Ji Yaohua still has to do the necessary superficial work!


Ji Yao was deeply scheming, she had other plans a long time ago, now that she has six doors to rely on, she doesn't want to be at the mercy of An's family anymore. Although she didn't dare to confront An's family openly, Ji Yaohua could come in the dark. For the sake of freedom, she would not let go of any chance!

"Report to my lord!"

One of the foremen heard the words and immediately replied: "After a detailed inspection by the villain, I found that Lord Catcher's body is unusual and there are many strange things. Although the most severe wound on his body was caused by the five thunders of Tiangang, But based on my many years of experience, the fatal injury of Lord Catcher is not like this, but comes from the fatal destruction of internal organs!"


Ji Yaohua was slightly taken aback.

Although she knew that Catching God was killed by An's family, Ji Yaohua really didn't know exactly how. After all, she wasn't there at the time.

Hearing Wu Zuo's words at this moment, he was immediately curious, and quickly asked: "What's the explanation for this?"

Not only her.

Jiang Lei was also very puzzled. Compared to Ji Yaohua's curiosity, Jiang Lei really cared about the death of Catching God. After all, he was single-handedly promoted by Catching God, and he was very sincere to Catching God. Death, there is another strange thing, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Quickly tell me, how did Catcher die?!"


Seeing that Jiang Lei was so excited, the assistant immediately didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly replied: "My lord, according to the inference of the villain, Mr. Catching God should have suffered extremely serious internal injuries, and was finally bombarded to death by the five thunderbolts of the sky. !"


"The villain is still in Lord Catcher's body, and found some very small and strange unknown substances, which are supposed to be left over from when the murderer attacked Lord Catcher!"

"Please take a look, my lord!"


As Wu Zuo said, he quickly presented his discovery with both hands, and sent it to Ji Yaohua and Jiang Lei!

But he saw that Zuo Zuo was holding a small wooden tray in his hand, and inside the tray was a purple-red thing the size of the cover of a little finger!

This thing is very strange, neither gold nor iron, as if obtained, it is still wriggling and rolling, as if trying to escape, very strange!

"This is……"

Ji Yaohua's eyes widened when she saw it, with an expression of disbelief, and Jiang Lei was the same, horrified: "What is this? still alive?!"

"The villain doesn't know!"

That Wu Zuo immediately shook his head helplessly, and said: "The villain has never heard of this thing, but I heard that Liu Yuyi in the palace is well-informed, known as the living encyclopedia of doctors, maybe he can recognize this thing!"


Hearing this, Jiang Lei's gaze was fixed, and after taking the tray, he immediately said, "I'll take someone to Doctor Liu to find out! Master Ji, I'll leave this to you!"

"Well! You go!"

Ji Yaohua's eyes flickered for a moment, she seemed to be distracted, after hearing Jiang Lei's words, she just responded casually!

After Jiang Lei left.

Ji Yaohua didn't stay too long, and after a while, she also left the corpse room, but... none of them noticed that one of the two guards guarding the gate of the corpse room was Leng Lingqi Changing his face, he heard everything that the clerk said just now!

Now he is puzzled!


Leng Lingqi believed that Zhuge Zhengwo was the murderer, but now, with more and more doubts, especially the cause of Catcher's death, there are other strange things, he not only started to be at a loss and reflect!

Was it really Zhuge Zhengwo who killed Catching God?

If Zhuge is really correcting me, with his force, he should be slightly better than Catcher. If that is the case, then why does he use the Tiangang Five Thunders that can represent his identity?


It is still used after defeating Catching God and the winning ticket is in hand, which is obviously redundant, unless Zhuge Zheng and I want to vent our anger!

But this is not logical!


What kind of thing is it that looks like a living thing that was taken out of Catcher's body? How could there be such a thing in the body of God Catcher? Could it also have a great connection with the death of Catcher?

This moment.

Leng Lingqi's mind was full of doubts and puzzles!

But just when he was troubled by it, and couldn't figure it out, in the darkness, a strange and extremely swift figure came directly from outside without anyone noticing, as if entering a no-man's land. Arrived outside the mortuary!


Leng Lingqi is not an ordinary expert, and he is poisoned with blood. He has a special sense of smell and wolf sense. He is very sensitive to strange smells and dangers. He spotted that person almost immediately!


The man didn't seem to expect that Leng Lingqi would find him, he was taken aback for a moment, followed by a hey smile, and said inexplicably, "You're not stupid!"

next moment.

Leng Lingqi felt his brain sank, followed by dizziness, his limbs were weak, as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights, and when he pulled his eyelids, he was about to fall into a deep sleep!

"not good!"

Leng Lingqi yelled in his heart, bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, intending to stimulate with pain and avoid drowsiness!


This method was useless at all, within two or three seconds, Leng Lingqi closed his eyes and fell limply to the ground!

When he woke up again, he found that everything around him was as usual, except for those low-strength guards who were still unconscious on the ground, as if nothing had happened!


Leng Lingqi frowned immediately, and muttered to himself: "That mysterious expert came here in the middle of the night, there is no way he has no purpose! By the way... this is the corpse room, could it be..."

He suddenly thought of something, his expression changed immediately, and he rushed into the corpse room, only to be shocked to find that the ice coffin where the corpse of the catcher was stored was already empty!


Seeing that Catcher's body had been stolen, Leng Lingqi's eyes were about to burst, he was so angry that he almost turned into a wolf and ran away out of control. Just at this time, Ji Yaohua and other six-door people who noticed the abnormality at the morgue also rushed to the scene.

"Brother Leng!"

Seeing Leng Lingqi in the corpse collection room, Ji Yaohua was startled and said in amazement, "Why are you here? Could it be that you..."

The others were also taken aback on the spot.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Catcher's body has been stolen, send someone to search!"


Leng Lingqi said anxiously.

Catching God means a lot to him, the death of Catching God has already dealt a big enough blow to Leng Lingqi, and now even the corpse has been stolen by gangsters, why don't you tell him not to rush!


"Master Catcher's body was stolen!?"

"It makes no sense!"


The people around the six doors, after hearing Leng Lingqi's words, were immediately angry, all of them blushed and had thick necks, that was called anger and rage!


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