The Storm God

Chapter 1319 The decisive battle is coming! (Please subscribe!)

"Wow, boom!"

Team after team of soldiers armed to the teeth patrolled back and forth inside and outside the capital.

The atmosphere is tense and very dignified!

It is said that……

This is to guard against the Shenhou Mansion.

After the official propaganda of the imperial court, Zhuge Zhengwo and others at this time have become murderous criminals who have committed heinous crimes and are wanted criminals for robbing prisons! It is extremely harmful, and anyone who dares to cover up will be punished as the same crime, and the whole family will be implicated! It can be seen from this that the An family attached great importance to Zhuge and others to the extent that they had to do so.


No matter how the court discredits.

The common people's eyes are sharp, Zhuge Zhengwo and others in the Shenhou Mansion are very clear in their hearts whether they are good or bad. Except for a very small number of people who took risks for the generous rewards and planned to make a fortune, the vast majority of people still stood on the side of the Shenhou Mansion!

Even if it doesn't help much, at least it won't trip up the people in the Shenhou Mansion.

I only hope that the Shenhou Mansion can turn around as soon as possible.

Wash away your grievances!


All this is superficial.

In fact, the reason why the inside and outside of the capital became like this is because the An family's earth-shattering plan was all ahead of schedule!

The An family wants to rebel and seek to usurp the throne. This is obviously not a small matter. Even if they are rich, scheming, and powerful, there are still things that must be prepared and resolved. Get rid of these guys, even if the An family's rebellion succeeds, it will not be right if the name is not right!

That's right!

Anjia not only wants Jiangshan.

What's more, he wants to gain a good reputation and let the world admit that his actions are not rebellious, but conform to public opinion. His ambition is not small!

But Song Huizong has been hiding in the palace, and he wants to kill him without being suspected of himself, which is obviously not a small problem! For this reason...An Jia and Cai Xiang specially designed a play, falsely claiming that the people are full of grievances, forcing the arrogant Song Huizong to want a private visit in a micro-service!

In this way.

As long as Song Huizong left the palace, whether it was an assassination or clearing up the diehard fans in the palace, Anjia would have a lot of opportunities!

All developments are almost the same as the original plot.

The only difference is...

Song Huizong is dead!


Not long after leaving the capital.

Song Huizong was directly beheaded by the killer sent by An's family, but An's family didn't say anything about it. Instead, people pretended to be Song Huizong, and continued to "invisibly visit privately", doing anything wrong, adding bricks and tiles to An's big plan, Keep discrediting Song Huizong's virtues and accumulating public grievances!

at the same time……

The shops that settled down all over the country opened up granaries, gave porridge and medicine, made good friends, and earned fame!

For a time, Anjia almost became synonymous with living Bodhisattva!

And all this.

All happened within a few days.


during this time.

Where are Bai Xiaofei, Zhuge Zhengwo and others, and what are they doing?

Of course they are not idle and lazy!

As early as a few days ago.

In fact, under the leadership of Bai Xiaofei, they had already sneaked into Anjia's secret base secretly. With the help of Bai Xiaofei's superb ninjutsu, they were able to move freely in Anjia. They detected and mastered each other's whereabouts and many plans Clearly!

The reason why he didn't immediately stop An Jia's plan was because the timing was wrong!

That's right!

Anjia has been in business for a long time.

Whether it is the degree of auspiciousness of the plan or the size and stability of the power, it has almost become a climate, and it is far from being easily influenced and changed by a few of them! Besides...Zhuge Zheng, I and the others are wanted criminals by the imperial court, and I haven't cleared up my grievances, so why should I expose An's family?

What the An family is doing now has won the hearts of many people. Even if Zhuge Zheng and the others have evidence in hand, I am afraid that not many people are willing to believe their corrections. The only chance for everyone is to launch a coup in the An family At that moment, give it the deadliest blow!

By then...

