The Storm God

Chapter 1309 It's hard to tell the truth from the fake! (Please subscribe!)

On the first day of the new year, Wuyou wishes everyone a happy new year! Happy Year of the Dog, eat chicken forever! Wang Wang Wang!



In the cell, Leng Lingqi said with concern: "Are you okay? Just hold on a little longer, and we'll take you out right away!"


Ruthlessly nodded.


"Puff puff puff!"


Leng Xue's power was running, and the strong inner strength immediately sucked out all the iron nails that were nailed into Wu Qing's body. As for the iron armor and chains on Wu Qing's body, Leng Xue was somewhat deflated. Leng Xue slashed his knife more than a dozen times in a row, but he couldn't break it!


Seeing this situation, Leng Xue was taken aback for a moment.

His face changed slightly: "This is...specially made of black iron?!"

The so-called black iron is actually black iron essence, a rare metal, its density and hardness are the largest among all metals, but its quality is the least among all metals, and it is also non-corrosive, and can be obtained by adding other Material to change the color, is the best material for making utensils!

And this kind of metal is extremely rare, and the material is special, with a high melting point and magnetic force. It is almost indestructible when used as a tool, but when used as a weapon, it can cut iron like mud after opening the front! Cold-blooded never imagined that within the iron-blooded prison with six doors, there were iron armor and chains made of black iron.

"This is troublesome!"

With a cold-blooded and depressed expression, with his strength, without a key, it is absolutely impossible to break the chains and iron armor made of black iron! Even if it doesn't work out, it is very likely to hurt Wuqing. I just bragged about it with others, but I was immediately slapped in the face!

This shit!

Fortunately, Leng Lingqi's embarrassment did not last long.


Bai Xiaofei and the others also rushed over.


In front of Bai Xiaofei, the incomparably strong door of the cell couldn't hold it for even a second, and was blasted to pieces on the spot.

"Very good!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei appear.

Leng Lingqi was overjoyed immediately, and quickly explained the situation here.

"Made of black iron?"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Of course, he has heard of the name of Xuantie, but he never expected that in order to control Wuqing, the six doors, or Anjia, would be so careful that they even used the Xuantie equipment, which is really hard work. Then he sneered and said, "It's okay! Leave it to me, you go and save Zhuge Zhengme!"


"Then leave this place to Mr. Bai!"

"let's go!"

Leng Lingqi and the others nodded.

They are naturally very convinced of Bai Xiaofei's strength. Since people say so, there must be a way to solve the black iron equipment. Besides... Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing have a special relationship. After this incident, the two must have some whispers. Said, I still don't want to be a light bulb!

So as not to be disliked by others!


A group of people all left.

In the cell, only Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing were left, and Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry to save Wuqing, but smiled slightly, made a strange gesture with his hands, and shouted: "Solution!"

next moment.

Just listen to "bang".

Opposite Bai Xiaofei, Wu Qing, who was firmly bound by the iron armor made of black iron and chains, transformed into Bai Xiaofei's appearance after a burst of white smoke filled his body. This Bai Xiaofei had a wicked smile on his face. How long did it last, and finally dissipated with the white smoke!

In just an instant, the iron armor and chains on the opposite side became empty!


at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help grinning, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "The feeling of being nailed through the big hole of the whole body is really uncomfortable!"

That's right!

The ruthlessness before was actually the physical clone summoned by Bai Xiaofei using the technique of multiple shadow clones! Then he used the transformation technique to change into a ruthless appearance, and was caught by Ji Yaohua and others in the Iron-Blood Prison, and successfully deceived all of them!

Including Shenhou Mansion!

after all……

Wuqing is Bai Xiaofei's woman.

How could he just watch Six Doors and Anjia, frame him and imprison him, and put such terrifying iron nails into his body, and be at the mercy of others!

"Xuan Tie is a good thing!"

"keep it!"

After releasing the shadow clone, Bai Xiaofei smiled, followed by a wave of his big hand, and the sword energy of the Zhantian Sword was like an arm, and immediately cut off all the black iron armor and chains in the cell, and then Summon the ninjutsu scrolls and seal them all inside!

As the saying goes, thieves don't leave empty space!

Bai Xiaofei has a lot of good things, but he can't just sit and eat, and earn some money!


I also saw a knot in his handprint.

Fei Leishen's art was cast, and the next moment, Bai Xiaofei used the space-time ninjutsu to summon the real Ruthless to his side!

at the same time.

In the cell not far from here. As the iron nails on the big acupoints on his body were all pulled out by Tie Shou and others, Zhuge Zhengwo, who had recovered his skills, broke off all the iron armor and chains on his body without the help of others, and gained freedom!


They haven't had time to be happy yet.

