The Storm God

Chapter 1326 Continue to single out! (Please subscribe!)

"Well done!"

Facing the incoming alien spirit fire, Bai Xiaofei was more excited than ever! As the saying goes, a person with high skills is bold. Although his current strength is only about one percent of his original strength, he still has incomparable self-confidence. Bai Xiaofei wants to see if the power of this thing is as awesome as the legends say. Forced and against the sky!

"Heaven-slashing sword!"

With a wave of Bai Xiaofei's sword finger, the heaven-slashing sword intent that was condensed and unrelenting burst out instantly!

next moment……

The void shook, and the ice shattered!

The icy-cold domain of An Shigeng swallowing the heavens and the earth, like a mirror, was shattered to pieces by Bai Xiaofei's sky-slashing sword on the spot, and countless frosty ice crystals fell like rain, splashing in all directions, but what they splashed Direction, but because of the influence of Zhantian Sword Intent and Sword Qi, they condensed into sword shapes one after another, and slashed at An Shigeng head-on!

Look from a distance.

It's as if what Bai Xiaofei swung was a huge ice crystal giant sword!

Magnificent and domineering, awe-inspiring!


Numerous tentacles carrying a different kind of spiritual fire, galloping like fire and meteors! The two sides are cold and hot, one single, and the other countless. The image comparison between the two is simple and clear, and it is obvious. As for which is stronger, only after the two sides fight hard will they know!


The distance of more than ten meters is fleeting!

Bai Xiaofei's sky-slashing sword, and An Shigeng's meteor fire rain finally collided fiercely like a comet hitting the earth!

All of a sudden, a loud noise erupted in the void.

The energy is soaring, the impact is raging!




The space seemed to be torn apart, whistling non-stop, sharp and ear-piercing. The land, city walls, and defensive buildings near the core of the battle all fell apart and turned into countless fragments, burning in the ashes. The raging flames that filled the sky were ferocious and wild, as if they were going to burn the entire sky, dancing violently!

The Sky Slashing Sword is worthy of being one of the most powerful sword skills!

During the reckless struggle, An Shigeng's meteor fire rain was cut open without any hindrance in just a split second, like a sharp knife cutting tofu, and the countless tentacles and flames were cut into two on the spot! But...Bai Xiaofei's current strength is still too low after all, far from being able to display the true power of the Heaven Severing Sword!

Seeing that domineering giant ice crystal sword, after splitting An Shigeng's meteor and fire rain big move, it seemed to have encountered great resistance, lacking energy, and just looking at it, it struck An Shigeng's head At the critical moment, it stopped abruptly!

Not only that……

After the ice crystal fragments flying all over the sky fell into the range of An Shigeng's alien spirit fire, as the temperature rose, they melted into countless water droplets almost instantly, but these water droplets fell on An Shigeng's countless tentacles. The slightest impact on the spirit fire, but also fueled the power of the spirit fire!

"Boom boom boom!"

It's as if it wasn't water, but gasoline.

Visible to the naked eye, on An Shigeng's countless tentacles, the spiritual fire that had been weakened due to the attack of Zhantian Yijian suddenly exploded again. Is it only strong but not weak, even more fierce and domineering!

When the ice sword encounters obstacles, the spiritual fire soars!

Under the ebb and flow, Bai Xiaofei's condensed sword intent of cutting the sky, the ice crystal giant sword, began to melt and disintegrate rapidly under An Shigeng's countless tentacles and spiritual fires, and then turned into countless "water droplets" to drip down In the range of the spirit fire, its domineering and unparalleled fire power is added again!

The originally evenly matched situation is fleeting.


An Shigeng has the upper hand!


Noticing something was wrong.

Bai Xiaofei's expression froze immediately, his expression changed slightly, his eyes were full of astonishment and surprise, "There is such an operation?!"

Between surprise and doubt.

An Shigeng's Huoyu Meteor had already broken through the barrier of Zhantian Sword Intent.

Almost rushed in front of Bai Xiaofei!

"go to hell!"

An Shigeng was overjoyed when he saw this.

The excitement, agitation, and pleasure of avenging a great revenge flashed in his eyes, and the speed of the countless tentacles and spirit fires immediately doubled again, as fast as lightning, and went straight to Bai Xiaofei's vital parts, obviously intending to attack Bai Xiaofei's vital parts. Shoot to death, completely kill this enemy Bai Xiaofei!


He is fast, Bai Xiaofei is faster!


He snorted coldly.

Bai Xiaofei smiled evilly and glanced at An Shigeng, his eyes were full of disdain and contempt, following a thought, the Flying Thunder God technique was activated, and the whole person disappeared instantly, An Shigeng's fire rain meteor and spirit fire attacks , fell to nothing in an instant, and slammed fiercely on the wall of the imperial palace behind.


There was a loud bang.

The tens of meters thick city wall collapsed and burned on the spot because of An Shigeng's blow, and was reduced to ruins! There are even many guarding soldiers who were unlucky enough to become pond fish that were affected by disasters. They died on the spot, turned into human flesh for barbecue, and were burnt to charcoal in an instant. As soon as the breeze blew, they disappeared completely without a trace, as if they had never existed before. Existed in general!

The terrifying power of An Shigeng's strange spiritual fire can be seen from this!

Burning gold to smelt iron is easy!


"What a terrible flame!"



Seeing more than a dozen companions, they were completely burned and disappeared almost instantly. The soldiers who originally wanted to rush forward to put out the fire and continue to guard the gate of the palace were suddenly terrified. Put out the fire, whoever doesn't run is a fool!

"Wow, boom!"

The fire is ferocious, wild and overbearing!

