The Storm God

Chapter 1310: The true face of Mount Lu! (Please subscribe!)

"Brother Leng!"

On the other side, Ji Yaohua found Leng Lingqi and Zhuiming.

The army besieged and occupied the convenient location. Regardless of the situation, it was not good for Leng Lingqi and the two of them. After all, Ji Yaohua still loved Leng Lingqi, so she couldn't help persuading her: "You should stop being obsessed with it. If you let go, I can still keep you, otherwise..."

"You don't need to say any more!"

Before Ji Yaohua finished speaking, Leng Lingqi interrupted her speech.

He said coldly: "You know my temper. Once it is determined, eight horses will not be able to pull it back! What's more...these cases have many doubts. As a policeman, how can I Watching Mr. Zhuge and Miss Wuqing being framed!"

"I won't give up!"


Ji Yaohua was speechless for a while.

As the head of the Six Doors, in front of so many people, she said that she wanted to protect Leng Lingqi. Ugly, but also very hurt in the heart, and the same stubbornness of Leng Lingqi also made her very embarrassed!

after all……

This is a prison robbery!

It has been a huge crime since ancient times, and it can be punished on the spot!

Even though Ji Yaohua is the master of the six doors, it is impossible for everyone to let her leave easily, otherwise she will be punished too! Although Ji Yaohua likes Leng Lingqi and loves him very much, Ji Yaohua is not an impulsive person, she knows how to choose and judge the situation!


Facing cold rejection.

Disappointed, Ji Yaohua could only let her subordinates go and attack them!

It's not that she is ruthless and completely gave up on Leng Lingqi, but that there is no way, with so many guards watching, she can't just let the other party go, right? Even if it's acting, you have to act at a level! Besides, Ji Yaohua still has some confidence in Leng Lingqi and life-chasing ability!

At least……

It will be in a while, they will definitely have nothing to do!

And taking advantage of this period of time, Ji Yaohua can think of some way, or buy time, let Zhuge Zhengwo and others have a round with him, and when the time comes, several masters of the opponent will join forces for a team battle, and the combat power will soar, even if there are many guards There are so many people, I am afraid that it will be difficult to shake the opponent's defense!

To know.

Zhuge Zhengwo is a peerless master!

Coupled with the possibility of the even more terrifying Bai Xiaofei appearing, as well as the assistance of everyone in the Shenhou Mansion, as well as his own secret assistance, this iron-blooded prison may not be able to trap them at all!

It is true that the guards in the prison are numerous and powerful, but the terrain here is narrow and the opponent's strength is strong! Even if they rush forward in a swarm, there are not many people who can really fight against Leng Lingqi and Zhui Ming, and with the poor strength of the guards, it is undoubtedly a dream to take down Leng Lingqi and Zhui Ming!

At most, it's just consuming some energy!

"Bang bang bang!"


"Puff puff!"

The scuffle continued.

Leng Lingqi and Zhuiming, back to back, joined forces to fight against the enemy, fighting all the way, constantly approaching the predetermined target location. Ji Yaohua led a group of guards in the iron-blooded prison, but they were too big to fall, and they still fell behind, persevering!

at the same time……

Another intricate area in the Jagged Prison.

Zhuge Zhengwo, relying on his inscrutable skills and unpredictable gossip mentality, easily rushed away from the guards' chasing and intercepting, and arrived at the predetermined target location ahead of time. When he saw it, he was waiting there, ready Light the gunpowder, Ling'er and others who are behind everyone!


Seeing Zhuge Zheng, I returned successfully.

Ling'er and the others were overjoyed immediately, and jumped up excitedly on the spot.


However, Zhuge Zhengwo was slightly taken aback.

Looking at the lonely Linger and the others, he couldn't help but wonder: "Why are there only three of you, Mr. Bai and Wuqing? Didn't they leave early?!"

When they left the prison, they couldn't see Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing, so everyone thought they had left early.

