The Storm God

Chapter 1308 Another one like smoke! (Please subscribe!)

On the first day of the new year, Wuyou wishes everyone a happy new year! Happy Year of the Dog, eat chicken forever! Wang Wang Wang!


Iron prison.

It's gloomy, cold, humid and terrifying. Although the area is vast and there are many guards, they can't resist the screams and grievances of countless prisoners in the prison. You don't need to look at the various tortures inside, just listen to it. This sound can scare many people!


Bai Xiaofei and the others are very human, this little scene can't trouble them at all! That is to say, Ding Dang and Ling'er, who have a weaker sense of existence, are some of the characters who have a relatively weak sense of presence. Only when they encounter such a miserable cry of grief for the first time will they feel a little trembling and frightened. They are trembling and almost hugging each other!

"Brother Iron Hand!"

Ling'er was frightened and thought wildly: "There shouldn't be ghosts in here, right?"

"How can it be!"

The big wolf was also very frightened.

But seeing that Ling'er was so scared, she bit the bullet, grabbed ahead of Tie Shou, and immediately said: "There is no ghost in this world! It's all by myself to scare myself! Ling'er, don't be afraid! Even if there is something ghostly, I will protect you with all my might, and I will never let you suffer any harm!"


She also stretched out her hand and hugged Ling'er tightly in her arms.

And at this moment.


The mouse, which had always been fat and big, suddenly rushed out from the corner, and just slipped past under their feet.


"What the hell, don't come here!"



The big wolf exploded in an instant!

Unexpectedly, with a vertical jump, like a koala, it directly hung on Linger's body!

Ling'er immediately said: "..."

She looked at Big Wolf resentfully and angrily, her eyes seemed to say: "This is what you said to protect me?!"

Big Wolf was instantly embarrassed, his face full of bitterness!

And no matter how they play tricks.


Tieshou and others headed by Bai Xiaofei.

But all of them had serious expressions on their faces. They didn't take the reactions of Ding Dang and the others to heart, but they all got up to 12 points, always paying attention to and observing everything in this iron-blooded prison. After all... They are here to rob the prison, and the job of stepping on the spot is very important!

have to say.

This iron-blooded prison is still very awesome!

Whether it is the architectural style or the craftsmanship, they are definitely at the highest level in today's society, or even surpassed. Not only are there advanced designs, but many mechanisms and traps are also based on mechanics. Very strict and powerful!

Even a master like Bai Xiaofei wouldn't dare to underestimate or underestimate him too much!

"It's here!"

Tie Shou's eyes lit up, he pointed to a place not far in front of him, and said, "This is the ultimate road to the Iron-Blood Prison. At that time, you will be able to escape safely and leave calmly!"


I turned my gaze.

His eyes fell directly on Ling'er and the others!

"Don't worry! Brother Iron Hand!"

Ling'er and the others understood, and immediately put away their playful and timid thoughts, and said solemnly: "With us here, we promise to complete the task!"


Iron Hand nodded.

He said to them: "In this case, you stay here, ambush traps and gunpowder, be careful!"


The two groups parted ways. Ling'er and the others stayed here to set up a gunpowder danger to prepare for everyone's departure. And Bai Xiaofei, Tie Shou and others continued to go deep into the Iron-Blooded Prison to rescue Zhuge Zhengwo and Wuqing who were imprisoned in the deepest part.

at the same time.

Long before Bai Xiaofei and others entered the iron-blooded prison, the prince had already brought the imperial decree passed down by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, and came here, and under the leadership of Ji Yaohua, he quickly walked into the deepest level and saw the ruthless being imprisoned. , and read the imperial decree to it!


Ruthless to hear the words, but not afraid at all.

He snorted coldly: "The dog emperor is dizzy and innocent, and he knows how to disregard human life. Such a person will definitely not end well!"