In a short period of time, the nearly 100-meter-long city wall, as well as various buildings and things in the vicinity, were all destroyed and burned to the ground, turning into a pile of black and lacquered scorched earth. Fortunately, with the exhaustion of spiritual energy, the power of the rootless duckweed-like alien spiritual fire finally disappeared without a trace, and soon degenerated into a common fire.

The power of Fanhuo, let alone mention it!

In addition, the walls of the imperial palace and other buildings have been specially processed to be extremely strong and fire-resistant, so the fire will no longer increase, and it will be firmly fixed to a certain level. And it wasn't until this time that some conscientious soldiers started to fight the fire spontaneously.

"What the hell!"

"Mr. An's unique move is really domineering and powerful! Even the walls of the palace can instantly burn down a range of more than 100 meters. If it hits a person, no matter how good your martial arts are, it will be turned into ashes on the spot. The dead can't die anymore. Ah! Such terrifying power can hardly be described in terms of martial arts, this is supernatural power!"

"Those named Bai run fast, otherwise they will surely die!"

"Extremely true!"


And until then.

The surrounding masters of the rivers and lakes reacted one after another.

Seeing An Shigeng's big move, it was so powerful that even a strong man like Bai Xiaofei couldn't resist it, so he could only hide in hiding, not daring to fight head-on with it, he immediately cheered and was very excited. And under the excitement of the crowd, their strength and attack also skyrocketed, and they started to counterattack!


The outcome was doomed and tragic.

Bai Xiaofei's shadow clones, like the deity, have all the means, experience, experience, skills and strength. How can they be ordinary fighters who fight back when they say they want to? What's more, in the situation of being outnumbered, their counterattack is purely for death!


"Crack! Boom! Chick!"


Shadow clones will not show mercy.

Since these masters of the rivers and lakes are willing to die sincerely, if we don't make things right, sending them to the King of Hades, wouldn't it appear that we are not generous enough? !

Bai Xiaofei has always been forthright, how could he be such a person!

"Give me your kindness!"


"Thunder Dun——Guangya!"

"Eight Door Dunjia!"

"Screw pill!"

"Lion Roar!"

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"


A dozen shadow clones immediately unceremoniously began to release their big moves.

In an instant, screams shook the sky, and one after another, the masters of the rivers and lakes rushed to the street, either being bombarded to death on the spot, or being bombarded half to death, and in a blink of an eye, there were heavy casualties, more than half of them died. Wolves are like tigers, spreading their fangs one after another, and the shadow clones who no longer keep their hands, one can imagine that the fate of these remaining people will naturally not be so good!

And no matter how dramatic the situation on the side of the shadow clones changes.

the other side.

An Shigeng frowned, with a look of displeasure.

"The surname is Bai!"

"What kind of skill is hiding, if you have the guts, come out and continue to fight alone!"



While shouting and cursing.

An Shigeng waved countless tentacles on the right side of his body, beating aimlessly, intending to rely on such means to find out where Bai Xiaofei was hiding. It's a pity... Apart from "demolishing" maliciously and destroying many buildings, he didn't even see Bai Xiaofei's shadow!


Shadow clones don't count!

But at this time, Bai Xiaofei was hiding his figure, floating above the sky, staring at An Shigeng below with a pair of bright eyes, pondering endlessly, and kept replaying the scene of fighting with him just now in his mind, It seems to be analyzing An Shigeng's abilities and flaws!

have to say.

An Shigeng, who has merged with the millennium Tai Sui, is indeed awesome!

Especially that alien spirit fire is even more powerful against the sky, even Bai Xiaofei's sky-slashing sword can forcibly block and burn it, it can be described as terrifying! Although it is only equivalent to about 1% of Bai Xiaofei's strength now, it is still enough to be proud of.

To know.

No matter whether An Shigeng manipulated or controlled this alien spiritual fire, he also failed to exert its true power!


It's really hard to say how the outcome will be!

"Alien spirit fire!"

"This is a good thing!"


Seeing An Shigeng below, unscrupulously releasing countless tentacles and alien spirit fires, Bai Xiaofei's eyes were full of greed and anticipation! Obviously, he has taken a fancy to this ability. If he takes it as his own and cooperates with his ability to resist fire, Bai Xiaofei believes that his strength will definitely improve qualitatively!


The first premise is that An Shigeng must be defeated first! And you have to let the opponent lose heartily! Only in this way can it be completely crushed, get the approval of the space-time shuttle, and enter it into the evaluation of task completion, so as to improve the score and have the opportunity to obtain additional rewards!

Just like in "League of Assassins", I accidentally encountered the [Stone of Destiny], which triggered a special mission.

this time.

The alien spirit fire is the key!

The mission requirement of the space-time shuttle is to let Bai Xiaofei analyze the details of An Shigeng's ability, and completely crush and defeat him. After the task is completed, Bai Xiaofei can not only obtain the complete Millennium Tai Sui, but also the secret method of burning the energy of heaven and earth to generate spiritual fire!

as well as……

A certain chance to get extra rewards!

Bai Xiaofei never expected that in the world of low-level martial arts like the Four Famous Detectives, such a good thing would happen to him! That is the secret method of burning the energy of heaven and earth to generate spiritual fire. If you learn it, isn't it equivalent to mastering spiritual fire!


This must be obtained!

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not refuse such a great good deed, and he couldn't refuse either!

Because special tasks are mandatory, you have to agree whether you want to or not! The key rewards and punishments are also very huge, which can't be met! It's just that the special task this time is simply to send warmth and welfare, even if it is not mandatory, Bai Xiaofei will accept it without hesitation!


Bai Xiaofei's thoughts turned, and he quickly researched some clues.


He grinned.

Looking down at An Shigeng's eyes, it changed instantly.

In Bai Xiaofei's eyes, at this moment, An Shigeng is no longer an NPC and a boss, but an extremely fat prey with a huge reward!


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