The Storm God

Chapter 1317 Peek into the heart! (Please subscribe!)

That night.

Three minutes from midnight, on the outskirts of the capital, Shili Pavilion.

The moon was in the sky, the stars were shining, but it was a rare clear night. The night is leisurely, the breeze is gentle, the silence is deep, refreshing and pleasant. Who would have thought that just two days ago, a sensational murder occurred in this beautiful Ten Mile Pavilion? The famous Catcher was killed here!

And at this time...

But there is a figure.

In the middle of the night, sitting firmly in the gazebo, facing the moon in the sky, frowning!

This person is the new owner of the six doors——

Ji Yaohua!

What happened in the Jagged Prison has just passed.

After she had dealt with her superiors and An's side, it was getting late. Thinking that she still had an agreement with Bai Xiaofei, she hurriedly put aside some trivial matters and came to the Ten Mile Pavilion by herself. Unexpectedly... I have been waiting for more than three quarters, but Bai Xiaofei didn't even see a ghost!

"Why don't you come?"

Ji Yaohua sighed quietly, then withdrew her mind.

Looking at the time, more than half of the time has passed, but apart from himself, there is still no sign of Bai Xiaofei, so he can't help but think to himself: "Then Bai Xiaofei is lying to me, right?!"

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that it shouldn't be!

"Just wait!"

Ji Yaohua decided to wait a little longer.

Maybe something was delayed by someone else, but if someone doesn't show up in the end, then this matter is completely over. But... Regardless of whether Bai Xiaofei comes or not, Ji Yaohua is completely disappointed with An's family, and will definitely not let him manipulate her anymore!

The big deal is death!

At least……

I am magnanimous in my heart, and I will no longer feel guilty and regretful for deceiving my good sisters!


Ji Yaohua is thinking deeply.

Suddenly, a strange breeze suddenly came from him.

When Ji Yaohua noticed something was wrong and focused her attention on guard, she was horrified to find that Bai Xiaofei had appeared in front of her at some point, and at this moment, Youyou was looking at her with an evil smile, her pair of star-like eyes seemed to see through her. I am average, but extremely sharp!

"Bai Xiaofei!"

Ji Yaohua was slightly taken aback.

Fortunately, she had a very good quality of heart, and she soon came back to her senses. Then he looked at the other party with a displeased face, and said in a cold voice: "You came in time, I thought someone's voice transmission was a joke, it was funny, and I was planning to pat my ass and leave!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled indifferently.

Looking at Ji Yaohua with burning eyes, he said: "Miss Ji, don't be angry! In fact, Bai has come a long time ago, but he has been hiding in the dark and observing Miss Ji! After all...Miss Ji has a special identity, and she can cast her shadows and cast her eyes. It's so sudden, I have to be careful, be careful, there is no big mistake!"

"I don't want to be like Catcher, dying for no apparent reason!"


Having said that.

But with his cynical attitude, there is no trace of worry and fear!


Ji Yaohua was speechless when she heard the words.

But it is undeniable that what they say is not unreasonable, the blame can only be blamed on their incompetence and their inability to see through their disguise!

Even if you have to wait a day, you deserve it!


Ji Yaohua smiled slightly.

Calm down quickly and stop worrying about other things.

Then he went straight to the topic and said: "Mr. Bai, does your appearance now mean that you have approved my abandonment of darkness and turning to light?!"

"Half and half!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said: "Abandon the darkness and turn to the light, why don't you show some sincerity? I probably have seen a little bit of your determination, but I haven't seen much sincerity. Since you want to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, then Why do you have to express it?!"

"Otherwise how do I know if you're tricking me?!"


Someone had a smirk on his face.


Ji Yaohua was startled when she heard this.

Obviously, as an ancient person, she didn't understand what a "routine" was at all.


Bai Xiaofei helplessly explained: "It means cheating!"


Ji Yaohua suddenly understood.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei angrily, and said resolutely: "Okay! Since Mr. Bai has said it so bluntly, if I don't express it, it would be too disingenuous. Tell me! What do you want to know? As long as I know everything, I will absolutely know everything and say everything!"


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he immediately laughed.

First, he boasted and praised Ji Yaohua, and then asked: "In this case, then I will not be polite. Dare to ask Miss Ji, An Shigeng of the An family, what is the situation now? The means I left on him back then , Bai thought that no one in the world could explain it, but he heard that he was born again!"