Unexpectedly, when I came here, I didn't see anyone.

Zhuge Zheng was puzzled by me.


The three of Ling'er were also full of confusion.

Everyone shook their heads in confusion and said, "Sir, we have been waiting here, and we have never seen anyone leave?"


Zhuge Zheng heard this.

His face darkened in an instant. If the three of Ling'er had been waiting here and did not see Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing, then there could only be one result. The two did not leave the prison and should have stayed in it, or they came from other people. Passage, leaving the iron-blooded prison!

But the latter is clearly unlikely.

Because this is the only way to go to the iron-blooded prison, and the only way out for colleagues is also the only way out, which is why Ling'er and the others ambushed here and the trap was broken! As long as the only way out is blown up, the guards of the iron-blooded prison will be helpless if they want to chase and block it!

So far.

Zhuge Zheng and I stared at me immediately, and turned around to go back!


Ling'er was taken aback, and quickly stopped her: "What are you going to do? There is a prison over there! The way out is here!"

"I'm going back to meet them!"

Zhuge Zheng said firmly to me.


Ling'er and the others wanted to say something, but when they opened their mouths, they found that they didn't seem to have any reason to persuade and keep Zhuge Zhengwo. In the end, I could only watch Zhuge Zhengwo, and just after coming here, he returned to the iron-blooded prison again, leaving them in place, speechless for a long time.

central region.

Iron Hand and Clank have encountered crisis and danger.

Because of the fake and ruthless sneak attack, the sword in the iron hand was poisoned, and he lost his fighting power in an instant. Ding Dong's strength was low and his ability was limited. He couldn't bear the impact of the guards at all, and was quickly arrested. As for the iron hand? But no one made things difficult for him, or no one dared to approach him!

After all, he can be said to be a very dangerous source of poison now. Unless he wants to die, no one wants to go there to make him feel uncomfortable!

And the insidious person who pretends to be ruthless, the guards will naturally not let him go, no matter whether he is really ruthless or fake, if he dares to commit crimes in this iron-blooded prison, he is guilty, no matter who the other party is, The guards have the right to arrest and seize them!


Whether you can catch it or not is another matter!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

While dodging the attacks of the gatekeepers easily, Fake Wuqing laughed triumphantly and said: "Iron Hand, you have been hit by my fang sword, you stay here and wait for death in pain! I still have to deal with Zhuge Zhengwo As for them, they have no time to stay here with you!"

"There will be no time in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he must perform lightness kung fu and leave calmly!

And at this moment.


A long sword in the hand of a guard.

Suddenly, he flew up uncontrollably, and at an unbelievably fast speed, he shot toward False Heartless!


The false ruthless reaction was not slow, and he felt that something was wrong. At the same time he was alert in his heart, he immediately stopped the operation of Qinggong, then turned around suddenly, and stood in front of him with the poisonous tooth sword in his hand. The sneak attack of the long sword!


The long sword that came from the electric shot was not only extremely fast, but also powerful and heavy. Fake Ruthless was caught off guard. As a result, he was knocked back again and again by the huge Wutao force attached to the long sword on the spot. Even directly embedded it into the rocky mountain behind Zhenfei!


The strength of the long sword is too powerful and terrifying.

The body was smashed into the stone mountain abruptly, and the fake ruthless couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, obviously the internal organs were injured by the shock, and he suffered serious internal injuries. At the same time... a strange green smoke filled the air, and when it dissipated, the false ruthlessness finally revealed its true colors!


"It was actually the first arrester of Cen Chong?!"

"How can this be?"


When you see the real face of that person.

The countless guards around, as well as the arrested Ding Dong and the poisoned Iron Hand, couldn't help but widen their eyes, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Including Bai Xiaofei who shot and Wu Qing who appeared with him!


"I thought the person pretending to be ruthless would be some alluring breast god!"

"Unexpected result but such a surprise!"


Bai Xiaofei's heart was full of surprise and emotion.


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