The Storm God

Chapter 1316 Can't be underestimated! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. Bai!"

Zhuge is dignified on my face.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't look like he was joking, he couldn't help frowning and asked: "There are only a few people in our Shenhou Mansion, and they are all partners who have been with each other for many years. They understand and trust each other very well. You said that there are traitors among us. This... why did you say that?"

"That's right!"

Zhui Ming also squinted his eyes, and said with displeasure: "Among the members of the Shenhou Mansion, if you say that the one who got started the latest is either me or Leng Lingqi. According to you, do you suspect that I am a traitor?"

Although Bai Xiaofei saved Zhui Ming, prevented his left hand from being crippled, and became a one-armed hero, but one size counts for one size!

It's about your own innocence and reputation, so it's natural for Zhui Ming to express his opinion!

As for cold abandonment?

All right!

This guy is still in a coma!

The special drug developed by An's family to target the blood poison in his body is extremely powerful, and it may prevent him from continuing to run away out of control, so Bai Xiaofei did not wake him up, but used golden needles to block the blood in his body Run, so as not to damage the muscle energy of the internal organs!

Except him.

Ding Dong and the others also had depressed expressions on their faces.

Anyone who is suspected for no reason, said to be the enemy's traitor and betrayed his family, probably will not be happy!


Bai Xiaofei didn't answer Zhuge Zhengme immediately.

Instead, he restrained his mind, opened up his thoughts, and scanned everyone's reactions and expressions without missing a beat, and memorized them.

Then he smiled and explained: "Mr. Zhuge, I don't doubt what you mean!"


"Before, someone used Wuqing's pet, Flying Pigeon, to send a letter to Wuqing, which led to Wuqing, dragging his wounded body, and rushed to the outskirts. He met Young Master Ximen and killed him on the spot. This is really too coincidental. , if it is said that no one deliberately designed it, I absolutely do not believe it!"

"There are not many people who know, understand, and come into contact with ruthless pets. I can't think of anyone else who can use it to guide ruthless into a trap, except for the traitor, and... Only a few people know about our actions today!"

"But the result!"

Bai Xiaofei glanced at the crowd with burning eyes, and seeing that they were silent and looked thoughtful, he continued: "Don't you all think that our actions are always one step behind the murderer, almost at every step? Is it in the other party's calculation?"

"If it happens once or twice, it can still be said that the other party is strategizing and scheming against us to death, but the other party is not a god, it is impossible for the other party to grasp our actions so accurately every time, and prescribe the right medicine, targeting us everywhere. ? That's why I suspected that there must be a traitor in the Shenhou Mansion!"


Say the last.

Bai Xiaofei's tone was already resolute, very sure!

As for Zhuge Zheng, I and the others, they didn't refute the words, but all fell into deep thought and pondering. Although Bai Xiaofei's suspicion was a bit unbelievable, it was undeniable that what he said was indeed somewhat reasonable, especially It's a ruthless pet [Xiao Fei], that's not something ordinary people can use!

So far.

Zhuge Zheng frowned at me.

Then she turned around, looked at Ling'er meaningfully, and asked her: "Ling'er, you are usually the one who walks closest to Ya Yu, and her pet [Xiao Fei], besides Ya Yu, is also It was taken care of by you and Ding Dong, where were you when [Xiao Fei] was used by someone?"

It is clear……

He has already begun to suspect Ling'er and Ding Dong, who is the most suspicious of them.

It wasn't just Zhuge Zheng me, but other people around, including Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing, all turned their eyes to Linger and Dingdang after hearing this.


The two looked tense.

Just about to say something, at this time, Jiao Niang took the lead and said: "I can testify for them, and it has absolutely nothing to do with them, because they were all with me at the time, and we want to help you find out what happened as soon as possible." At that time, I was looking for information in the archives, and I never left for half a day!"

"If you don't believe me!"


Speaking of which.

Jiaoniang couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing.

Then he resolutely said: "Aren't you able to read people's hearts? You can directly peek into our hearts to see if we are lying!"


Zhuge Zheng, I immediately became a Muggle.

Afraid that Jiao Niang would misunderstand him, she hurried over, coaxing and explaining for a while.

