The Storm God

Chapter 1314 I'm Not Interested In You! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

Looking at the unconscious Zhui Ming, he couldn't help but think to himself: "Damn, are you using your life to make fun of me?"


When Tieshou saw the girl he liked was seriously injured, lying there, dying, he was shocked and rushed over!

Fortunately, Zhui Ming passed out!


Seeing Tie Shou's relatives and friends so serious, even if he was not injured, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood!

As for ruthlessness?

All right!

She still couldn't let go of Zhuge Zhengwo. After all, the other party had lied to her for twelve years, and the destruction of the Sheng family was also Zhuge Zhengwo's idea!

Gratitude and hatred, all of which are too large and complicated, no matter how high-quality Wuqing is, it is not easy to see through and let go, so when I saw Zhuge Zheng me, Wuqing His eyes were still a little evasive and uncomfortable!


Zhuge Zheng and I are the same!

Facing Wuqing, he was at a loss at this moment, but he was very happy after seeing that Wuqing's legs had been completely healed and he could walk like a normal person, and even performed lightness kung fu. !

"You save people!"

Ruthlessly avoiding Zhuge Zhengwo's eyes looking at me, in order to avoid embarrassment and unhappiness, I took the initiative to say: "The guy hiding in the dark, let me deal with it!"


They've just arrived. That's right.

But Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing both have the power of mind, they can see through people's hearts! So there is no need to ask too much, as long as the power of thought is released, the two of them will quickly understand everything that happened here!

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly, looked at Wuqing with concern, and said, "Be careful yourself, the other party is good at using poison, don't get close!"


Responded mercilessly.

Then he opened his mind, left Bai Xiaofei's side, and quickly walked towards the surrounding guards.

Most of the guards didn't know Wuqing's ability, so when they saw Wuqing approaching, they didn't react too much. They were more curious and confused. They didn't understand why this criminal wanted to take the initiative to walk towards him and others. Come! ?

Are you going to surrender yourself?

Not like it!

A group of people are all confused.

Only the undercover Anjia who was hiding in the crowd knew that Wuqing could see through people's hearts, so when he saw Wuqing walking into the crowd, he immediately understood that the other party was coming for him, and he felt guilty, his eyes turned wildly, While flustered, he began to find a way out for himself.

Regardless of the situation there.

Here at the scene...

"Let me do it!"

Seeing that Zhui Ming, Ji Yaohua and others were injured so seriously, if they didn't receive treatment, they would either die on the spot or be permanently disabled, Bai Xiaofei sighed slightly, and then said to Zhuge Zhengme: "Their injuries are too serious. , with Mr. Zhuge Zhengwo's medical skills, I'm afraid they won't be able to completely cure them. Bai is not talented, but I think I can still save them! Please trouble Zhuge Zhengwo to help me protect the law here!"

Although the words are ugly, they are true!

"Then it's time to work!"

I'm not angry with Zhuge Zheng, of course he knows how much he has, and besides, it's not the time to show off, saving people is the most important thing, and he doesn't have the heart to think about other things.

Hearing this, he gave a wry smile, Zhuge Zheng and I followed and clasped fists at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Thank you for the ruthless thing!"

"It's just a matter of duty!"

Bai Xiaofei replied lightly, and then said no more, seeing a cross-shaped mark on his hands, and softly shouted: "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

next moment.

I only heard a "bang bang bang" tendency coming, and after a brief white smoke passed, there were a few more identical Bai Xiaofeis in the scene!

"This is……"

See this scene.

Everyone, including Zhuge Zhengwo, Tie Shou, Ji Yaohua and others, suddenly widened their eyes, with expressions of disbelief: "Clone technique?!"

It's just a clone technique!

It's not that Zhuge Zheng, I and the others have never seen each other before. When we were investigating the theft of the copper mold, they met them before!

In fact, to put it bluntly.

The so-called avatar technique is nothing more than tricks similar to tricks on the street, they are all tricks to deceive people!

And nothing worth caring about!


Like Bai Xiaofei's superb avatar, the separated body is exactly the same as the main body, without any difference in the body, this is the first time everyone has seen it!

Watching a dozen or so Bai Xiaofei perform ninjutsu, summon scrolls, conjure golden needles out of thin air, and treat Iron Hands, Ji Yaohua and others, everyone felt as if they were in a dream, everything was so incredible!

After a long while!

It was only then that Zhuge Zheng, I and the others came back to their senses, followed by expressions of amazement and shock.


"This is the real avatar technique! The so-called avatar techniques in the past are so weak compared to this one! This is simply a magical skill!"

"You are worthy of being a master of the country! This ability to divide and transform, cure diseases and save people, rejuvenate people, and bring the dead back to life is really a great ability that only the gods have!"

"Be good!"

"Master Bai must have descended from a god! Otherwise, how could he be so powerful, almost omnipotent!"


Everyone was stunned!

Watching helplessly the few people who were seriously injured, dying, dying, and almost disabled, were quickly healed by a dozen or so Bai Xiaofei in the blink of an eye, and recovered as before.

Including peerless masters like Zhuge Zhengwo!

It's not that their mental quality is not high enough, but that Bai Xiaofei's methods are really outrageous! Can't help but everyone doesn't treat it like a god!

And no matter how surprised and shocking everyone is!

On the other side...

An's pawn, who was placed among the guards of the iron-blooded prison, saw that everyone was attracted by Bai Xiaofei, but took this opportunity to sneak away!

It's a pity that he thought very well, but the reality was extremely cruel. Although the level of ruthless thoughts is not as good as Bai Xiaofei's, it is not something that ordinary people can ignore!

If this person continues to hide among the crowd, Ruthless may have to spend a lot of energy to find him out.

But when he ran, it was tantamount to self-destructing his whereabouts, and he was discovered almost immediately by the ruthless mind perception!

"Where to go!"

Seeing Wuqing shout angrily, dozens of hidden weapon darts, driven by the power of thought, immediately flew towards that person like a meteor!

"I rely on it!"

Seeing the ruthless reaction so fast, the man was so frightened that he cursed secretly, and immediately he didn't care so much. He pulled a few guards who were closer and acted as shields, blocked the ruthless darts, and followed closely. If you unfold your movements, you will run away crazily!

"It's him!"

"This kid is that damned spy!"

"Catch him!"


at the same time.

The guards of the Iron-Blooded Prison were not slow to react. With the ruthless shouting and the man's crazy behavior, they immediately identified the identity of the other party's spies, and drew out their weapons one after another, rushing forward in a swarm!

The pitiful man is very skilled and has excellent lightness skills, but the terrain of the scene is too special. Except for the open space in the middle, there are stone mountains and traps all around, and there are guards everywhere in the iron-blooded prison, which is almost overcrowded. There is no use for lightness kung fu!

Less than a few minutes!

The An family's undercover agent was surrounded by a group of angry guards. They had nowhere to go, and they couldn't escape!

Just at this time.

Under the treatment of Bai Xiaofei's heaven-defying methods, the injuries of Tie Shou, Ji Yaohua and others have completely improved, and they are back to their original state!

Bai Xiaofei was about to get up and look for Wuqing, but Ji Yaohua suddenly grabbed his wrist.


Ji Yaohua and the others looked at Bai Xiaofei solemnly with beautiful eyes, gritted their teeth and said, "I have something to tell you, but you must agree to one condition!"


Bai Xiaofei froze for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, and refused, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you!"

Ji Yaohua: "..."


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