The Storm God

Chapter 1313 Abandon darkness and turn to light! (Please subscribe!)


Zhuge Zheng, I thought very well.


The out-of-control werewolf is not so easy to deal with. The more violent Zhuge Zhengwo's attack is, the stronger his anger will be, and the more thorough and terrifying the blood poison in his body will explode!


After three or two blows. The werewolf-like Leng Lingqi has changed again. Not only has his body become more burly, but his height has also been raised abruptly, and his momentum has greatly increased!


Leng Lingqi roared and roared.

Landing on all fours, like a real wolf, his movements were extremely wild, and he attacked Zhuge Zhengwo fiercely and ferociously again!


For ordinary people, Leng Lingqi may be an invincible existence, but in front of a peerless master like Zhuge Zhengwo, it is not enough! Especially when Zhuge Zhengwo is still at full strength and shows no mercy!

"Four or two pull a thousand catties!"

I saw that Zhuge Zhengwo's gossip mental method was running as one, combined with the theory of Tai Chi, the internal force turned into an invisible field air mass, and directly set the rushing back Leng Lingqi in mid-air!


Poor werewolf.

The next moment, it was like a ball, and Zhuge Zhengwo kicked it away at a faster speed than when it came!

In order to save people, this time, Zhuge Zheng, I didn't release any more water. With a full-power blow, the werewolf-turned Leng Lingqi was bombarded on the spot and was seriously injured. He fell on the rocky mountain and passed out immediately!

This is the full blow of a peerless master!

Even if it was the werewolf-like Leng Lingqi, he couldn't bear it completely. He was shocked by four or two thousand pounds on the spot, his limbs were paralyzed, his energy was disordered, and he completely lost his fighting power!

And as Leng Lingqi's consciousness fell into a coma, the blood poison in his body naturally began to fade away!

Visible to the naked eye, Leng Lingqi, who had almost completely turned into a beast state, miraculously returned to his human form again!


Because the transformed body is too big, Leng Lingqi's clothes have already been torn!

As soon as it was restored to its original state, the situation can be imagined, the poor Leng Lingqi became naked on the spot!


No one cares about this now, the leader and others were seriously injured, and the guards of the six gates were all focused on the boss and others!

And Zhuge is me?

But he was in a hurry to save his life, and he didn't have the heart to care whether Leng Lingqi ran naked or not!


The guards who arrested the life-seeking guards saw Zhuge Zhengwo coming in front of me, and thought that the other party was going to attack me, so they all pointed their weapons at him immediately, looking like they were ready for battle.

"Let him go!"

A guard with the appearance of a leader is more likely to come to trouble. He did not stick to his duties and orders, but because of Zhuge Zhengwo's face of subduing Leng Lingqi, he gave him convenience, so that Zhuge Zhengwo could better Rescue and chase lives!

after all……

The injury to Zhui Ming's left arm is really terrible, how can there be flesh and blood! Almost completely skeletonized!

People are so miserable, so don't embarrass each other! Besides, they don't have time to take care of these!

Leng Lingqi fell into a coma, and the other out-of-control guards all fell to the ground! But the effect of the medicine in their bodies has not completely faded. In order to prevent accidents from happening, we must hurry up and take advantage of this time to control them all!

Then there is...

Ji Yaohua and the others were seriously injured, and the guards didn't know any medical skills, so the only one who can save them now is Zhuge Zhengme! As the saying goes, cannibalism is short-mouthed and soft-handed. Now that you are asking the other party, you should be more polite to them, that's what you should do!


The guards heard it all.

Following the leader's words, he immediately stopped blocking Zhuge Zhengwo, and Zhuge Zhengwo didn't bother to thank me anymore! Seeing this, he hurried forward and began to check on Zhui Ming's injuries!


His brows were wrinkled on the spot, with a gloomy and regretful expression on his face, and he said helplessly, "Zuiming, your hand...was seriously injured! Almost all flesh and bones were stripped off. It’s all over, it’s almost impossible to restore it to its original state, and the only way to save your life is to cut it off! What’s your opinion?”


