The Storm God

Chapter 1321 Come so fast! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

The general guarding the city gate.

When I came back to my senses, seeing that Zhuge Zheng and I had passed the city gate and rushed towards the city, I was furious and roared, "Why are you hiding! Get out of here! Archers, shoot me! Shoot them to death!" !It hinders the good things of Cai Xiang and An's family, and you and I can't afford it!"

"People below, hurry up and chase after me!"

"Stop them!"


A look like a berserk.

The soldiers dared not speak out, and had orders from above, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and act.


They had just emerged, and Bai Xiaofei, who flew into the city in the air, just smiled and waved his big hand. Under the mobilization of his mind and thoughts, it was like pulling onions, and directly threw them all down from the city wall one by one, like making dumplings. All the soldiers on the tower were still outside the city gate.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei didn't kill him, and these people had rough skin and thick flesh, and their height was limited, so there were no casualties!


Wait for them to recover from the state of rolling gourds.

When I was about to regroup, rush through the city gate, and continue chasing Zhuge Zhengwo and the others, I was stunned to find that although the huge shattered city gate was gone, it appeared out of thin air under the influence of Bai Xiaofei's ninjutsu There were a lot of rocks, not only the city gate, but even the passages of the city gate were all blocked tightly!

Now, their way forward can be said to be completely blocked!

Unless they jump the tower!


The city gate is as high as ten meters high.

Except for the masters who are very skilled and know how to do light work, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary soldiers to jump over!

So far.

The general guarding the city gate was suddenly speechless.


"What kind of sorcery is this!"

"It's just a bully!"


See this scene.

A group of soldiers were also quite depressed and desperate.

Regardless of how these people outside the city think and react. Within the capital city, there are also countless soldiers guarding the streets and checkpoints, guarding the road leading to the palace, in order to stop Zhuge Zhengwo and others, especially around the palace, where the defense is extremely tight , impregnable!

After breaking through the city gate.

Zhuge Zheng, I and the others, dare not love to fight, and must use all their strength to make gestures, and move forward quickly!

Although they are few in number, they are very powerful, and they have peerless masters, such as Bai Xiaofei and other strong people to help out, so no matter how many soldiers are blocking them, they cannot effectively stop everyone from advancing. Carat, resorted to the shocking naruto jutsu!

"Water escape - the art of the Great Waterfall!"

"Earth Dungeon—Earth Flowing River!"

"Wind Dun——Scythe Itachi!"

"Fire escape - the technique of the Impatiens flower!"


A series of various ninjutsu, combined with Bai Xiaofei's multiple shadow clone technique, can be described as dazzling and brilliant, Zhuge Zhengwo was stunned and horrified! But the town that was ravaged by ninjutsu, as well as the soldiers who stopped everyone, suffered a catastrophe on the spot!




The wind is blowing!

Thunder boom!

All kinds of ravages can be said to make them miserable and defeated!

More than a dozen secret sentries in the capital, with no less than tens of thousands of soldiers guarding the forces, let Bai Xiaofei be completely crippled with all kinds of strange and surprising moves. Although they didn't cause many casualties, they made them short There is no more power to fight in time.

Therefore, Zhuge Zheng, I and the others also gained a considerable amount of time, and were able to rush to the gate of the palace smoothly.

at the same time……

Inside the Daqing Palace.

The fake Song Huizong is still very devoted to acting.

Facing the obstruction and persuasion of civil and military officials, with a look of compassion on his face, Yang Tianchang sighed: "You all stop talking! I have made up my mind! Master An in An Yunshan is a Bodhisattva with a heart, and he is a great man respected by everyone. A good man, with a stable family and a rich country, if he is enthroned on the throne, it will be a great blessing for the people of the world!"

"What's your objection?"


All the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were silent.

The current situation is already very obvious. The emperor is determined to abdicate the throne to An Yunshan. No matter whether there is something tricky or not in it, it is always an indisputable fact that it is always an indisputable fact. At such a critical moment, naturally it will not Someone jumped out and made himself uncomfortable!

"My lord!"

An Yunshan smiled hypocritically.

He pretended to be respectful and supported Song Huizong with one hand, and then said: "I am afraid that people in the world will not accept it!"

And this time...

