The Storm God

Chapter 1325 Alien Spirit Fire! (Please subscribe!)

"Ha ha!"

"Mr. An is going to make a bigger move!"

"Hold on, everyone, that Bai is not far from death!"

"Come on!"


The surrounding masters, while fighting against Bai Xiaofeiying's clone, naturally pay attention to and pay attention to the dynamics of the two protagonists Bai Xiaofei and An Shigeng. All of a sudden, they were overjoyed and cheered endlessly!


Not to mention how people react.

On the other side of the scene, Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback, feeling the obvious changes in An Shigeng's body, he couldn't help but grinned and said, "Swallow the sky and eat the earth? This name sounds very domineering, but I don't know whether it is really amazing or exaggerated." ! Forget it! After finally waiting for this opportunity, let’s take a good look!”

Say it.

The sword point is closed.

The sky-slashing sword intent suddenly froze, and he didn't let it go!

Obviously, Bai Xiaofei has already prepared this move, if it wasn't for seeing how awesome An Shigeng's so-called big move is, he would have already started it! This is obviously giving way to him, so that An Shigeng can have enough time to perform the so-called Swallowing Heaven and Earth!

at this point.

Others can't see it.

But An Shigeng, as the world's top master, how could he not know? !


To be so slighted.

As if watching a monkey in a theatre, An Shigeng naturally felt angry and violent!

"My surname is Bai, you dare to be so arrogant and invincible! Hmph...forget it! Today I will let you know what is called a sky beyond the sky!" An Shigeng said coldly, followed by no more In other words, he concentrated all his energy on the operation of the exercises.

"Crack! Crack!"

With An Shigeng's skills, the void suddenly became cold, visible to the naked eye, and countless frosty ice crystals began to form rapidly, as if suddenly entering the twelfth lunar month, icy to the bone, and the cold air swept across tens of meters in an instant, as if To freeze the entire void!


Even Bai Xiaofei was shrouded in it.

His sky-slashing sword intent is fierce and domineering, shocking the void, but An Shigeng's icy domain cannot be underestimated, it is ruthless, freezing everything, and there is a crazy tendency to replace it!

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei could still feel it clearly.

With the expansion of the icy field, the moisture and essence in the void are also disappearing at an extremely alarming speed!


"To be precise, it should have been swallowed by someone!"


Bai Xiaofei looked surprised.

Looking at An Shigeng on the opposite side in amazement, he saw that his half-human, half-wooden body had undergone an incomparable change at this moment. The wooden body on the right side of him seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and it started to skyrocket crazily , Breaking through the limit in a blink of an eye, almost growing into a towering tree in the shape of a human!

"I rely on it!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being startled, he didn't dare to say anything: "This is... Mu Dun?"


An Shigeng's current appearance.

It is very similar to the wooden escape technique in Naruto!

Especially Danzo with Mutun cells transplanted on the right upper body, almost exactly the same! It's just that Danzang transplanted the Mutun cells from Qianshou Zhujian to control Xuelunyan, but An Shigeng did it as a last resort, and in terms of appearance, he couldn't catch up with Danzang!

Although the right half of Danzo's body is disgusting, and his entire right arm is full of eyes, but at this moment, An Shigeng's right leg, right arm, and even the entire right half of his body have all turned into something like Mushu. There are so many, densely packed, that people suffer from intensive phobia.


Those tentacle-like things.

Not only does it seem to have spirituality, it dances in the air like a spirit snake, and it's all sticky, ticking all the time. This milky white liquid looks disgusting!

"What the hell is this!"

Bai Xiaofei secretly frowned as he looked straight ahead.

It's really An Shigeng's change, which is too unexpected. It's almost the same as some erotic settings in the island country, and it's extremely evil!


None of this is the point.

What surprised him the most was the power contained in these tentacles!

According to the investigation of Bai Xiaofei's mental power, he found that almost every one of the countless tentacles on An Shigeng's body has an extremely strong physique. But the top is as hard as refined iron, almost indestructible!


These tentacle-like existences have countless octopus-like suckers all over their bodies. They are extremely small, like pores. If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's extremely powerful mental power, ordinary people would really not be able to find them!

Don't underestimate these weird suckers!

Bai Xiaofei was shocked to discover that it was precisely because of these sucker-like pores, those countless tentacles on An Shigeng's body, that they became so powerful, because they seemed to have the ability to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth. The air of heaven and earth within the scope of the domain is getting rarer and rarer!

But the tentacles on An Shigeng's body, as well as his own aura, skill, and strength, seemed to be expanding rapidly like an inflated ball!

