The Storm God

Chapter 1304 Blood flows like a river! (Please subscribe!)

Shenhou Mansion.

After hearing that Zhuge Zhengwo was arrested, Jiaoniang and the others lost their composure immediately, and said anxiously: "Impossible! How could he kill someone? There must be some misunderstanding!"

Say it.

Jiao Niang then set off, went to the six gates, asked Zhuge Zhengwo to clarify, no matter how bad it was, I had to see if Zhuge Zhengwo had suffered, after all, she cared about people the most, and now she was arrested and imprisoned, how could Jiao Niang do not worry!

The same goes for Ding Dong and others.

In the Shenhou Mansion, Zhuge Zhengwo is their backbone, now that he has been arrested, they are naturally extremely anxious!


However, Tie Shou stopped him and said: "The top priority now is not this, but to find out clues and evidence as soon as possible, and to restore my husband's innocence, otherwise it will be of no benefit to him if we delay!"

"Of course I understand that!"

Jiao Niang looked at Tie Shou seriously, shook her head and said: "But... I don't know how to handle cases, so it won't help if I stay here! Tie Shou, why don't you let me go out and see how Mr. It is enough to investigate and run around outside! I believe in you, I believe in Zhuge Zheng, and I also believe in you!"


Tie Shou didn't understand what Jiao Niang meant, but what he was really worried about was not that, but that something might happen to Jiao Niang!

after all……

Who is the real culprit behind the scenes, what is his work style and bottom line? None of them knew, if the other party had no bottom line, and even Jiao Niang was kidnapped, or set up to frame her, it would be even worse!

"How about this!"

Zhui Ming at the side saw what Tie Shou meant, so he said, "Brother Tie Shou, I'll accompany Jiao Niang for a while, and I'll also ask Mr. about the situation, I'm counting on you outside!"

"All right!"

Tie Shou pondered for a while after hearing the words, the strength of chasing life is still very good, almost on par with him, with him protecting Jiaoniang, there should be no problem in general, and the tracking technique of chasing life is famous all over the world, maybe it can Get some helpful clues from mr.

Think here.

He nodded slightly, and said: "In that case, I will entrust you, Jiao Niang, and everyone will split up. Let's go to Shiliting to see the situation at the scene of the crime!"


Zhuiming and Jiaoniang packed up, brought some clothes and food, and left Shenhou Mansion for the six gates.

And Tie Shou and the others were not idle, and immediately set off to the scene of the crime in Shiliting, preparing to launch a large-scale search to see if they could find any clues, so as to locate the murderer's method of committing the crime.

Surprisingly, they had just arrived here when they saw Leng Lingqi at the scene of the crime. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be investigating the scene and looking for clues.


Tieshou was suddenly surprised!

Puzzled: "Your surname is Leng, didn't you insist that Mr. is the murderer? If that's the case, then why are you here?"

The tone was not kind, even a little cold and angry. There was no way, who said that Leng Lingqi's previous behavior really disappointed Tieshou? For this kind of behavior of betraying a friend at a critical moment in Cao Ying's heart, it is already very good that the iron hand didn't beat someone directly!


Leng Lingqi's face darkened upon hearing this.

However, his complexion was gloomy and cold, so even if he was unusually embarrassed at this moment, it was not easy for people to see it.

Leng Lingqi didn't care about Tieshou's sarcasm and anger, but went straight to the point: "I'm sorry! I was too impulsive before, but something happened later, and I realized something was wrong, so I came here to look for clues! "


He told Tie Shou and the others everything that happened in the morgue, and said: "The cause of Catcher's death is unknown, and the body was stolen again. This obviously does not intend to give us any investigation. This is the scene of the crime, the only place where we can investigate the clues! In order to prevent accidents from being deliberately sabotaged, I rushed over early in the morning, but it is a pity... I have limited ability and have not found any suspicious The place!"

"Damn it!"

"I didn't expect the murderer to be so vicious, even the dead, it's too much!"

"Everyone, hurry up and look for clues! Look carefully, don't miss any corner!"

"Hurry up!"


