The Storm God

Chapter 1315 Do as I say! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. Bai!"

Ji Yaohua was speechless for a while.

When I came back to my senses, I quickly explained: "I didn't mean that. I really have something to tell you. It's about Anjia! There are so many people here, it's not convenient to talk about it. I don't know if Mr. Bai has time. Let's find A secluded place, let’s have a good chat!”


I heard Ji Yaohua say that.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested, looked at her curiously, and said with an evil smile: "What? Could it be that you are going to betray?!"


Ji Yaohua glared at him angrily.

Xin said, don't you ask knowingly, but you didn't object, which is equivalent to acquiescing.


Her gaze turned to the opposite side.

I saw a group of guards grabbing a half-dead guy, and it looked very familiar!

"That is……?"

Ji Yaohua frowned and said curiously.


Bai Xiaofei shrugged.

He curled his lips and said: "He, Cen Chong! You should know him! But this kid is not simple. Not to mention that he escaped from this iron-blooded prison, but he didn't know where he learned the illusion of spiritual magic, and pretended to be a ruthless Look, if I wanted to kill Tie Shou, if I hadn't arrived in time, our Wuqing family would have been blamed again!"

The implication is that the previous massacres were not ruthless at all!

As for whether it was Cen Chong's doing?

You should be clear!


Ji Yaohua fell silent immediately.


She did know something about Anjia.

But from time to time, Ji Yaohua really doesn't know the identity of this person pretending to be a lord who came to the prison to kill the ruthless person, because all the plans now are completely different from what she knows , it can be said that even she was completely kept in the dark!

What made her even more unexpected was that the person who claimed that the spiritual illusion was not inferior to the senior sister was actually the former number one arrester in the capital, Cen Chong, who had already been imprisoned!

This is unbelievable!


Bai Xiaofei didn't think she was cheating.

I couldn't help being slightly taken aback in my heart, and secretly said: "It seems that the complexity and bizarreness of the matter are far beyond my imagination. If the guess is correct, it should be An Jia who has started to guard against and guard against this little girl, Ji Yaohua, otherwise she will I won't be so surprised and at a loss about Cen Chong's identity!"

"If this is the case, it is not impossible for Ji Yaohua to turn against the water!"


Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei and Ji Yaohua think.

the other side.

The undercover agent of Anjia has been completely taken down by Wuqing and many guards!

The other party was very well prepared. There was actually a poison sac hidden in the teeth of his mouth. Seeing that the situation was not good, that person was about to bite the poison and commit suicide. It's a pity... who can see through the ruthlessness of people's hearts, he has already seen through his smallness Thoughts, just as the other party opened his mouth, he was ruthlessly used his thoughts, and with a "click", his jaw was directly removed!

So far...

The dark hand arranged by the An family in the iron-blooded prison is completely finished!

Not only did they fail to kill Wuqing and put the blame on Song Huizong, they also failed to prevent Zhuge Zhengwo and others from escaping from prison. On the contrary, because their actions failed, they let everyone clearly understand that these things are related to Wuqing and Zhuge Liang. In my case, there are still many doubts!

At least……

The suspicion of ruthlessness was completely cleared!

Because Bai Xiaofei had implanted psychic hints, hypnosis, and mental illusions in Cen Chong's mind, making him admit that he was the one who did the horrific street massacre!

As for Zhuge correcting me?

All right!

His case is rather special.

Cen Chong, who is proficient in illusion alone, is not enough to prove that he did not kill the hunting god, Ouyang Da and other hundreds of people in his family among the twelve culprits.

Unless Bai Xiaofei releases Catching God and defends Zhuge Zhengme with his own mouth!

But this is obviously impossible!

"grown ups!"

After capturing the spy who sprinkled the medicine.

Jiang Lei immediately came to the recovered Ji Yaohua, stared at Bai Xiaofei and the others with unfriendly eyes, and said in a low voice: "Although the suspicion of ruthlessness has been cleared, Zhuge Zheng and I have not! And they are so blatant to come to Iron Blood Prison robbery is a felony in itself!"