Wuqing has a good friendship with Linger and Dingdang. After living together for so many years, he naturally doesn't want to believe that they will betray him, especially Jiao Niang. In the human heart, this is obviously impossible!


Bai Xiaofei didn't have so many scruples anymore.

As early as Jiao Niang's words came out, he had already displayed his spiritual power and invaded the inner world of the three without anyone noticing. Because this is the time, the three wanted to prove their innocence and inner emotional awareness. It will never be fortified, unless someone has a ghost in his heart, so he will be guilty!

Not only the three of them, even the memory of the two of Big Wolf, Bai Xiaofei did not let go of it!


After some probing.

Bai Xiaofei's brows froze on the spot, because according to the memories he browsed, Jiao Niang didn't lie. When the ruthless pet [Xiao Fei] was used by others that day, when Fei Ge passed the letter, the three of them were indeed in the presence of God. In the archives room of the mansion, he did not leave an inch until the news came back to Shenhou Mansion.

"Could it be that I was wrong, there are no traitors in Shenhou Mansion?"


Bai Xiaofei was immediately puzzled.

She nodded secretly: "If it wasn't Ling'er or Ding Dong, then who used the pet [Xiao Fei]?"

You know, the pigeon raised by Wuqing is different from ordinary pigeons.

Simply spiritual.

Investigating, tracking, flying pigeons to send letters, proficient in everything, he can be regarded as a half-captive, if it is not for someone he knows well, it is almost impossible to control it! If there were no so-called traitors in the Shenhou Mansion, then what happened to the pet [Xiao Fei]'s flying pigeon? Could it be that Ruyan, who is proficient in spiritual magic, or Cen Chong, who pretended to be Ling'er, or Ding Dong, deceived it? !


According to the memories of the two big wolves.

There was no one else in Shenhou Mansion that day, and 【Xiao Fei】had been in their sight all the time, and had never been in contact with any other people. Until a certain moment, they suddenly flew away. Beast language, it was summoned away, so it didn't care at the time.

What a dream.

The pet [Xiao Fei] will be used by others, misleading and ruthless into a trap!

If Bai Xiaofei didn't talk about the traitor today, they probably wouldn't know about Feige's transmission of the letter, so the suspicion of Big Wolf and the two of them has also been cleared! As for the iron hand, it is even more impossible! Apart from Zhuge Zhengwo, he is the best person to Wuqing, and he will never do such a design to hurt Wuqing!



Suddenly, a light flashed in Bai Xiaofei's mind.

He seemed to have thought of something, his expression was startled, his eyes lit up, he turned around and asked Wuqing: "Yayu, how do you usually communicate with [Xiao Fei]? I mean, what method do you use to communicate? Use gestures, or use thoughts, spirits, or other methods?!"


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's question, Wuqing couldn't help being slightly taken aback. He didn't understand why Bai Xiaofei asked this suddenly, but he still answered honestly: "Actually, the communication between me and [Xiaofei] is all in animal language. Yes, it's very simple, not as complicated as you think!"

"Beast language!"

When Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he immediately showed a look of surprise. Then he asked: "Yayu, assuming there is another person who is proficient in animal language like you, can the other party also use animal language to communicate with [Xiao Fei], and control and use it?"

"It's possible!"

Ruthlessly pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "After all [Xiao Fei] is just an ordinary animal. Although he has some spirituality, he is not a fairy bird. It is impossible to accurately recognize all the sounds and commands. If there is someone like me , if you are proficient in animal language, it is also very possible to use this to control it to send letters by flying pigeons!"

"you mean……?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei said with certainty: "I've checked Ling'er and Ding Dong's hearts just now, they are not lying, and they are definitely not traitors, and according to my analysis and investigation, apart from traitors, there is only one possibility That's it—the other party should be like you, also proficient in animal language!"

"[Xiao Fei]'s sudden departure and Fei Ge's passing on the letter that day should have been controlled by the other party using animal language!"

"Unexpectedly, there are so many ways to settle down!"


Figured out the truth.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but marvel again, the enemy's cunning and danger far exceeded his expectations and expectations, if it wasn't for his being not bad either, with a lot of tricks, he might be led by the nose by the other party, and at the same time secretly vigilant Said: "It is indeed the ultimate boss of the restricted mission, and it really cannot be underestimated at all!"


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