The Storm God

Chapter 1324: Swallowing Heaven and Earth! (Please subscribe!)

royal palace.

On the way to Daqing Hall.

Zhuge Zhengwo and others in the Shenhou Mansion are marching forward bravely, constantly attacking the rebel army that is blocking them! Their strength is not bad at all, coupled with the support of others, the effect is naturally very ideal, invincible and invincible! Go fast!


The palace is really huge!

Even though their speed of progress is already very gratifying, it will take some time to reach the Daqing Palace smoothly!

And at this moment.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the entire palace!

It roared like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth, as if there was an earthquake, and almost everyone in the palace could clearly feel the shock under their feet.

"Oh My God!"

"So what happened?"

"This shock is..."

"not good!"

Everyone was taken aback.

But those who know the layout and direction of the palace, such as Zhuge Zhengwo, suddenly changed their expression at this moment, and secretly frowned: "The loud noise came from the direction of the Daqing Palace! Something must have happened over there ! No way! I must rush there as soon as possible, and no matter what, I must not put Sheng in danger!"

"Iron Hand!"


"King Kong!"

"Open the way for me!"


Following Zhuge Zhengwo's order.

Immediately, a number of top-notch Jianghu masters rushed in front of him, and each of them looked crazy, like a humanoid tank, and began to act as the vanguard for Zhuge Zhengwo regardless of defense, overcoming all obstacles and breaking through everything in front of him obstacles!

Zhuge Zheng and I followed closely behind, jumping in and advancing quickly.

Go straight to the Daqing Palace!

at the same time……

Near the outside of the palace gate.

More than a dozen Bai Xiaofei are fighting with the masters of the rivers and lakes headed by An Shigeng, and they are fighting hard!

Although the technique of multiple shadow clones is infinitely wonderful, it can be called a bug among bugs, but no move is perfect, and it must have some flaws. For example, now, in terms of strength, Bai Xiaofei is definitely better than An Shigeng and any of them. They must be strong, even if they are restricted, it is definitely not something they can compete with!

Even if An Shigeng regained his new life, his strength improved beyond human, almost equaling Bai Xiaofei's skill, it's the same! In terms of experience, combat experience, and tactics, Bai Xiaofei is innately invincible, and dealing with them is nothing short of a blow!


This is under the condition that Bai Xiaofei didn't use multiple shadow clones, but once he used it, the situation would be a different matter, because this technique would distribute Bai Xiaofei's power equally, the more clones, the more fragmented the individual power would be. , its strength will naturally weaken exponentially!

Like this is the case now.

Bai Xiaofei summoned a dozen clones at once, which is equivalent to dividing his overall strength into more than ten points. Each clone, including the main body, is only one tenth of the original, weakened It can be described as quite miserable!

To know.

In the real world, Bai Xiaofei used the technique of multiple shadow clones!

Although only one physical clone was summoned, his strength was evenly divided into two parts, that is to say, the overall strength of Bai Xiaofei who came to the world of time and space is only half of the original! And this half of the strength was severely sealed and restricted because of the restricted mission!

As a result, it has now been reduced to one-tenth of the level after the limit!


Such a reduction.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no humanity at all!

This is Bai Xiaofei. He has experienced hundreds of battles, has a lot of experience, and his combat experience and methods of dealing with enemies are all extraordinary. The fights were evenly matched, evenly matched! Otherwise, if it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have stopped cooking long ago!


An Shigeng's face was gloomy, his half-wood and half-human face was extremely green, he gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect your strength to be so strong. Even after I obtained the power of the thousand-year-old Tai Sui, I couldn't take advantage of it. It seems that you want to Killing you, if you don't show your true skills, it will be impossible!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled lightly, sword intent and sword energy flying vertically and horizontally, volleying away An Shigeng's wooden tentacle attack, and said with a sneer: "Of course, I don't even look at who my buddy is! An Shigeng, stop talking nonsense!" Said, if there is any unique trick, it is better to quickly take it out!"

"Otherwise, if you guys get serious, you really have no chance at all!"


He's not bragging.

It should be noted that even though An Shigeng is forceful and very difficult to deal with, the other masters of the rivers and lakes who were recruited by An's family are not as perverted as An Shigeng. After this short period of confrontation, they are already Several of them were killed by Bai Xiaofei's physical clones!

The avatars who freed up their hands did not immediately release the state, but turned their heads and rushed towards other people, encircling them together, bullying the few with the many!

Now is not the time to pay attention to the morals of the rivers and lakes.

How much money?


You bite me!

Sitting on a space-time shuttle, Bai Xiaofei has conquered thousands of worlds and experienced endless experience. He already has an insurmountable absolute advantage. Now he is even more shameless and bullies the few. The situation can be imagined. You guys, suddenly started rushing to the street again and again, and were caught by the shadow clone and tortured!

If it continues at this speed, those people will be killed within a few minutes. As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing, he can double his strength and recover at any time, and his combat power will increase greatly at that time. It will not be too easy to deal with a mere An Shigeng, okay?

The reason why Bai Xiaofei waited until now is to see what kind of abilities An Shigeng has after merging with the millennium Tai Sui!

To know.

Catcher died at the hands of An Shigeng!

Moreover, it was almost a crushing instant kill, before the catcher could figure out An Shigeng's moves, he was killed directly!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei is very curious, and according to the analysis of the battle with An Shigeng just now, Bai Xiaofei found that even if the level of strength of Catching God was much lower than that of An Shigeng, if he used all his strength to face the enemy seriously , it stands to reason that he shouldn't be killed in seconds!

The only explanation is that An Shigeng must have some unknown weapon and trick! It's just that he has been hiding it all the time, and it's useless! Even though Bai Xiaofei is pressing and beating him now, An Shigeng has no intention of using it. He obviously intends to continue to hide, and then when Bai Xiaofei is most relaxed, he will give him a thunderous fatal blow!

This is not allowed!

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not let An Shigeng get what he wanted.

Seeing him smile evilly, he said in a cold voice: "An Shigeng, this time I'm going to magnify my tricks. If you don't use your housekeeping skills, you will die on the spot. Don't regret it!" He secretly said in his heart: "Be good! I don't believe that I can't be forced out by you!"

Say it.

Gestures together.

In an instant, the sky was filled with desolation, and the void was shaken!

Heaven Slashing Sword Intent!

Bai Xiaofei's eyes were cold and stern, his sharpness was like a sword, and under the power of his thoughts, his kung fu was running, his true energy condensed, and in an instant he used the [Zhan Tian Yi], which combines the ten thousand swords returning to the sect and the sword intent of the sword of the holy spirit. Sword.Change], like a god, his body blends into the heaven and the earth, and the human sword is one!


"Such a powerful, overbearing sword skill!"

"I can't beat it!"


Bai Xiaofei's sword intent came out.

An Shigeng suddenly had a warning sign in his heart, his brows were wrinkled, and his face was full of shock and horror.

He could clearly feel that at this moment, Bai Xiaofei was no longer Bai Xiaofei, but a sword, a peerless sword that wanted to destroy the world, under the light of the sword, he was invincible and unrivaled! If I don't come up with the ability to press the bottom of the box, I'm afraid I will die on the spot...


After making up his mind, An Shigeng gritted his teeth, his eyes became extremely determined, he looked straight at Bai Xiaofei, and said coldly: "Okay! The surname is Bai! Since you are so impatient and rush to reincarnate, then I To fulfill you, come up with the housekeeping skills I have comprehended by integrating the millennium Tai Sui!"

"Swallow the sky and eat the earth!"


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