When Zhui Ming heard this, his already pale face instantly became even more ugly, and then he shook his head bitterly and said, "Sir, are you joking? Do you really have to cut it off? Then don't I want to become a one-armed man in the future?" Are you a hero?"


"Sir, if you think about it again, is there any other way? Or it's okay to delay the injury! I believe that if it were Mr. Bai, he would have a way to save me!"


Zhuge Zheng was speechless.

Saying such things in front of his own face, it is not obvious that he is not as good as Bai Xiaofei!


Arms are what people chase after their lives.

Since he is unwilling to have this arm removed, Zhuge Zheng and I don't have much to say, so I can only helplessly shake my head and say, "Well, since Brother Zhuiming doesn't want to have this arm removed, then I'll stop the bleeding for you first to prevent your injury from getting worse. !"

"But this is only temporary. If you don't get treatment within a few moments, your injuries will explode and your life may be directly endangered!"

"You should think about it!"


Zhuge Zheng me follow the good way.


Zhuiming gritted his teeth and pondered for a while, finally decided to take a gamble, so he said, "Come on! I've already made up my mind! I'm willing to take a gamble, I believe my luck won't be that bad!"

"All right!"

People are chasing their lives and talking about this, Zhuge Zheng, what else can I do, of course I want to help him!

"Papa papa!"

I saw Zhuge Zhengwo rushing towards the dozens of big acupoints on Zhui Ming's body proficiently. Visible to the naked eye, the blood on the injured part of Zhui Ming's left arm obviously slowed down, and became less violent and wild up!


Zhuge Zheng, I turned around and left!

Zhuge Zhengwo is confident that he can treat the injury of Zhui Ming's injury, but at the very least, the deterioration of the injury should be curbed!

Otherwise, once they die, Leng Ling abandons this scapegoat, it will be completely forgotten, and maybe it will be counted on the head of the Shenhou Mansion. As the boss of the Shenhou Mansion, Zhuge Zheng, of course, I will not allow such a thing occur!

As for Zhuge Zhengwo's rescue, the guards didn't stop him, and Ji Yaohua and the others didn't reject the kindness, but cooperated very well and let them do whatever they wanted!

at the same time……

At this moment, Ji Yaohua can be regarded as completely seeing and understanding that the An family doesn't care about the life and death of herself and others at all, and she completely treats herself and others like pawns and fools, playing and designing wantonly!

Seeing her good sisters being injured repeatedly, wandering on the verge of death, at this moment, Ji Yaohua finally couldn't stand it anymore!

"settle down!"

"Since you don't treat our sisters as human beings, then modify my old lady to turn her face and deny people, and stop playing with you!"

"Everyone shoots and breaks up!"


She secretly made up her mind that after her injury healed, she would immediately turn to Bai Xiaofei and tell her everything she knew!

Ji Yaohua believed it!

Bai Xiaofei's medical skills are heaven-defying, and he will definitely find a way to detoxify himself and a group of good sisters, help everyone get out of An Jia's control, and start a new life!


Before that, they must first overcome the difficulties in front of them, otherwise everything is empty talk!


Zhuge Zhengwo's face turned livid and ugly again, because of the injuries suffered by Ji Yaohua and others, some of them were too serious!

Intestinal piercing and rotten stomach!

Severe limbs!

All internal organs are destroyed!

The meridian is completely destroyed!

Even though Zhuge Zhengwo is the reincarnation of a miracle doctor, without the assistance of any medical tools and medicines, he is still a clever woman who can't cook without rice!

But just when he felt desperate and helpless, and secretly regretted and frustrated, Bai Xiaofei, Wuqing, Iron Hand, and Dingdang arrived here from the central area with a large group of guards from the six doors!

"Mr. Bai!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Bai Xiaofei and others, Zhui Ming's reaction was the quickest and most direct, and immediately cheered: "It's great! You guys finally came here! My hand is finally saved!"

That's just finished.

Because of the violent emotional fluctuations, the qi and blood in Zhui Ming's body immediately broke through the acupoint seal that Zhuge Zhengwo had placed on him, and then his injured left arm immediately began to spurt blood crazily like a fountain!

Zhui Ming also passed out on the spot due to excessive blood loss, and he couldn't afford it at all, completely lost consciousness!


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