The Storm God

Chapter 1307 Prepare to rob prison! (Please subscribe!)

settle down.

Inside the secret base in the mountains.

Ji Yaohua came here to report the situation. When An Yunshan heard that Wuqing had been imprisoned in an iron-blooded prison, he couldn't help raising his brows, and said in surprise: "It's strange! That boy named Bai let you off so easily with the remnants of the Sheng family. Captured? This is illogical! Is there some trick in it?"


An Shigeng shook his head and said, "I don't think so?"

"Ruyan pretended to be ruthless, massacred wantonly in several major streets of the capital, blood flowed into rivers, and caused a sensational street massacre, which shocked the whole world. Such a huge and bad influence, let alone him, a small Now that the national teacher is gone, even the emperor can't just sit back and watch!"

"That Bai's choice to let go and hand over Wuqing seems to be reasonable!"


An Shigeng really didn't understand what his father was worried about.

"I hope so!"

An Yunshan always felt that something was wrong, but for a while he couldn't explain why, and couldn't find any clues. After hearing An Shigeng's words, he stopped thinking about it. Anyway, the plan had already started, and everything was in place. I only owe Dongfeng, even if Bai Xiaofei really has some tricks, the old man is not afraid at all!


An Yunshan gave Ruyan a bottle of elixir.

Said in a superior tone: "Ruyan, you have completed the task well this time. This is the most famous master of elixir under my command. It took countless resources to refine it. After taking it, it can be extremely powerful. Greatly enhanced skills and spiritual power, combined with your spiritual illusion, it can be said to be even more powerful!"

"Thank you, master!"

When Ruyan heard this, she was overjoyed and thanked her quickly.


Hand over the elixir to Ruyan.

An Yunshan said again: "Now Wuqing has fallen into our plan, the next step is to kill her! Ruyan, this matter is still left to you to handle, the prince has already been taken down by me, When the time comes, you will pretend to be him, and with the imperial decree of the dog emperor, stab Ru Qing to death in the prison!"

"At that time..."

"People in the world will definitely be disappointed when they see Emperor Dog being so cruel and ruthless. When public grievances reach their peak, we will make public the truth about the massacre of the Sheng family. In this way, people in the world will see clearly The stupidity and incompetence of the dog emperor!"


Speaking of which.

Immediately, An Yunshan had a look of complacency and anticipation, and he laughed and said: "After the people of the world have completely lost hope in the current dog emperor and no longer have any illusions, we only need to increase the fire a little bit and launch the pre-emptive Once you have mastered the power, when the time comes...the whole world will be in our family's pocket!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The insolent laughter immediately filled the entire room.

Not only An Yunshan, but also An Shigeng, Ruyan, including Ji Yaohua, Cai Ping and others all showed smug smiles at this time. Only they know it in their own hearts!

at the same time.

After Zhuiming and Jiaoniang left the iron-blooded prison, they went back behind them, and immediately summoned Tieshou, Leng Lingqi and others.


Leng Ling Qi Leng said: "Are you planning to rob the prison?"

"That's right!"

Jiao Niang nodded firmly.

Zhui Ming explained: "The current situation is very complicated. Even the ruthless girl was arrested by the six doors. It is estimated that something went wrong on Mr. Bai's side. Mr. is afraid that if this continues, things will get worse. It's getting worse and worse, so I can only do this!"

"That's right!"

Tie Shou agreed and said: "The current situation is very unfavorable to us. All the clues and evidence are almost all broken. Now even Wuqing has been killed by An's family and put into the prison. If you don't want to find a way, continue like this. When the emperor's decree is issued, when the crime is punished, it will be over!"

Before returning to Shenhou Mansion.

Tie Shou and Leng Lingqi once went to the palace to ask Imperial Doctor Liu, but they were very disappointed in the result. Even if Imperial Doctor Liu was well-informed, he couldn't help but understand what the living thing in Catcher's body was! In addition, even Catcher's body was lost now, and all the clues were broken, which undoubtedly made the two of them very depressed!

"In that case, let's hurry up and find Mr. Bai!"

Regarding the matter of prison robbery, Dingdang's four-member group also agrees very much. Dingdang's mind is the most sensitive, and he feels that there is nothing wrong with this matter. As long as he waits for others to rescue Mr. and Sister Wuqing, find the real culprit as soon as possible , to restore everyone's innocence, I believe the emperor will not blame the Shenhou Mansion!

after all……

Sir and Sister Wuqing, they did nothing wrong in the first place!