"Also ask Miss Ji, to explain Bai's confusion!"


Regarding the situation of An Shigeng.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't know, but what he knows is not comprehensive. Now that Ji Yaohua is going to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, he naturally has to ask carefully. Firstly, he can test whether Ji Yaohua is really treasonous, and secondly, he can learn more about Anjia, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

"An Shigeng!"

Hear the name.

Ji Yaohua's eyes could not help but freeze on the spot.

She knew that Bai Xiaofei was very powerful, not only in terms of martial arts, but also in terms of intelligence, but she never expected that Bai Xiaofei would be so terrifying. She even knew something about the secret of An Shigeng's rebirth. Could it be Bai Xiaofei? There are also undercover agents in Anjia? !

In horror.

Ji Yaohua was also secretly happy. She sincerely wants to turn against the water and settle down, and Bai Xiaofei is the ideal object to take refuge in! The stronger Bai Xiaofei is, the more stable Ji Yaohua will feel in her heart, and she feels reliable. Even if she loses something because of this, it is much better than staying in An's house!

Think here.

She stopped hesitating immediately, and immediately told Bai Xiaofei everything she knew about An Shigeng's situation.

And most of what Ji Yaohua said was the same as what Bai Xiaofei had grasped.


"Judging from the situation, Ji Yaohua should really want to surrender!"

"Ask again first!"


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment.

Then he asked Ji Yaohua a few rather secretive questions.

As for Ji Yaohua, she was almost fluent in answering, as long as she knew, she really knew everything and said everything. But it's a pity that the An family doesn't seem to value Ji Yaohua's chess piece very much. Bai Xiaofei knows almost all the information Ji Yaohua knows, except for some.


He understands more clearly and in detail than Ji Yaohua!

After some inquiries.

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he said with a smile to Ji Yaohua: "I believe that you are really going to turn against the water. Although your sincerity is of little value, I still welcome you to join the camp of light. In the near future, I'm sure you'll be proud of your decision today!"


Someone suddenly changed the subject.

He said with a sinister smile: "In order to prevent you from betraying us like you betrayed An's family, I have to plant some dark hands on you to ensure your loyalty, but you can rest assured that my dark hands like Bai's are not as good as An's. Insidious and vicious, you just need to let go of your body and mind, and let me peek into your heart!"

"Miss Ji, I wonder if you would like it?"


Bai Xiaofei followed the advice carefully and kindly.

"Peeping inside?"

Ji Yaohua was startled when she heard this.

After that, she was silent, but she finally nodded and agreed with Bai Xiaofei's approach. After all...Compared to Anjia's ruthless method of poisoning and controlling people, Bai Xiaofei's request is simply much better. Isn't it just peeping into the heart, anyway, I have no ghosts in my heart, so there is no need to be afraid!

"I have no opinion!"

She nodded firmly.

Then he let go of his mind, completely disarmed his mind's defenses, and just stood there "naked".

It looks like "you can pick it up".


Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled complacently.

At the same time, I secretly said in my heart: "Xiao Nizi, the world is very cruel! When I say peek into the heart, you really believe that you are just peeping into the heart! My real intention is to plant a hint of loyalty and never betrayal in your heart, The seeds of hypnosis and illusion, only in this way can we guarantee that you will not turn back!"

"Don't blame my buddy for playing tricks on you, there's nothing you can do about it, buddy!"

"Who told you, a little girl, to have so many thieves!"

"You can't prevent it!"


Think like this.

Bai Xiaofei quickly opened up his mind power, and very smoothly planted the seed of eternal loyalty to himself in Ji Yaohua's conscious world.

So far, Ji Yaohua has completely become Bai Xiaofei's subordinate.

After doing all this.


Bai Xiaofei patted Ji Yaohua's shoulder and said with a smile: "Miss Ji, since you are now my man, it's time for you to know some things, and let me introduce someone for you, I hope You won't be too surprised when you see him!"

"Papa papa!"

With a burst of clapping from someone.

The next moment, a figure that Ji Yaohua was extremely familiar with suddenly came out of the darkness!

"God catcher!"

see that person.

Ji Yaohua's eyes widened immediately.

Dare not to believe it: " are still alive? is this possible?!"


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