Hearing the ruthless nonsense, the prince's face suddenly changed, and he was furious, and immediately ordered Ji Yaohua to say: "Master Ji, there is a decree from the Holy Spirit, criminals are ruthless, full of evil, inhuman, and should be executed for crimes, why are you still standing there?" , don't hurry up and execute!"


Ji Yaohua was helpless.

He could only draw out his weapon and slowly walk towards Wuqing.

"Ruthless girl!"

Ji Yaohua's eyes flickered, and she looked at her with some unbearable, then sighed, and said: "I'm sorry! I hope you can have a good family in the next life, and don't get involved in these messy things again. You go to meet your family and go all the way!"

Say it.

Swinging a knife will kill people!


And at this critical moment.

A sturdy figure suddenly rushed in from the position of the prison's bars.

This person is Leng Lingqi!

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Leng Lingqi has a hot temper and a direct personality.

After coming in, he fought repeatedly, not only resolved the ruthless crisis, but also quickly slashed at Ji Yaohua with countless domineering knives!


When Ji Yaohua saw the person coming, she was cold and abandoned.

Just as he was about to explain, the prince next to him smiled coldly. Taking advantage of Ji Yaohua's inattention, he grabbed Ji Yaohua suddenly, and then both of them turned into a strange cloud of green smoke, which quickly floated out. The prison, and firmly closed the metal door of the prison.

"Bang bang bang!"

Dao Gang slashed heavily on the metal door, and there were bursts of roaring sounds.


Although the sound was loud, the metal door was fine!

Obviously, the metal doors in this dungeon are all custom-made, and ordinary internal strength and aura cannot be destroyed at all.

"Who are you!"

After Ji Yaohua came back to her senses, her complexion changed, and she immediately released the shackles of the prince, and asked: "Although the spirit of the senior sister is weird and unpredictable, it is absolutely impossible to have such a strange lightness kung fu. You must not be a senior sister." , who are you? Why do you pretend to be a prince, do you want to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

He looked vigilant.

There is a posture of killing people if there is a disagreement!


Hearing this, the prince suddenly smiled strangely, his voice became gloomy and treacherous, and he said proudly: "Who do you care about me? In the whole world, your senior sister Ruyan is not the only one who is proficient in spiritual magic! She is still shallow, but she is confident and talented, and her skills are not inferior to your senior sister!"

Say it.

It doesn't matter how Ji Yaohua reacts.

The prince, whose words and deeds were very abnormal, suddenly moved, and with a flash of golden light in his hand, he completely slaughtered the several guards guarding the cell with great ease! At the same time... a misty green smoke drifted up from the prince's body, and his appearance and clothes changed into Ru Yan's incomparably alluring appearance almost instantly!


"Master Ji, look at my illusion, what's the flaw?"

"Is it seamless?"


Seeing this, Ji Yaohua was startled.

Of course, she is very clear about An Yunshan's plan, but at present, this guy who is proficient in spiritual magic, but not the world like smoke, Ji Yaohua has never heard of it. Some people, in terms of spiritual illusion, are comparable to senior sisters!

It's incredible!


Most importantly, what is going on here? !

Didn't it mean that senior sister Ruyan pretended to be the prince, falsely delivered the imperial decree, killed Wu Qing, and then charged all the crimes to the dog emperor?

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Who is he? !


Temporary substitutions without telling myself.

Damn An Yunshan, you are clearly just guarding yourself!

So far.

Ji Yaohua's heart is full of depression!

"over there!"

Regardless of how the two react.

On the other side, the voices of Tie Shou and Zhui Ming suddenly came from far and near, obviously they were rushing towards this side. Seeing this, Ji Yaohua and Ruo Yanyan looked at each other, then immediately separated, and each started their own actions and plans.


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Thank you very much! New Year's Day! At the beginning of the new year, Wuyou is here to wish everyone a happy Year of the Dog! May all go well with you! 18 years, all wishes come true! All kinds of Wangwangwang!

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