The Storm God

Chapter 1318 Earth-shaking! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

In the early dynasty, inside the Daqing Hall.

What happened in the Iron-Blooded Prison naturally became the focus of discussion among civil and military officials.

As the lackey of the An family, Cai Xiang, with a group of henchmen, did his part to put forward severe sanctions against the Shenhou Mansion, and even... even the prince acquiesced to the illegal behavior of the Shenhou Mansion, and did not say anything Defend Zhuge Zhengwo and others.

Such a weird phenomenon has left many honest ministers puzzled!


The matter of prison robbery is as solid as a mountain of evidence!

The prince didn't say anything, and these small officials naturally didn't dare to talk too much.

The situation is not good, let's play it safe!

"deliver an imperial order!"

Because of the inaction of the prince and others.

As a result of the prison robbery incident, public opinion and direction naturally favored Cai and other people. In the end, Song Huizong had to issue an imperial decree announcing that the Shenhou Mansion would be disbanded. Anyone who captures it will get rich rewards!

"The emperor is wise!"

Cai and others, who had succeeded in their plot, were immediately overjoyed.

at the same time……

Inside the Shenhou Mansion.

Bai Xiaofei called everyone together early in the morning.


Ding Dong looked at him resentfully.

Pouting her mouth, she said coquettishly, "What's the matter for calling us here so early? I haven't woken up yet!"

For Bai Xiaofei, Ding Dong is not an outsider at all!

She called Wuqing her sister.

And Bai Xiaofei...

He and Wuqing are recognized couples, so Dingdang took Bai Xiaofei as his brother-in-law as a matter of course. Dingdang, who was already out of character, naturally wouldn't be polite to Bai Xiaofei. In the entire Shenhou Mansion, Ding Dong is probably the only one who dares to get so close to Bai Xiaofei.

"Just know how to sleep!"

Bai Xiaofei glared at her angrily.

Immediately he said with a serious face: "We just went to the iron-blooded prison to rob the prison yesterday. Don't you naively think that the imperial court will ignore this? If my prediction is correct, Cai Xiang will definitely be in front of the emperor. If you play our book so ruthlessly, you should be able to guess what the result will be!"


"That's why I worked so hard to wake you up early in the morning to pack up your things and run away!"

"In order not to be made dumplings!"


A swearing look.


Ding Dong heard this.

Suddenly, her delicate body trembled, her eyes widened, she dozed off and yawned, and she was frightened and disappeared in an instant.

She didn't dare to believe it: "It can't be so serious?!"

"What do you say?"


Ding Dong was speechless.

At this time, Zhugezheng pondered for a while, and then said: "Mr. Bai is right. Our current situation is indeed very bad. The Shenhou Mansion has become a place of public criticism. To be on the safe side, we still listen to Bai. Mister's arrangement, quickly pack up your things and leave here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were filled with reluctance.

This is their home!


Tie Shou frowned and said, "Sir, where can we go after we leave the Shenhou Mansion?"

Not only Tie Shou, Jiao Niang, Ling Er, Zhui Ming and others.

They all looked at him helplessly.


Zhuge Zheng was speechless.

He has never seriously thought about this question, yes! Where can we go after leaving Shenhou Mansion?

The world is so big, could it be the land of the king! On the shore of the land, could it be the king's minister!

The case is not closed, the grievances are not clear!

Even if you escape...

Where can I escape to?

Even if it is the remotest corners of the earth, everyone is also a wanted person, so they cannot live in peace! There are also these cases and grievances, is this really the case?

No matter what other people think, anyway, Zhuge Zhengwo will never be reconciled!

In desperation.

"Mr. Bai!"

Zhuge Zheng, I can only pin my hopes on Bai Xiaofei.

And Bai Xiaofei did not disappoint him.


But Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, with a confident look, and said to everyone: "Everyone, don't panic! I summoned you here now, not simply because I want to run away, but because there are more important things, whether I can clear up my grievances?" , to expose Anjia's conspiracy, all in one fell swoop!"

"Everyone cheer up!"


Everyone was stunned.

What's the situation? Aren't you running away? Also expose Anjia's conspiracy!

What kind of twist is this?


Face everyone's doubts.

Bai Xiaofei didn't explain much, but just smiled mysteriously and said: "Everyone, don't ask anything, pack up your things quickly, and just follow me! When the time comes, I promise to give you a big surprise and accident." , will never let you down!"


Everyone was speechless for a while.

But out of trust in Bai Xiaofei, everyone followed suit.

Not for a while.

Everyone in the Shenhou Mansion packed up everything.

Taking advantage of the full sun, he disguised himself and successfully got out of the capital. Under the leadership of Bai Xiaofei, he went straight to a certain remote mountain in the suburbs!

But not long after they left, Ji Yaohua brought a large number of six-door soldiers to the Shenhou Mansion aggressively, obviously to arrest people according to the order, but it's a pity...they came too late In one step, the Shenhou Mansion has already been emptied, and there is not even a ghost!

"Have you set off yet?"

Looking at the empty Shenhou Mansion, Ji Yaohua's face was calm, but her heart was clear. Turning her eyes to a certain direction in the capital, Ji Yaohua said to herself: "I hope you all go well, whether you can completely bring down the An family and turn the world around depends entirely on your actions!"

at the same time……

Settle in the secret base.

An Yunshan is plotting something with his son An Shigeng.

He only heard him say: "The six gates have been completely controlled by Ji Yaohua, and the Shenhou Mansion is now finished. Although Zhuge Zhengwo and others were not killed, the general situation and the army in the capital have been almost completely controlled by our people." With bribes and control, plus Ruyan's hidden move, great things can be expected!"


An Shigeng first congratulated his father.

Then he suggested: "In this case, why don't we take this opportunity and act quickly to take the whole world into our pockets! You know, the person surnamed Bai and Zhuge Zhengwo are not ordinary people, whether it is martial arts strength or handling ability , are very skillful, we have to guard against it!"

"It's a long night and dreams..."

"Father, I think we should speed up the plan! By the time the general trend is over, even if they find out the truth, it will be too late!"

"what do you think?"


An Yunshan pondered for a while.

Although he prides himself on being number one in the world in martial arts, Bai Xiaofei's strength is always a mystery, and his methods are unpredictable. If there is a real fight, An Yunshan does not dare to say that he can beat Bai Xiaofei 100%, so for Bai Xiaofei, he is still very afraid!

Especially at this extremely critical moment, there is no room for any mistakes!

Be sure to be safe!

So far.

An Yunshan nodded immediately, and said in a deep voice: "Okay! Geng'er, I will do as you say! Order, all plans, all in advance, order all the troops and dark hands inside and outside the capital to start operations, old man Let this Great Song Dynasty be turned upside down and change his name and surname!"



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