"Especially that Leng Lingqi, although he was bewildered and controlled by drugs, it is an indisputable fact that he killed so many of us!"

"Should we take them...?"


The meaning is obvious.

This is to settle accounts after the fall, turn your face and deny people!

I had no choice but to rely on Zhuge Zhengwo and Bai Xiaofei to save people. Now that the crisis has been lifted, it is time for everyone from the six doors to perform their duties! To put it simply, it is to arrest Zhuge Zhengwo and Bai Xiaofei and deal with them according to the law, so as to find someone to take the blame for today's incident!


At the same time, it is also a great achievement!


Ji Yaohua pretended to ponder for a while.

Immediately, his face darkened, his eyes were full of determination, and he said resolutely, "Let them go!"


Jiang Lei was taken aback when he heard this.

He looked at Ji Yaohua in disbelief, and said anxiously: "Let them go? My lord, but..."

"Nothing but!"

Ji Yaohua didn't wait for him to finish, and interrupted directly: "You can't be ungrateful! Without them, we have been kept in the dark. Without them, we would have already been caught by the real murderer behind the scenes." Killed by the design, how can there be life standing here!"


"There are a lot of doubts about their case. We didn't know about it before. Now that we know about it, is it possible to pretend that we didn't see anything, work for tigers, and let them suffer innocent injustice? Only Only by letting them out can we find out the truth faster!"

"Whatever happened, I will take responsibility!"

"Do as I say!"


Say the last.

Ji Yaohua's majesty as a high-ranking person can be said to be vividly displayed, with unparalleled domineering.

There is no doubt about it!


Jiang Lei was helpless.

The first-level official crushed a man to death, and finally he could only nod his head and say, "Let him go!"


Following his order.

All the guards around immediately put away their weapons and made way for a passage.

"Thank you, Lord Ji, for your success!"

Seeing this situation, Zhuge Zheng and I immediately saluted Ji Yaohua, and thanked Ji Yaohua very sincerely: "Master Ji, don't worry, after I get out, I will do my best to find out the truth of all cases as soon as possible. Return everyone’s innocence! I’ll wait until then to thank Master Ji for his kindness today!”


After speaking.

He greeted Tie Shou and others, and left quickly.

As for Bai Xiaofei, when he was about to leave after the round with Wuqing, he used his mental power to secretly send a voice transmission to Ji Yaohua: "Tonight, I will wait for you at Shili Pavilion outside the city!"


With ruthlessness, he left calmly.

As for Cen Chong and the secret agent of An's family, Bai Xiaofei did not take them away, but left them to Ji Yaohua and the others very generously. Anyway, he had already known everything he wanted to know by using his mind power, and brought them with him. Without taking them, there is no difference at all!

Rather than spending that effort and rations, it's better to throw it to the six doors!

It can be regarded as giving the other party a step!


Zhuge Zheng and I let the others go.

You can't even keep a real assailant and undercover agent who framed and framed the crime. How can you explain to your superiors if you call him six doors!

As the saying goes, "Leave a line in life, so we can meet each other in the future!".

not to mention……

Ji Yaohua is a little girl.

There is also a very high possibility that she will turn against the water and settle down and become a person on her own side, so she can't do it too badly!

Not to mention how Ji Yaohua and others dealt with Cen Chong and the spy, as well as the aftermath. On the other side, Zhuge Zheng, I, and Bai Xiaofei and a group of people left the iron-blooded prison and returned to the Shenhou Mansion soon after we rounded up with Ling'er and removed the explosives that were originally used in the end.

follow closely……

Not waiting for everyone to catch their breath.

Bai Xiaofei's gaze turned cold, then he looked at Zhuge Zhengwo and the others with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "There are traitors among us!"


"A traitor? Are you kidding me?!"

"This is impossible!"

Everyone was stunned and in disbelief.


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