Catcher's body was stolen, which is definitely not good news for the Shenhou Mansion!

This moment.

Faced with this sudden and unexpected situation, Tie Shou immediately didn't care to stop the fight with Leng Lingqi, and it's more important to investigate the clues!

after all……

The enemy is too strong!

Leng Lingqi's strength is not weaker than his own, and even he was knocked down by the enemy in an instant. If the enemy really intends to destroy the scene of the crime, there is probably no way for people like himself to stop it!


In order to prevent accidents, they must hurry up and find clues as soon as possible, otherwise the enemy really comes to destroy the scene, and everything will be over!

The area of ​​Shili Pavilion is not large, but there are many steles standing like a forest, and it will take quite some time to search them thoroughly. Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and finally...

After searching for a while, although his strength was not good, his mind and eyesight were extremely delicate, and he quickly found out many suspicious points from the scene.

for example……

Extra sword marks!

Catching God with a sword, it is natural for there to be sword marks at the scene of the fight, but besides the sword marks of Catching God, there are other sword marks at the scene!

Zhuge Zhengwo has never used a sword, and has always traveled the world relying on strategy and his own gossip mentality.

This extra type of sword mark has undoubtedly become a very prominent suspicious point!


Why do you have to use Tiangang Wulei to kill people? ! Dealing with Catcher can also be explained as insurance, increasing the odds of winning!

But what about Ouyang Da and others?


The strength of the twelve culprits is very good, but no matter how good they are, the difference between Fan Tao, a first-class master, and a peerless master like Zhuge Zhengwo is not ordinary, it is simply a difference between clouds and mud! To deal with them, if Zhuge Zhengwo really wanted to kill people, he could almost kill ten of them!

Faced with such an opponent whose strength is seriously inferior to his own, and who can easily beat a large number of opponents, let me ask... If it were you, would you still use the Tiangang Five Thunders, which are powerful but can clearly represent your identity?

This is simply telling others that he is a murderer! Just ask, which criminal would be so brainless? Unless he doesn't want to live anymore, he will die by himself!


Is Zhuge Zheng me the one who committed suicide? !

Obviously not!


There is only one possibility!

Someone is definitely trying to lure everyone on purpose. The purpose is to frame Zhuge Zhengwo and keep him in prison, unable to stop the murderer!

Simply put, the murderer is afraid of Mr.

As for what to be afraid of?

It is unknown for the time being, but one thing is very clear to everyone, that is, the murderer obviously took advantage of Zhuge Zhengwo's weakness, making Zhuge Zhengwo unable to defend himself even if he knew he was framed!

"Zhuge Zheng, I'm obviously hiding something!"

After everyone summed up the clues and guesses they had found, Leng Lingqi frowned and said, "We have to figure out this secret, otherwise we won't be able to do anything!"


Tie Shou fell silent when he heard the words!

As one of the twelve culprits, Zhuge Zhengwo would rather be arrested, suffer great pain and be wronged but also keep a secret. He is naturally very clear about it.

He didn't want to say it at first, after all, this matter is of great importance, and it even involves the current Holy Majesty.

But in order to save people, Tie Shou couldn't be more scruples at this moment, so after pondering for a while, he directly opened his mouth and told everyone the whole story of the Sheng family's massacre that year!


"Brother Tie Shou, you are actually one of the twelve culprits. Mr. Zhuge is still your leader? Even the prince is involved in this matter? And the current emperor? This, this is unbelievable!"

"That ruthless sister..."

Immediately after listening, everyone's eyes widened immediately, with incredible expressions on their faces, extremely shocking!

at the same time.

Ruyan, who turned into a ruthless appearance, came to a densely populated street somewhere in the capital, and after a cold smile, started an inhuman massacre!


Corpses are strewn all over the fields, and blood flows like rivers!


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! Ask for a monthly ticket, recommend, reward and support! Thank you very much! Today's Valentine's Day, Wuyou is here to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day! If you have a partner, love and love, you will grow old forever, and you will be single as soon as possible, just like Wuyou! I love you guys!

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