The Storm God

Chapter 1322: The inside meets the outside! (Please subscribe!)


An Yunshan's face was gloomy.

Although he had expected that Zhuge Zhengwo might come to hinder his plan, he never expected that the opponent's actions would be so fast, and he would break through the city gate so quickly and come to the palace. Far exceeded my expectations.

To know.

From various city gates to the road to the palace.

But he has deployed heavy troops to guard them all. Strong crossbows, cannons, soldiers, almost everything you need, but even a few people from the Shenhou Mansion can't stop them. What a waste!

The more An Yunshan thought about it, the angrier he became!

but don't know...

If it were Zhuge Zhengwo and others alone, it would be difficult to break through the defense line he arranged so quickly. But who said that in the crowd, there is such a pervert as Bai Xiaofei! No matter what kind of large formation you have, it's just a super-wide range of five-element ninjutsu blasting past, and even the terrain and buildings are completely destroyed!

Poor group of soldiers, they were brutally crushed by Bai Xiaofei on the spot, and they were powerless to fight back! Even... a lot of people didn't even see Zhuge Zheng, me and the others, and they were directly brought down by blood abuse, and all kinds of messy things were buried alive!


What to stop?

Dream it!

An Yunshan was extremely depressed, but the civil and military officials who were loyal to the Song Dynasty were extremely pleasantly surprised at this moment! They only hope that Zhuge Zhengwo and others from the Shenhou Mansion will quickly break through the barriers outside the palace, enter the Daqing Palace, and directly kill this old Anjia monster who dared to usurp the throne!

"Has the surname Bai come?"

For An Yunshan, although Zhuge Zhengwo and others are troublesome, they are nothing to be afraid of. The one who really makes him afraid is the unfathomable Bai Xiaofei!


The soldier immediately replied after hearing the words: "If it weren't for him, our defense line would not have collapsed so quickly. That man named Bai is extremely powerful, and he is simply inhuman. Even Mr. An can't resist it!"

Speaking of Bai Xiaofei.

The soldier who reported the letter suddenly looked terrified, and his eyes were full of horror. It can be seen that he was seriously frightened by Bai Xiaofei, and he was psychologically shadowed.


When An Yunshan heard this, his face changed instantly, becoming more gloomy and livid.

But the surrounding ministers were even more joyful and excited in their hearts, and they all secretly praised: "The master of the country is here too! God bless me, Song! The magic of the master of the country is weird and unpredictable. Zhuge Zheng and I from Shangshenhou's Mansion will definitely be able to defeat this old thief An Yunshan!"

"come on!"

Regardless of how people here think and react.

Outside the palace, at this very moment, a large-scale offensive and defensive battle was going on fiercely.

The guards here are more powerful and formidable than those deployed by the major secret guards in the capital, and there are many soldiers. Besides An Shigeng, there are also many martial arts masters guarding here. Help, for a while, it is difficult to pass quickly!

Coupled with the suppression of various firearms, crossbows and other means.

With few enemies, the situation of Zhuge Zheng, me and others is quite bad. Not long after the battle started, many people were injured and bleeding, and even died on the spot! Fortunately, Zhuge Zheng and I from the Shenhou Mansion did not encounter any danger because they were lucky or had a halo protection!

Even the extra characters like Ding Dong and Linger are no exception!

"The situation is not good!"

Zhuge Zhengwo's face was solemn, looking at the guarding soldiers who were extremely heavily defended, his eyes were extremely anxious: "The defense here is really too strong, I really don't know how the An family managed to win over so many martial arts masters, if you don't hurry up, find a way , break through here, break into the palace, I'm afraid that old thief An Yunshan will succeed in seizing power!"

While talking.

While exercising the gossip mental method, his skills were running, and he beat a martial arts master who was attacking him to the ground, and he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

However, there were more people around, besieging Zhuge Zhengwo.

A madness that is not afraid of death!

"Do not worry!"

Bai Xiaofei's voice came faintly from the sky.

With extremely strong self-confidence and a confident smile, he said loudly: "They won't be jumping for long! Mr. Zhuge, wait for me to send a signal to restrain An Shigeng and the others, and wait for the people in the palace to start their actions. The inside should cooperate with the outside, and rush in in one fell swoop!"


Zhuge Zhengwo nodded in agreement and said, "This is the only way to go now, Mr. Bai, be careful yourself!"


And fight and retreat.

Immediately turned in the direction of Tie Shou and the others, and turned around.