For this reason, she also took the initiative to suggest: "Brother Tie Shou, time is running out, accidents will inevitably happen, and unexpected problems will arise. Let's go to the palace now! Ling'er, you two and Jiaoniang should stay in Shenhou's mansion. Knowing martial arts, and the matter after the end, I still need you!"


Linger did not refuse.

Immediately nodded and promised: "Don't worry, we will leave everything about the explosives to us!"


Seeing that Ding Dong had arranged things properly, Tie Shou smiled slightly, and immediately stopped writing, and said, "Since everything has been arranged, then let's go to the palace and meet Mr. Bai! I believe that Mr. Bai will be here." Help, our operation will be a great success!"




Inside the hall.

Bai Xiaofei sat alone on the first seat with a gloomy expression.

It's late at night, and the prince hasn't come back until now, so there must be some accident! Bai Xiaofei obviously doesn't like this kind of situation beyond his control! He was about to use his means to see where the prince was at the moment.

At this time, the subordinates of Wangfu suddenly came to report, saying that Tieshou from Shenhoufu was waiting for someone to see him!

"The Iron Hands?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, then muttered to himself: "Are you looking for me at this time? Could it be... is it because Wu Qing was also arrested in the iron-blooded prison? Or, the plot has already developed, and everyone couldn't bear it anymore. They planned to rob the prison and take Zhuge Is it time for Wuqing and I to rescue the Iron Blood Prison?"

"But this is too fast, isn't it?"

"It's only been a few days!"


Bai Xiaofei said in surprise.

Wuqing was arrested and imprisoned, and it took less than two days in total. According to the analysis of the original plot, it should be quite a while before Tieshou and others solved it. Now that he came to him so soon, the only possibility he could think of was, It was because of my own intrusion that the plot deviated!


It doesn't rule out that Iron Hand and others come to find him, and there may be other things!

After all, the above are all my own guesses!

"Let them in!"

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand and ordered: "At the same time, send some people to the palace to continue to investigate the news of the prince!"


The men took orders and left.

Not long after, a group of Iron Hands came to the hall.

"Mr. Bai!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was fine, Tie Shou and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they were extremely curious and puzzled. Since Bai Xiaofei was fine, why was Wu Qing captured by the people from the six doors? Could it be that Bai Xiaofei gave up and chose to give up in order to protect himself? !

"Mr. Bai, you..."

Ding Dang has a straightforward personality, is innocent and cute, and can't hide anything he doesn't understand in his heart. He was the first to speak and asked everyone's doubts.

"This one!"

Bai Xiaofei chuckled, seeing that everyone obviously misunderstood him, he didn't try to trick them, and said frankly: "The matter of ruthlessness is actually very simple, it's just a game I set up, and only in this way can we draw out the truth." The real culprit behind the scenes!"


Everyone was stunned.

Bai Xiaofei didn't explain too much, but changed the subject and said, "Let's talk about you guys. You come to me so late, you probably want to ask me this question, right? Or, what do you need my help for?" ? For example... Prison robbery!"

"Mr. Bai!"

His intention of coming was seen through, Tie Shou and the others immediately stopped concealing it, and said frankly: "Your ability to read people's hearts is really powerful, even better than ruthlessness! That's right! We are indeed going to rob prison, Mr. Zhuge thinks , the current situation is very critical, and some extraordinary measures must be used!"

"But the Iron-Blooded Prison is different from ordinary prison cells. It is not only well guarded, but also occupies a favorable location. With the ability of the few of us alone, it may be difficult to successfully rescue Mr. Zhuge and Wuqing, so we came here to ask Bai Mister's help, I don't know what Mr. Bai means...?"

"I'll go with you!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled, and directly agreed: "If I'm not wrong, there should be a good show tonight. If everything goes well, maybe we can kill the gods, frame Mr. Zhuge, and the ruthless real murderer." He was caught on the spot! Of course I can't miss such a good show!"


Tie Shou and the others were stunned when they heard the words. Leng Lingqi, in particular, was the most excited when he heard Bai Xiaofei say that he could find out the murderer who killed Catching God, and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Bai, are you serious?"

Bai Xiaofei laughed and said, "You'll know when you go!"

Leng Lingqi: "..."


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Thank you very much! It's New Year's Eve today! It's the last day of 2017, and Wuyou is here to wish everyone all the best in the new year, all wishes come true, good luck, and always eat chicken! Fafa all the way!

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