Suddenly there were bursts of shouting outside, and countless guards, armed with weapons and wearing heavy armor, were rushing towards here to surround it! Obviously, the news that Zhuge Zhengwo and Wuqing were robbed by someone has already spread throughout the prison!


Zhuge Zheng's face changed, and he said immediately.

How tight and powerful is the defense of the Iron-Blooded Prison? As the boss of the Shenhou Mansion and the most trusted veteran figure of the current emperor, Zhuge Zhengwo naturally knows very well, let alone Iron Hand and others, even if they are as strong as peerless master Even he himself dare not say that he is absolutely sure that he can escape safely!

Taking advantage of the fact that the guards in the prison have not yet formed a perfect siege, they are fully mobilized, and they must leave here quickly!

Otherwise, once the opportunity is missed, it will be hard to fly!


Tie Shou nodded and said: "We are fully prepared!"

"follow me!"

Everyone didn't get any ink marks, and immediately set off to rush out.

And when they passed by the ruthless cell, they couldn't help but stop for a while, but they were stunned to find that there was no one in the cell, it was already empty, and even the iron armor and chains made of black iron were all gone. Completely disappeared!


Everyone was speechless for a while.

At this time, Zhuge Zheng said to me: "Everyone, don't be stunned, Mr. Bai must have left ruthlessly, let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei's strength is extremely powerful, so everyone is not worried.


A group of people moved again.

Their speed is very fast, but the guards of the iron-blooded prison are not slow to react! In addition, the prison is vast and huge. Zhuge Zheng, I and the others had just walked out of the innermost area. In the central area, they were chased and intercepted by the guards, and everyone immediately fought against it!

The guards have only one duty, and that is to prevent anyone from leaving the iron-blooded prison.

It doesn't matter if you are the prince or the marquis!

Everyone is the same!

If you want to go out, pass our level first!

"Give it to me!"

Over time, there are more and more guards.

The situation of Zhuge Zhengwo and others is getting worse and worse, not to say how powerful and powerful these guards are, but because Zhuge Zhengwo and others are forced by their own identities and positions, when dealing with the guards, Didn't make a deadly move, just click as far as it goes, at most the guards will suffer a little injury!

But the guards are different!

They are all rushing to kill each other, and they cooperate with each other. There are many people, the right time, the right place, the right people and the three major elements are all taken up! One goes up and down the other, hands are tied, and there are many scruples, Zhuge Zheng and my group will naturally not take advantage of it!

A group of people fought and retreated, charging outward with all their might.


If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it!

After a while, they were scattered in all directions by the heavy armor of the guards. Zhuge Zheng and I went all the way, Tieshou and Dingdang all the way, Chasing Life and Leng Lingqi all the way, a group of people can only fight on their own, try their best to attack the outside!

As for success, it depends on one's luck!

And in this case.


An extremely familiar figure.

But he suddenly jumped out from a certain corner, and went all the way through, killing many guard soldiers, and finally got together with Iron Hand and Ding Dong!

"Miss Ruthless!"

Ding Dong was overjoyed when he saw the person coming.

Tie Shou's expression also changed, and he smiled and said, "Yayu, it's great that you're fine! I..."

He hasn't said anything yet.


The sword light flashed.

Seeing the ruthless eyes stare sharply, he suddenly drew out the sword, and stabbed it fiercely into the iron hand's chest!


What an iron hand!

The reaction was quick, the moment he was hit by the sword, he immediately realized that the person who came was not really ruthless, and at the same time his expression changed drastically, a pair of iron hands blatantly slammed at the opponent! It's a pity... the opponent is not a vegetarian either, he seems to have expected that the iron hand will react in this way, and if he succeeds in a blow, he will travel thousands of miles away!


Iron Hand's counterattack failed on the spot!

And as the sword was separated from the body, the iron hand that had been stabbed in the chest was immediately seriously injured and spurted blood, and almost lost his fighting power on the spot!

"Brother Iron Hand!"

Ding Dong suddenly turned pale with shock.

He hurried over and helped the iron hand who was about to fall to the ground. While checking his wound, he asked with concern: "How are you doing? Did you hurt your vitals? I have golden sore medicine here, and I will do it for you Treatment! Not good! The blood is black, this sword is poisonous!"


After hearing Ding Dong's words.

False Heartless, who had fled far away, burst out laughing incomparably complacently, and said, "That's right! There are no less than twenty kinds of poisons tempered on my sword. Once stabbed, His throat is almost sealed with blood, even if you are a genius doctor, you probably won't be able to save him!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


PS: Thanks for subscribing! Here comes the update! Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Thank you very much! New Year's Day! At the beginning of the new year, Wuyou is here to wish everyone a happy Year of the Dog! May all go well with you! 18 years, all wishes come true! All kinds of Wangwangwang!

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