"Fire escape—fire dragon bomb!"

Bai Xiaofei let out an evil laugh, seeing that Zhuge Zhengwo and the others had successfully rounded, and after making preparations, he was not to be outdone, and quickly formed a seal, then opened his mouth and spit out a huge fire dragon about ten feet long, towards the gate guarding the palace. An Shigeng and others blasted over!

"Boom boom boom!"

The fire dragon is ferocious and domineering, wild and without waves!

An Shigeng and the others turned pale with fright, they didn't dare to take Bai Xiaofei's strange fire dragon move head-on, they were incompetent and could only dodge and escape, but the fire dragon blasted out a vacancy on the spot where they were, and several people were burnt to death. Ten guard soldiers who couldn't react in time!

The ferocious fire dragon didn't dissipate just then, but after breaking through a corner of the palace wall, the momentum remained undiminished, and it went straight to the sky and flew into the sky.

In the end, it exploded like an incomparably gorgeous firework!

at the same time……

In the palace.

Countless people have seen this strange sight.

"start to act!"

As Bai Xiaofei's signal spread.

In the palace, more than a dozen people immediately understood, and immediately led their subordinates to turn against each other, and started a crazy fight with the An family!

Especially near the gate of the imperial palace, the momentum is extremely fierce!

all of these……

It came very abruptly.

Can be said to be caught off guard, hard to guard against!

The people of the An family, as well as the imperial city guards and guard soldiers who were bought by the An family, never thought that someone would betray them, they were killed on the spot and turned their backs on their backs, causing heavy casualties! Even if they are large and powerful, they still have a lot of territory forcibly captured by the other party!

Especially the palace gate here.

With the help of Zhuge Zhengwo and others, a group of people cooperated from inside to outside, and without much effort, they successfully captured and opened the closed door!

"Ha ha!"

"The gates of the palace are open!"

"Everyone, don't love to fight, the real battlefield is the Daqing Palace!"

"Go all out and attack!"

"Come on!"

Zhuge Zheng and the others were ecstatic.

All of them looked like crazy tigers, and with all their energy, they all performed lightness kung fu and rushed towards the inside.


"You bloody bastards, don't even think about going anywhere!"

"Come back to me!"


The city gate fell.

An Shigeng and the others were suddenly furious and screamed in anger.

They were about to catch up and stop them.

At this moment……


Like a ghost, Bai Xiaofei suddenly appeared in front of the crowd, and said in a dark voice: "An Shigeng, the people who don't go anywhere are not them, but you, if you want to stop Zhuge Zhengwo and the others, you can! But you have to get past me first!"

"It's you!"

An Shigeng's eyes suddenly focused.

Looking at the small-faced guy in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said, "Bai Xiaofei!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded hey.

Then he said with a smile: "It's me! You killed Catching God earlier, and I heard that you have been greatly improved after being reborn. What kind of mutation has happened to you with the millennium Tai Sui!"

"Let's do it!"

Not only An Shigeng.

In front of all the martial arts masters invited by Anjia, almost everyone faced a Bai Xiaofei!


In order to contain An Shigeng and others, Bai Xiaofei did not hesitate to consume his chakra, and used the technique of multiple shadow clones! He was stunned to delay all the hundreds of Jianghu martial arts masters recruited by the An family with his own strength, and relying on his rich experience and combat experience, he firmly gained the upper hand!

at the same time.

Ji Yaohua in the Daqing Hall also saw the fire dragon signal from Bai Xiaofei from a distance.


I saw her wink slightly at someone behind her. The next moment, almost everyone at the scene was attracted by the fire dragon fireworks outside. Unprepared, a shocking sword intent and sword energy suddenly bloomed. With a sound of "shua", the invisible air sword crossed Song Huizong's neck!


Wherever the invisible air sword passed, blood splashed immediately!

However, Song Huizong didn't die from being pierced through the throat because of this. He narrowly dodged the blow just now, and the invisible qi sword only injured the skin of his neck. But these are not the point, the point is... Song Huizong actually turned into a charming and charming woman on the spot!

It was Ruyan who was proficient in spiritual magic!

"I rely on it!"

"After a long time, it turned out to be a fake emperor and a woman!"

"I knew it was wrong!"


In an instant, the officials were shocked, and their expressions suddenly changed, and the scene was in chaos!

An Yunshan's face was even more livid.

Black as the bottom of a pot!


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