The Storm God

Chapter 1306 Confused! (Please subscribe!)

"Jiang Lei!"

After a long while, Ji Yaohua came back to her senses and immediately ordered: "You take people in!"

No matter what the hell Bai Xiaofei is up to, no matter what, the plan of settling down must be carried out! Even if it is a trap, you have to bite the bullet and jump into it! Of course... as the saying goes, a dead fellow doesn't die a poor one, so Ji Yaohua wouldn't be so stupid as to let herself take risks!


Jiang Lei was startled when he heard this.

Immediately after reacting, she almost yelled and said in her heart, "Ji Yaohua, you are pushing me into the fire pit, MMPD!"

Even though he is absolutely unwilling, it is difficult to order an official to crush someone to death!


Jiang Lei could only grit his teeth severely.

He turned around and rushed to the arresters, shouting loudly: "You guys, follow me!"

The few arrestees who were called by name suddenly looked bitter, but what could they do? Even a big man like Jiang Lei couldn't disobey Ji Yaohua's order, and these small people couldn't help themselves, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush inside with Jiang Lei.


To their great surprise.

Bai Xiaofei just smiled at them strangely, and didn't intend to stop them! And even if they rushed inside, in the room, the murderous demon in black clothes - ruthless, did not fight them, but cooperated very well, and they tied themselves up!

"What's the situation?"

Jiang Lei was stunned for a moment, his face full of bewilderment, and he thought: "This is illogical!"


Now is not the time to think too much.

Seeing that Wuqing was arrested willingly and willingly, it was a night of long dreams and extra problems, Jiang Lei said: "I'm offended!" Then he took out more than a dozen special slender and long iron nails, and nailed them into Wuqing's big hole all over his body. Within, completely sealed its internal force!

until now.

Jiang Lei hangs his heart and hangs his guts, and this is a little bit of relief!

"Take it away!"


A group of people walked out.

And when they walked out of the room with ruthlessness and passed in front of Bai Xiaofei, the generals and the others lifted up their slightly relaxed minds, and secretly guarded against each other, with a cautious look on their faces. I'm afraid that Bai Xiaofei will suddenly violently hurt others and kill them!



Bai Xiaofei didn't act as they imagined, but looked at Wuqing with blurred eyes, with a confident and calm smile on his face, and said slightly: "Wuqing, you go with them for now, believe me, I will definitely I will return your innocence, tell those who framed you, and pay the price!"

Ruthlessly glanced at Bai Xiaofei, with trust and a smile in his eyes.

Wei Wei let out a "hmm".


She stopped talking.

He was quickly brought to Ji Yaohua's army by Jiang Lei and others.

"grown ups!"

Jiang Lei glanced at Ji Yaohua complicatedly, then saluted and said: "The little one is fortunate enough to arrest Ruthless!"


Ji Yaohua nodded lightly.

She didn't care about Jiang Lei now, but put all her attention on Bai Xiaofei.

She was really curious, what happened to Bai Xiaofei? Didn't you have a tough attitude before, and you must keep the ruthless? That pair of red crowns became a beauty in anger, and they did not hesitate to make an enemy of the whole world. Even I admired it, why did it suddenly become like this now? !

Regardless of what Ji Yaohua thinks.


Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, issued an order to evict the guest very bluntly.

He said coldly: "Master Ji, now that you guys are also arrested, but you still stay here and don't leave, could it be want to catch me too?!"

His tone was cold, his gaze was like a sword, and at the same time, his whole body was full of aura, as if he would fight if he disagreed with one word.

"let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei's aura is too powerful and terrifying!

Ji Yaohua and the others were instantly overwhelmed and stopped thinking and staying. Their expressions changed, and before Bai Xiaofei could make a move, they hurriedly left the palace. And when Ji Yaohua and his group immediately followed, Bai Xiaofei's aura disappeared instantly, and the coldness and gloom on his face suddenly turned into a smirk.

at the same time……

A person walked beside him, his figure was light, graceful and varied, and his long hair fell like a waterfall! A strand of silver hair on the forehead made her temperament more mature and stable! That's right! This person is ruthless! After many days of treatment, now, the disability of her legs has been completely eliminated!

