The Storm God

Chapter 1323 Ten thousand swords return to the sect! (Please subscribe!)

"who are you?"

An Yunshan looked at the man who shot the invisible sword with sharp eyes like a knife. The invisible qi sword just now has a strong sword intent, and its internal strength is even more uniform, which is definitely not something that ordinary masters can use. However, An Yunshan knows almost all the famous sword masters in the world, but this man's sword is the only one. But it made him very strange!

Not just him.

Even Ji Yaohua was followed by An Yunshan.

You know, the other party is hiding in Ji Yaohua's team. If Ji Yaohua didn't know about it, he wouldn't believe it if he killed An Yunshan!

At this moment, An Yunshan only had one thought in his mind!

Ji Yaohua rebelled!


The way An Yunshan looked at Ji Yaohua was far colder and colder than staring at the master who shot out the invisible air sword. If it wasn't for the suspicion in his heart, he still wasn't sure whether this matter had anything to do with Ji Yaohua , An Yunshan probably made a move long ago, and slapped Ji Yaohua to death!


Seeing An Yunshan's icy eyes, Ji Yaohua not only showed no trace of fear or apprehension. Instead, she gave a wicked smile, which made her proud and cheerful, and then snorted coldly: "Master An, I'm sorry, all your plans have come to naught, today is the end of your Anjia!"


The jade hand raised.

Including Ji Yaohua, all the soldiers of the other six sects retreated in unison, then quickly drew out their weapons and divided them into two parts. One part formed a strange formation, and An Yunshan The others are all surrounded in the middle, ready to fight!

another part.

It is to form a defensive formation to protect all civil and military officials.

"This is……?"

Seeing such a strange situation.

The civil and military officials around were suddenly surprised and happy, and also puzzled. Who is that man? How did he know that the emperor in front of him was a fake? Which song did Ji Yaohua sing this? Could it be that he is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han, and he clearly obeys the orders of the An family, but in fact he is just planning? !

Regardless of how everyone thinks and reacts.

Here at the scene...


But he saw the man smile coldly.

He looked at An Yunshan fearlessly, and under everyone's gaze, he said in a deep voice: "Master An, I heard what Mr. Bai, the national teacher, said, that your star-absorbing magic is powerful and unpredictable. , I, Liu, have learned a lot today, and I hope Master An will not hesitate to teach me!"

while speaking.

The man suddenly made a strange gesture imprint, and suddenly shouted: "Solution!". Immediately afterwards... "Boom" a burst of white smoke rose, and when the smoke cleared away quickly, what appeared in front of everyone was a face that almost everyone present was very familiar with.

"God catcher!"

"Oh my god! How is this possible!?"

"Isn't he dead?"


That's right! That man is Catcher!

Seeing Catching God who was already dead but now standing in front of him alive, all the officials were shocked in an instant, their faces were full of disbelief, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost, and their eyes were full of fear. It's a look of disbelief.

Even An Yunshan, a peerless master with a transcendent state of mind, couldn't help but change his expression after seeing the true face of Catching God!

"This is impossible!"

"Catching God was killed by my son a long time ago, you can't be Catching God!"

"You must be fake!"


As soon as An Yunshan's words came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

Civil and military officials, who are proficient in politics and good at calculating, suddenly realized when they heard the words: "Okay! It turns out that the murderer who killed Catching God was not Zhuge Zhengwo of the Shenhou Mansion, but your son An Shigeng! It seems that all of these Everything is a conspiracy for you to settle down!"


Catcher smiled slightly.

Looking at An Yunshan with a shocked expression on his face, he explained generously: "I have indeed died once! After your son An Shigeng was reborn, his strength has improved so much that it is unimaginable. I was killed by him before I figured out the number of his moves!"


"Master Guoshi had expected all of this a long time ago, so he found me in advance, discussed with me how to deal with it, and gave me an artifact that can preserve the soul. Mister stole my body, and then revived my body!"

"And I was a blessing in disguise. I got the kung fu taught by Mr. Bai. Not to mention my kung fu, even the realm of swordsmanship and attainments have risen dramatically. Otherwise, I, Liu, would have no courage. How dare you challenge Master An!"


Catcher explained in great detail.

But there are some things that he didn't say on the spot.

for example……

How did Bai Xiaofei save him?

And Bai Xiaofei taught him exercises, gifted him with natural talents and earthly treasures, increased his skills and so on, all of which had to be paid for! But these are not important anymore, the important thing is An Yunshan's face, with Catching God's explanation, it became more and more ugly!

When the catcher finished speaking.

Master An's face was already so dark that it was purple, and he was about to explode with anger!


An Yunshan took a few deep breaths, then laughed out of anger, his body strength soared sharply, his momentum was soaring, and the silver-haired disguise was torn into pieces by the domineering aura erupting from him on the spot, revealing the What a handsome little fresh meat!

"What a catcher!"

"What a national teacher, Bai Xiaofei! What a good one, just use his tricks!"

"Unexpectedly, I, An Yunshan, have been strategizing and scheming all my life, but now I am being tricked by the two of you. It is a wrong step, a wrong step! But... I haven't completely failed! As long as I put you All these ants are killed, this whole world is still mine!"

"Catching God, there is a way to heaven, if you don't go, take your life and come!"


While roaring.

An Yunshan's whole body has already quickly moved towards the God of Catcher!

His attacks don't have any special moves, nothing fancy, simple, direct, and unremarkable, but even so, the power is extremely terrifying and powerful. The golden bell cover is ordinary, and the body protection is formed, indestructible!

An Yunshan's claw-shaped palm, which came straight to catch God's vitals, is even more ferocious and terrifying under the super buff bonus of star-absorbing magic. There seems to be a black hole near the Laogong Point in the palm, powerful The incomparable adsorption force even distorts the entire void under the influence!

Such power is simply abnormal!

If this claw is firmly grasped, I'm afraid it will be sucked into a + person on the spot!

"What a strong suction!"

Catching God's reaction was not slow. Seeing An Yunshan's sudden attack, his gaze was fixed, and while his mind was shocked, he did not dare to neglect, and pointed at the sword. During the operation of his skills, countless invisible Qi swords took shape almost instantly. Immediately spread over all parts of his body, wrapping it like a hedgehog and sea urchin, it looks unaware!

"Master An!"

But Catching God smiled coldly, stared at Chong'an Yunshan without fear, and said in a deep voice: "Your star-absorbing magic is really powerful! But the sword skills I learned from the master of the country are by no means easy , who is strong and who is weak, let us see the truth!"

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"


"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Following God's order.

Countless invisible qi swords, like countless fish full of spirituality, gathered together one after another, and transformed into a super dragon composed of countless sword qi almost instantly. A mouthful of dragon teeth is showing its sharpness, eager to devour and destroy!


All this is a long story, but in fact it is only a blink of an eye.

From catching the gods to attacking, to forming a giant dragon with invisible air swords, and rushing towards An Yunshan with incomparable domineering power, the two powerful forces collided without fancy, and it took no more than 5 seconds at most! The next moment... the earth-shattering roar spread throughout the entire Daqing Hall in an instant.


There was a crackling sound.

Unable to withstand the violent impact of the collision between the two powerful forces, the Daqing Hall crashed and collapsed on the spot! It's a pity that there are so many people present, no one expected such an accident to happen, and almost all of them were deeply buried alive by the fragments of the Daqing Palace!


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