The ironclad evidence is like a mountain, and everyone is watching!

No matter how many good deeds the An family has done and a thousand mouths, they still cannot justify their rebellious behavior!


There is another reason.

If everyone wants to fight against An Jia, it will definitely not work on their own.

They'll have to find some help, too!

at the same time……

Killings have to be minimized as much as possible.

And no matter what it is, it takes time and manpower to operate!

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei is familiar with the plot. Compared with Zhuge Zhengwo and others, he knows who can be trusted and reliable in the civil and military affairs of the whole dynasty. In addition, he has the power of mind and telekinesis, but he can use illusions, control people's hearts, and find helpers. The work of strengthening one's own power can be said to be proceeding very smoothly!

In just two days.

Bai Xiaofei visited more than a dozen military camps closest to the capital.

The generals of these military camps, generals, etc., Bai Xiaofei is naturally unceremonious, and all of them have developed into his younger brothers, including some guys who have been bought and won over by An's family. For such people, Bai Xiaofei doesn't treat them very well. See, if it weren't for the fear of scaring the snake, I'm afraid it would kill them directly!

On the other side...

Zhuge Zheng, I and the others were not idle, and started to show their connections and energy. In the Jianghu martial arts world, they invited brothers and friends widely, and quickly developed the state of two or three poor big cats and kittens into a A powerful force that cannot be underestimated!


The face of chasing life is the biggest.

There are the most people invited, but their strength is very average!

But Zhuge Zhengwo is different, although the people invited are a little pitiful, but all of them are well-known super masters, and there are even two, who are all accomplished in martial arts, and they are not inferior to Zhuge Zhengwo at all. It can be regarded as making up for the lack of high-end combat power!


While the An family plotted a rebellion, changed the dynasty, and made various arrangements for this, Bai Xiaofei, Zhuge Zhengwo and the others were not far behind. Time to have a final showdown with Anjia!

Time is like water.


Another three days passed.

On this day, Song Huizong, who had "privately visited in microservices", finally returned to the imperial palace in the capital, and immediately summoned all civil and military officials, saying that there was an extremely important event to be announced.

"Is it finally coming?!"

After hearing the news, Bai Xiaofei and Zhuge Zhengwo looked at each other, and they understood in their hearts that after these days of deployment and arrangements, the reputation of the An family has reached the top, and at the same time, Song Huizong's reputation as a foolish monarch has also created a commotion , complained so much that it almost stinks.

The trend has come!

The An family finally couldn't sit still, it was a dangerous move to force Song Huizong to abdicate the Zen throne to the emperor!

at the same time……

It should also be their shot.

Expose the An family's conspiracy, and make a break with An Yunshan and his son!

Can we turn the tide and bring order out of chaos?

It's all about this battle!

on this...

Zhuge Zheng and I were very nervous.

Because this is not only related to their personal reputation, but also the fate of the entire world. All the burdens are tied to one body, so they naturally feel sympathy and pressure! Including Bai Xiaofei! Of course... the focus of his concern is different from Zhuge Zhengwo and others, but on whether his own limited-level mission can be successfully completed!

If it weren't for the incomparably generous rewards and the many restrictions of the mission, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't be so angry!

Now that the final battle is finally here, he is inevitably a little nervous!


Make it or break it!

It's done, good luck, happy eating chicken! If you lose, everything will come to naught, and your work will be in vain!

How will the ending be? Bai Xiaofei doesn't dare to say too much. Although his plan is perfect, but his own strength and means are heavily restricted, and his ability to play is limited! The chances of accidents and evolutions are also very high. All in all, it's a 50-50 situation at best!

"It doesn't matter so much, let's do it first!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head violently, shaking off the wild thoughts that filled his head, then fixed his gaze, glanced firmly and burningly at Zhuge Zhengwo and the others, and said in a deep voice: "The An family is finally about to act. It's time to give them a head-on blow!"

"Set off!"


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