In a short period of time, An Shigeng's power has doubled several times!

Simply incredible!


After the transformation was completed, An Shigeng burst out laughing proudly.

"The surname is Bai!"

"My ultimate move is ready, thanks to your arrogance and arrogance! Otherwise, if you immediately launch that terrifying sword, I may not have time to complete the preparation of the ultimate move! Then next... are ready to bear my boundless wrath!"

"Meteor fire shower!"

It can be said that An Shigeng hated Bai Xiaofei to death.

Before he finished speaking, he immediately launched a surprise attack, and saw An Shigeng standing firmly on the city wall like an old tree with intertwined roots, and the right half of his body was countless wooden sticky tentacles. , but like dragons and snakes dancing wildly, coming out in full force, like shooting stars and arrows, they all shot towards Bai Xiaofei!

They are fast, as fast as thunder!

Not only that, when these tentacles were flying in mid-air, they were really like meteors piercing the atmosphere, and all of them burst into raging flames! These flames are very strange. It stands to reason that these tentacles are all made of wood. If a fire is made on the wood, it should have burned everything together with the tentacles!


The current situation is completely different!

The tentacles are still wooden tentacles, the flames are still hot and burning flames, they seem to be irrelevant, the well water does not interfere with the river water, does not invade each other, but complements each other! Through the powerful perception of the power of the mind, Bai Xiaofei was astonished to discover that these extremely high-temperature and terrifyingly powerful flames were not ordinary flames, but directly ignited the air of heaven and earth, and erupted a strange fire!

That's right!

It is a different kind of flame!

Ordinary flames are like the fires that people use to make fires for cooking.

However, alien flames, both in terms of temperature and power, are far above ordinary flames. For example, when aerospace is used in airplanes and rockets, the flames caused by special fuels are even the lowest alien flames. The power is also far more than a hundred times and a thousand times that of ordinary flames, enough to melt gold and make iron!

The atmosphere of heaven and earth.

It is the purest aura in the world, the source of all things!

Compared with ordinary oxygen, it is equivalent to aviation fuel, or even a super existence like nuclear energy. The flame detonated by him is not a different kind of flame, what is it? Similar to this kind of flame driven by special means or power, in the world of cultivating immortals, all of them are extremely precious and rare treasures!

It stands to reason.

Such a rare treasure can only be found in the world of cultivating immortals or myths!

For example, Nanming Lihuo in Shu Mountain, Sanwei Zhihuo, Sanmai Zhenhuo, Liuding Shenhuo, etc. in Journey to the West, Taiyang Zhenhuo, Burning Sky Zihuo, Nether Ghost Fire, Wanling Guyi, etc. in Fengshen, fighting to break the sky The Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Pure Lotus Demon Fire, Fallen Heart Flame, etc., as well as the Nirvana Fire, Eternal Flame, etc. in Western myths and legends!


In the world of these four famous arresters.

In the mere world of low-level martial arts, a strange spiritual fire generated by burning the energy of heaven and earth popped up out of nowhere, which is a bit unbelievable! Although the spirit fire produced by An Shigeng is only the lowest level, without any technical content, and is a purely violent operation, its power and destructive power must not be underestimated!

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei's calm face finally changed slightly.

But more is surprise and astonishment, but there is absolutely no fear or horror. Although the alien spiritual fire is powerful, the key depends on who uses it. If it is another master, Bai Xiaofei may still be a little bit afraid, or simply turn his head away. Run, because he still has no way to deal with the alien spirit fire!

But if the opponent is An Shigeng, it's a different story!

It's like a little kid holding a gun in his hand. Ordinary people may be very afraid, for fear that the little kid will shoot indiscriminately, hurting or even breaking himself. But if you were a special soldier king who had experienced many battles, if you wanted to deal with this little kid and get rid of the gun in the opponent's hand, there must be no less than a hundred ways!

The key is the user himself!

the same way.

An Shigeng is like that little boy with a gun at this moment. He may be able to easily win against native masters like Catcher, but against Bai Xiaofei, the super "soldier king" who can traverse the sky, it is not enough at all. Look! For an existence like him, Bai Xiaofei said that he can hit ten with one hand!


This refers to Bai Xiaofei's heyday!

Now, his strength is only about one percent of his original strength. Facing An Shigeng's Heaven Swallowing Earth Domain and Meteor Fire Rain's alien spiritual fire, he still has to raise his spirits and deal with it carefully, otherwise, if he is not paying attention, he will be killed in the gutter. If the boat capsizes in the middle, it would be embarrassing!


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