The Storm God

Chapter 1303 Settlement's Trick! (Please subscribe!)

settle down.

Within the deep mountain base.

Ji Yaohua came here and was about to report the situation to the old man.

How can I think...

Just entered the house, haven't spoken yet.

Seeing An Yunshan snorted coldly, with a stern tone and full of anger, he shouted: "Trash! It's in vain that I have wasted so much thought, you can't even deal with a crippled woman. What use do I need you for, trash with more than enough trouble!"


Ji Yaohua was shocked.

Quickly knelt down and explained: "This matter has nothing to do with me! It is really that Bai who forcibly intervened, which disrupted the master's plan! The master also knows that the strength of that Bai is unimaginable, and he is in a high position. He is the national teacher of the current dynasty, holding the magic pill in his hand, and is highly valued by the emperor!"

"Based on the situation at the time, even if I forcibly blocked it, it would not help!"

"Master, please be careful!"


There was lingering fear on his face.

It's not that Ji Yaohua pretended, but she was really frightened by An Yunshan!

An Yunshan is not An Shigeng, he is really hard-hearted and cruel! This point can be seen from his continuous absorption of pure yin energy from the girls to resolve the hidden danger of his own star-absorbing magic. If he said that he wanted to punish someone, he definitely didn't mean to be half a joke!


After being reborn, An Shigeng stood beside An Yunshan.

As a son, he is very clear about the old man's temper. Seeing that the old man wanted to vent his anger on Ji Yaohua, An Shigeng quickly chimed in and said, "Ji Yaohua can't be blamed for this matter, her surname is Bai. It's not that you don't know what strength she has, so let her go!"


"Ji Yaohua is now the master of the six doors, and it will play a very important role in our future plans! If you kill her now, then some of our previous efforts will be in vain. And I'll be sad too!"

"You know, she's my sweetheart!"


Sure enough, An Shigeng was still the same An Shigeng.

Although his body and appearance have changed, his temper and disposition have not changed much, especially when facing Ji Yaohua.

"All right!"

An Yunshan snorted coldly when he heard the words, looked at Ji Yaohua coldly, and immediately said: "This matter will bypass you for the time being! But... in the future, if you make any mistakes again, it will be a big deal. It means death! Do you understand?"

"Yes! Master!"

Ji Yaohua nodded quickly and said.


An Shigeng secretly smiled at Ji Yaohua, and then said to An Yunshan: "The ruthlessness of the Shenhou Mansion is now rescued by Bai, this is seriously inconsistent with our plan, should we Think of a way, give him some color and see!"

An Shigeng naturally hated Bai Xiaofei!

If it weren't for him, An Shigeng wouldn't be reduced to the person he is today. It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why An Shigeng is today is all thanks to Bai Xiaofei. Seriously interfered with their plan to settle down, An Shigeng would of course take the opportunity to take revenge!

As the saying goes, knowing a son is like a father!

How could An Shigeng's little thoughtfulness be hidden from the treacherous An Yunshan? !


What An Shigeng said was not unreasonable.

The ruthlessness of the Shenhou Mansion was the core of the Sheng family's massacre twelve years ago. Without her, whether it is to frame Zhuge Zhengwo of the Shenhou Mansion or to use the public opinion of the world, it will be a huge suffering , so no matter what, we must find a way to let the imperial court arrest Wu Qing!

Only in this way can Anjia's future plans be implemented smoothly!

After pondering for a while.


Suddenly, An Yunshan's eyes lit up.

Then he sneered and said, "The Bai guy is really not easy to mess with, but he is not invincible and has no weaknesses! Since he cares so much about the ruthlessness of the Shenhou Mansion, then our next plan will all focus on the ruthlessness." On the body, I want to let that surnamed Bai ruin his reputation and watch him go to jail ruthlessly!"


An Shigeng was suddenly curious.

Puzzled: "Father, tell me quickly, what kind of plan is it?"

"it's actually really easy!"

An Yunshan's eyes were full of the cunning and complacency of an old fox, and he sneered and said, "That person surnamed Bai knew that he had murdered someone ruthlessly, but forcibly rescued him. , and being valued by the emperor, no one dares to do anything to him!"


"What if Ruthless keeps committing heinous crimes again and again, causing public indignation among countless people? At that time, even if he is a national teacher, even if the emperor wants to keep him, he will have to look at the civil and military officials. Do you agree with the people of the world? If he is still obsessed with his obsession, it just gives us a good chance to get rid of him!"

"The person surnamed Bai, if he just gives up..."


An Yunshan said with a sinister smile: "Then we won't suffer. As long as he is ruthlessly imprisoned, we will immediately send someone to assassinate him, and then put all the charges on the dog emperor. When the time comes, the world will see This dog emperor won't even let such a miserable little girl go, plus the previous public grievances..."


An Shigeng interjected: "At that time, we will be able to logically and legitimately replace him! Dad! Your plan is really wonderful! You don't say too much about one action, but you still follow every step, one step at a time, regardless of whether the surname is Bai. No matter how you choose, you will have to be buried in a pit, it is really high!"


"Of course, the road your father and I have traveled is more salty than you have eaten. Learn more in the future and play less messy things. Only absolute strength and strategy are the kings that rule everything! This time If it wasn't for luck, I found a thousand-year-old Tai Sui, and let Dr. Zhang transform it for you, bringing you back to life, you would have died a long time ago!"


An Yunshan was proud at first.

Immediately afterwards, he began to educate An Shigeng. It was not that An Yunshan was narrow-minded and always took An Shigeng's failures to heart, but that An Shigeng's current appearance was so ugly! Even if it was his own son, An Yunshan would inevitably feel a little depressed when he saw it!


An Shigeng's face darkened, An Yunshan is a typical example of which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted! But who told An Yunshan to be his father? What can a son like him do if he teaches his son a lesson? Of course I choose to accept it! I could only helplessly say: "I wrote it down, I promise I will never make similar mistakes again in the future!"

"Like smoke!"

An Yunshan didn't care about An Shigeng anymore.

Instead, he turned his head and ordered the enchanting and charming Rushen to say: "You have heard the plan just now, and I will leave this matter to you. Whether you can successfully force that Bai into the pit depends on you." If you perform well, you will be rewarded if you succeed, and if you fail, you will know the consequences!"

"Master, don't worry!"

Ruyan smiled confidently, squinted at Ji Yaohua calmly, and then swore: "I am not like someone who relies on the young master's favor and favor, prides himself on his favor, and always disappoints the master. Just leave it to me! I promise to ruin the reputation of that Bai, and obediently fall into the trap!"


For Ruyan's ability.

An Yunshan still trusted him very much. After all, every time Ruyan made a move, he never let him down! And Ruyan's spiritual illusion is also very domineering and powerful. If you don't pay attention, even his master will find it difficult to tell the truth from the fake. Let her perform this task, which is the most suitable!

"Time is running out and there is no delay. In order to complete my plan to settle down as soon as possible, you go now!"

An Yunshan waved his hands.


The milk god Ruyan led her away.


Ji Yaohua also got some special tasks from An Yunshan, such as quickly integrating the inside of the six doors, trying to develop them all into her confidants as soon as possible, so that when An's family rebelled, Ji Yaohua was still a bare-handed commander , There is not even a single man who can use it!

An Shigeng is in charge of controlling the defense and garrison forces inside and outside the capital. Those who can be bribed will be bribed. Favorable conditions and guarantees!


This old fox An Yunshan has calculated everything, it can be said to be extremely thorough!

But don't know.

All the plans they negotiated here.

Someone who was hiding in the dark of An's house overheard everything.


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