It was Cai Xiang's turn to perform.

I saw him standing up from kneeling with a few subordinates, and then said loudly: "Master An is highly respected, and his reputation among the people is well known to everyone. He is known as a living Bodhisattva who saves suffering and disaster. I personally surrender, dare to ask... who is not convinced!"

"Who in this world is not convinced!"


While talking.

Cai Xiang arrogantly walked up to a certain minister, grabbed his collar, and asked fiercely and domineeringly, "Are you not convinced?"

The minister didn't dare to speak out and remained silent.

"And you!"

Cai Xiang let go of the man.

Turning around, he grabbed another minister and asked, "Are you dissatisfied?!"


The minister was also silent.

"see it?"

Seeing that everyone was silent and did not dare to object, Cai Xiang suddenly felt complacent, and said arrogantly: "Since no one dissatisfies, it means that the decision of the Holy Majesty is right! Master An takes over the throne, that is what everyone wishes Come on, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Say it.

He looked at Master An.

An expression of waiting to receive praise and rewards, a standard lackey look.

How can I think...

An Yunshan snorted coldly.

"My lord!"

"The government is chaotic, traitors dominate, and corrupt officials are sheltered. If you want to stabilize the world, you must get rid of this curse! At the beginning, someone instigated the dog to harm the Holy One and bring harm to the common people, and this is the road to no return! I can't let him go, not only to avenge my son, but also to give justice to the people of the world!"

"I still hope that the emperor will approve it!"


Say the last.

The murderous intent in the eyes is already revealed, it is extremely cold!

In the name of Cai Xiang, the crime is extremely heinous. The common people in the world all say that the new official takes office three fires. Since An Yunshan wants to usurp the throne and become the emperor, he naturally has to use some means to stabilize his position. A traitor is undoubtedly the best choice!

By then...

The people all over the world will know that it was An Yunshan who got rid of this great disaster for them!

As for the change of dynasty?

Is it important?

The common people don't care who is the emperor! What they care about most is their own life, whether they can live a stable life, have enough food, and wear warm and comfortable clothes! As long as all these can be satisfied, there is really no difference whether the emperor is Song Huizong or An Yunshan, okay? !

How can Prime Minister Cai not understand all of this, as the prime minister of a country?

Seeing An Yunshan crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, intending to kill donkeys and cook rabbits to death, Xiang Cai's face suddenly changed, and he was completely panicked. : "You bastard! I have always been loyal to you..."


The words are not yet finished.

Cai Xiang was suddenly stabbed by the guard behind him.

The officials were shocked!


Cai Xiang glanced in disbelief at the few subordinates who claimed to be his confidantes. He didn't expect that they were all from An Yunshan, so I hate it!

He fell to his knees moaning in pain.

At this moment……

An Yunshan walked up to him.

Cai Xiang struggled to raise his head, stared at An Yunshan full of hatred and anger, gritted his teeth and said, "I will do whatever it takes, and I am willing to be scolded by the world...Why do you treat me like this?"

An Yunshan said indifferently and coldly: "Haven't you already enjoyed a lot of luxury and wealth?"

"If you don't die, people in the world will not accept it!"

"I will thank you!"


The voice just fell.

An Yunshan's palm was already on Cai Xiang's shoulder. The star-absorbing magic was running, and Cai Xiang, who was not far from death, had all the remaining vitality and energy absorbed by An Yunshan in an instant. Mourning Jiuquan, the soul has returned to the west!

Cai Xiangyi died.

All the ministers suddenly became more silent, afraid to make a sound.

An Yunshan was so lucky, he stood up, and said loudly: "It's not only Cai Xiang, but also the Shenhou Mansion that has caused trouble in the court..."


He was talking vigorously.

He planned to burn this second "fire" on Shenhou Mansion.

At the critical moment, outside the Daqing Hall, a guard ran in quickly, with a flustered look, and reported to An Yunshan: "Master, Zhuge Zheng, I and others from the Shenhou Mansion are leading people now." Outside the imperial palace, our people will almost be unable to resist it!"


Hearing what the man said, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they were shocked and said: "Zhuge from the Shenhou Mansion is correcting me?!"

An Yunshan also raised his silver eyebrows, his face full of displeasure.

"It came so fast!"


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