The Storm God

Chapter 1320 Team up to break the city! (Please subscribe!)

the capital.

In the imperial palace, the Daqing Hall.

Today's atmosphere is different from usual. There are countless soldiers guarding here inside and outside the hall, as if something big is about to happen. I can see that some civil and military officials who came to the early court kept fighting in their hearts and secretly said: : "Could it be that your little tricks were discovered by the emperor?"

Entering the store with great apprehension.

Everyone was surprised to find that Song Huizong had already sat on the dragon chair early on, looking like he had been waiting for a long time.

And beside him, there was another person standing.

An Yunshan!

But I saw him wearing a golden dragon robe, rich and majestic!

Although he is old and old, with gray hair, but his momentum is extraordinary, not at all inferior to Song Huizong, the lord of the world, and even better!

"I rely on it!"

"Why is An Yunshan here? What's the situation?!"

"He actually..."

When the civil and military officials saw this, they were shocked.

Seeing that An Yunshan was able to sit on an equal footing with Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, even a fool could guess that there must be something big in it!


When Song Huizong saw all the ministers, they were only in a daze and surprised, and they didn't salute himself. Suddenly, Longyan was furious, and snorted coldly. The majesty of the emperor was vividly displayed at this moment. All the civil and military officials were startled, and they didn't care about it anymore, and hurriedly bowed and bowed.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Flat body!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


After some courtesy.

All the ministers got up one after another, took their positions, and started to get on the right track early.

It's just that everyone's faces are a little ugly.


A minister was just about to start playing.

Song Huizong suddenly let out a long sigh, interrupting his rhythm. And the words were shocking: "I am really ashamed. The people in the world suffer because of me. I indulged the treacherous officials to fight each other, causing the people to complain and live in poverty! I am incompetent! I am ashamed of the people! I am ashamed of my ancestors!"


"Today, I decided to abdicate to the virtuous, and to hand over the throne to An Yunshan who lives in the An family!"


Speaking of which.

Song Huizong got up suddenly, and then knelt heavily towards An Yunshan where the old god was!



"My lord, think twice!"

"Please take back your order, Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

"My lord, absolutely not!"

"Think twice!"


After the initial shock and astonishment, the civil and military officials all panicked and knelt down one by one, crying and shouting, begging Song Huizong to take back his life, and suddenly abdicated the throne, without following the civil and military officials. The officials discussed it, what kind of trouble is this going to be!

The most important thing is...

Who is this An Yunshan? That's completely an outsider, okay? Even if you want to give up your seat, you can't give up your foreign surname! Could it be... the Holy Majesty was deceived and threatened? Otherwise, how could you do such a stupid thing? Or maybe Song Huizong in front of him is a fake?

In short.

The officials can be described as sincere and fearful, and they were all terrified.


Cai and others are exceptions.

They already knew everything that would happen, and now they are just acting together with everyone!

Otherwise, it would be too fake, and you can tell it's tricky at a glance!

By the time……

That's not Zen.

It was him, a treacherous minister, who united with An Yunshan, threatened the emperor, and plotted to usurp the throne!

The two are not of the same nature at all!

at the same time……

Outside the capital.

Strictly guard against the dead guard, the gate is closed at the East City Gate.

Bai Xiaofei led Zhuge Zheng, me and others, as well as a group of people from the Jianghu martial arts who came here in a hurry, a large group of people, just so blatantly and unscrupulously appeared in front of the guards of the city gate, scared them to hold tight He took out his weapon and stood ready.

"grown ups!"

A lieutenant hurriedly reported to the general guarding the city gate: "The people here are Bai Xiaofei, Zhuge Zhengwo and others from the Shenhou Mansion. As for the others, they should be their invited helpers. Seeing them like this, I understand that they are here to help." Forcibly rushing into the city, what shall we do now?"


The general's eyes were fixed, and he said coldly: "Of course it is to stop them!"

"Kill me! Leave no one behind!"


The lieutenant led the way.

next moment.

Immediately after the city gate, countless arrows shot out.

"Leave it to me here!"

Faced with overwhelming attacks.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care, smiled dismissively, and then said to everyone: "You just go forward, time is running out! Quick battle! Don't love to fight!"


"Be careful!"

"let's go!"


For Bai Xiaofei's strength.