And after Wu Qing appeared, another person also came out from the dark!

It was the dead Catcher!


the other side.

After Ji Yaohua and others left the palace, they immediately locked Wuqing into the iron-blooded prison, the room with the strictest guards, and not far from her was Zhuge Zhengwo who was being imprisoned. Being able to put Wuqing on the same level as a peerless master criminal like Zhuge Zhengwo shows that the "superior" attaches great importance to and cares about Wuqing!

at this time……

Jiao Niang and Zhui Ming are also in the prison.

With the ruthless imprisoned, they, who were not very far away from it, naturally witnessed all this.

Jiao Niang's expression changed immediately, and she said in shock, "Ruthless!"

"How can this be?"

Zhui Ming also widened his eyes in surprise. He didn't dare to say: "When did these six doors become so powerful, it's unbelievable that they were able to snatch people from Mr. Bai, the national teacher! Could it be that the horrific massacre on the street really..."


Jiao Niang glared at Zhui Ming unhappily, and snorted coldly: "Wuqing is like my daughter, I don't know what kind of temper she is? Even after going through so much, I still trust her, and I will definitely not do such a thing." There must be some misunderstanding during this period!"

Inside the prison.

He was bound tightly by iron chains and iron clothes, and there were countless special slender iron nails nailed to his body, which sealed all the acupoints and meridians in his body. Zhuge Zhengwo, who was like a disabled person, lost his internal strength and mobility, but he His ears are not deaf, so he naturally heard the conversation between Jiaoniang and Zhuiming.


"Are you sure that even Wuqing was caught in?!"

"How can this be?"


His face was full of shock and disbelief.

Obviously, Bai Xiaofei's strength and ability are too strong and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even Zhuge Zheng and I don't really believe that the Six Doors can capture Wuqing from Bai Xiaofei's hands, unless... there are special circumstances, such as even Bai Xiaofei was also designed and framed by others, and he couldn't even save himself!


This is also obviously unlikely!

Official positions and so on, to Zhuge Zhengwo and Bai Xiaofei, the powerhouses with perverted strength, are simply tasteless. There is almost no big difference between whether they have it or not. They are not afraid at all!

Now that he is being arrested ruthlessly, there is only one possibility, something must have happened to Bai Xiaofei!

So far.

Zhuge Zheng was shocked!

For an existence as strong as Bai Xiaofei to have encountered an accident, this way of settling down is too terrifying, isn't it?

Catching God was killed, the six doors were controlled by Ji Yaohua, the Shenhou Mansion fell apart, and even he was arrested and imprisoned. A god-man like Bai Xiaofei couldn't help himself, lost his position as a national teacher, and his fate was unknown The predicament of the situation led to Wuqing being caught in the iron-blooded prison. This too bad!

Things have developed to the point where it is now, do I still have to bear the truth of the year in silence, stay here, and do nothing?

At this moment, Zhuge Zhengzheng's unshakable heart began to waver. The situation outside is critical. After all, we continue to choose to believe in the ability of Tie Shou and others to handle the case. I hope they will turn the tide, turn the tide, and return everyone's innocence! Or escape first and face the predicament with them? !

This is really a problem!


After pondering for a while.

Zhuge Zhengwo finally gritted his teeth and made his own choice!


He suddenly opened his mouth and said to the outside: "I can't keep silent anymore, the method of Anjia is too horrible! We can't be passive like this anymore! Go out first and see what's going on outside? Then Contact Mr. Bai and find a way to rescue me!"


When Zhui Ming heard this, he was overjoyed.

Haha smiled and nodded in response: "Sir, you have figured it out, you must use extraordinary means at an extraordinary moment! That's the right thing to do!"

Zhuge Zheng me: "..."


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Thank you very much! It's New Year's Eve today! It's the last day of 2017, and Wuyou is here to wish everyone all the best in the new year, all wishes come true, good luck, and always eat chicken! Fafa all the way!

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