Naturally, Zhuge Zheng and the others knew and trusted them very well, so they didn't say much when they heard the words, and after a few polite words with Bai Xiaofei, they rushed forward sullenly. But those martial arts people who were invited were different, they had never seen Bai Xiaofei make a move, and the enemy's offensive was extremely turbulent, so they naturally hesitated!

"Let's go!"

A seemingly respected and respectable expert, after pondering for a while, finally chose to believe in Bai Xiaofei. To be precise, it should be that they believed that Zhuge Zhengwo and others would not deceive themselves, after all, even Zhuge Zhengwo and others would go forward What else do they have to worry about? !

"Okay, listen to you!"

"If you die, you will die, anyway, we have already fought all the battles!"

"Don't say anything, go!"


A group of people followed.

They also left Bai Xiaofei one after another, and rushed forward sullenly.

at the same time.

Countless arrows rained down from the sky.

Whether it was Bai Xiaofei, Zhuge Zhengwo and the others who were rushing forward, they were all within the envelope of their offensive.


They still failed in the end!

Just when countless arrows, like meteors falling, were about to fall and reap their lives, Bai Xiaofei's mental power was suddenly released, and when he shot, it had a full-power super-wide range of action, and the countless arrows seemed to be exerted Like a freeze technique, they were all frozen in mid-air!

follow closely……

Under the watchful eyes of the city gate guards, Zhuge Zhengwo and others with wide-eyed eyes full of disbelief, all the pinned arrows in the sky turned around one after another to become more ferocious and peaceful than when they came. The domineering speed was all reflected back the same way.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The rain of arrows was like a tide, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Countless arrows pierced the sky, wild and domineering, bursting out bursts of whistling sound, making people extremely terrified!

"not good!"

"The arrows are all reflected back!"

"Take cover!"


Seeing such a situation, the guards of the city gate were frightened and frightened. They all panicked and hid desperately. However, there are still many slow-response or unlucky guys among them who were shot into hedgehogs on the spot, and they couldn't die anymore!

"good chance!"

Zhuge was the quickest to react.

Seeing that the guards on the city gate were all restrained by Bai Xiaofei's attack of arrow rain with [Borrowing strength], no one would deal with him and the others anymore, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly greeted: "Everyone, hurry up!" ! Take advantage of this opportunity, try to break through the city gate in one fell swoop, and go straight to the palace!"

"Come on!"

Life-chasing lightness kung fu is the best.

Hearing the words, he immediately shouted, and rushed out of the crowd cautiously, and was the first to rush to the city gate!

"Invincible Poisonous Dragon Drill!"

Chasing life didn't leave any ink marks at the moment, and immediately united body and method, using the unique skills and combat skills that Bai Xiaofei taught him, and the whole person turned into a huge whirlwind tornado, hitting the gate of the city desperately. The trick depends entirely on the destructive power of high-speed rotation, the faster the speed, the higher the destructive power!


This is also related to the strength of the user.

Although Zhui Ming is not a peerless master, he is also a rare first-class top person. Coupled with the kung fu on his legs, he is not impressive at all. With this move taught by Bai Xiaofei, it can be said to be like a tiger with wings added, and its power doubled! Under his full-strength attack, the thick and wide city gate immediately erupted with miserable screams.

Countless pieces of debris are flying like rain, and a very obvious pothole is increasing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. If this situation continues, it may not be long before this city gate will be hunted down. A super big hole was drilled, and the blocking effect was completely lost!

And this time.

Zhuge Zheng and I and the others also rushed to the gate one after another.


Iron Hands was the first to come up to help.

I saw his pair of iron fists, under the infusion of internal force, instantly became extremely red, like a red-hot old iron, giving people a sense of unknown force, and then smashed heavily on the city gate, fierce and domineering With his inner strength, fighting cattle across the mountain, he immediately knocked out the dozen or so guards behind the city gate who were desperately blocking them!

However, the materials used for this city gate are very particular. Even after withstanding the full-strength bombardment of the two masters, Zhui Ming and Tie Shou, they are still tenacious and firm, and they will not fall down! Seeing this situation, Leng Lingqi, who was back to normal, couldn't help but make a move, and turned into a werewolf on the spot, and then my fine steel long knife turned into an extremely fierce knife gang!


Dao Gang is huge and fierce, unparalleled in domineering!

Under the joint attack of the three masters, the almost indestructible huge city gate finally couldn't hold on any longer, and shattered into fragments all over the place on the spot.

The road ahead is clear, Zhuge Zheng and the others immediately drove straight in!

All the way to the palace rushed.


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