The Storm God

Chapter 1327 Random Cards! (Please subscribe!)



There was another scream.

The masters of the rivers and lakes recruited by the Anjia lost one more person!

Up to now, more than a dozen first-class masters in the rivers and lakes have been killed by Bai Xiaofei's shadow clones, and more than half of them have been killed. Only two or three big cats and kittens are left, still struggling to support them! Among them, three men and one woman are the most powerful and difficult to deal with. Even in the face of the suppression of many Bai Xiaofeiying clones, they can still remain invincible!

The situation here quickly attracted the attention of Bai Xiaofei himself.


"This is a bit unexpected!"

"Looking at the number of exercises of the four of them, they are quite similar. The artistic conception methods complement each other, forming a strange formation faintly, with both offensive and defensive skills, so that they can withstand the attacks of the shadow clones. It is estimated that they are not from the same sect. It's from the same family!"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes are so vicious.

I could tell the details of the four of them at a glance, but they were just curious, not too surprised!

after all……

The world of these four famous arrests.

Originally mysterious and unpredictable, the magical soldiers who robbed the country in the Western Regions, werewolf blood poison, mind reading, spiritual illusion, millennium Tai Sui, star-absorbing magic, gossip mentality... etc., which one is not extraordinary? exist? Now there is a strange spiritual fire that can only appear in a higher world!

Bai Xiaofei has long been used to the strangeness!

It is imperative to get rid of An Shigeng as soon as possible and complete the special tasks issued by the system!


Integrating the millennium Tai Sui.

And An Shigeng, who has controlled the alien spirit fire, is not what it used to be, and can no longer be measured by common sense. Although Bai Xiaofei had a vague guess in his heart, he didn't dare to go over to try it out rashly, otherwise, if he miscalculated, it would be small if the boat capsized in the gutter. If he was not careful, An Shigeng would be beaten to death, and the mission would fail. !

To know.

The punishment for failure of special missions is quite vicious!

Just in case, Bai Xiaofei had to be careful. In order to further verify my guess, I saw that with a thought, he sent a sound transmission to a certain shadow clone, and asked him to pretend to be himself, as a pioneer, and jumped out to fight An Shigeng, while his true self continued to hide in the sky Among them, further observation and analysis of An Shigeng's ability!


After all, the avatar is an avatar, without the possession of a soul, the innate condition is more than one notch worse. Even if the avatar has the same ability and strength as the deity, it is far inferior to the deity in terms of spiritual realm and the use of tricks. mellow.

As a result, there were no two or three strokes.

The shadow clone was burned into a cloud of white smoke by An Shigeng's spiritual fire, and disappeared.

With the reduction of the shadow clone, his experience and experience, as well as exhaustion and exhaustion, also returned to Bai Xiaofei's real body, making his strength soared by about one time almost instantly. As for exhaustion and exhaustion, for Bai Xiaofei's strong physique, they can almost be ignored!


Because the time to fight with An Shigeng was too short.

So neither the shadow clone nor Bai Xiaofei's main body had received much information or verification.

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to send out the shadow clone again.

Anyway, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left over there. The number of shadow clones is far above them, and they are firmly in the upper hand. They are almost hanging and beating those martial arts masters, so there is no need to worry at all. Even if Bai Xiaofei dispatched seven or eight of them to deal with An Shigeng, it wouldn't be a big problem!

It's nothing more than a little later to get rid of those masters!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

The thousand-year-old Tai Sui on An Shigeng's body, as well as the alien spirit fire, are the real big fish, okay?


One clone was destroyed.

Seeing that there was another cloud of white smoke rising, it was not Bai Xiaofei himself at all, An Shigeng yelled in anger, and almost vomited blood, this feeling of being played by others was uncomfortable, but he couldn't do anything about it, Firstly, he couldn't find Bai Xiaofei's true self, and secondly, he couldn't tell whether the opponent was a clone, let alone how depressed he was!

"The surname is Bai!"

"Are you still a man? Come out and challenge me one-on-one if you have the guts! What's the point of always using clones?!"

"Are you going to fight a war of attrition with me?"

"I think you are dreaming!"


An Shigeng was furious.

The countless tentacles and spirit fires on the right side of his body became more and more violent and wild with his mood, and the arrogance was monstrous! Not reconciled to being played by Bai Xiaofei again, he turned passive into active, and rushed directly to the other side of the battlefield, as if he wanted to kill all of Bai Xiaofei's avatars in one fell swoop!

"Swallow the sky and eat the earth!"

"Meteor fire shower!"

An Shigeng was not polite this time, it was a trick to come up!

And because of the emotional rage, the range of the Frozen Domain is wider than before, reaching a radius of about 50 meters, not only the dozen or so shadow clones of Bai Xiaofei, but even the few remaining Anjia martial arts masters , and they were all enveloped in!

"Bang bang bang!"

The flexibility of the shadow clone is too low.

In the face of An Shigeng's series of super big moves, only a few can react and resist, and most of the rest are unable to react in time. After exhaling the white smoke, it turned into countless experiences, and all of them returned to Bai Xiaofei's body!


"You are so crazy, you even hit us!"

"An Shigeng, you..."



The worst thing is not Bai Xiaofei's shadow clones, but those Jianghu masters who settle down.

Facing An Shigeng who was rushing towards this side, they didn't have the slightest sense of defense at all. They never thought that An Shigeng would go crazy and even deal with them together. As a result, it was served in one pot on the spot!

An Shigeng's tentacles are extremely domineering, and the spirit fire on them is even more terrifying. Even Bai Xiaofei's Heaven Severing Sword can stop and burn, let alone those guys who are only first-class and top-notch! Almost in a blink of an eye, those martial arts masters who were entangled by An Shigeng's tentacles were burned alive into a pile of coke, completely turned into ashes, and the dead could not die anymore!


In the sky.

Bai Xiaofei, who was concentrating on observing everything that happened below, suddenly frowned, his eyes sparkled, and he muttered to himself: "Is it my illusion? When An Shigeng attacked those martial arts masters just now, it seemed that the opponent's kungfu Running, there was a moment of pause and stiffness!"

"After they turned into ashes and died, An Shigeng's strength has actually improved!"

"Could it be..."

Bai Xiaofei seemed to think of something, thoughtful.

at the same time……

An Shigeng below became more and more violent.

He was like a ferocious beast that had lost its mind, catching whoever it was and biting whoever it was. After killing the Jianghu masters on his side, he turned his gaze to the few remaining four or five shadow clones of Bai Xiaofei, his eyes were full of madness Killing intent, and then roared, the ultimate move started again, and attacked several clones ferociously!

"Heaven-slashing sword!"

"Buddha's Palm!"

"Three-point magic finger!"


Several shadow clones took precautions this time. Seeing An Shigeng's menacing approach, they didn't show any politeness to him. , buy time for Bai Xiaofei's true self, and solve the mystery of An Shigeng's moves!

Although the shadow avatar is not flexible enough, its strength is real, especially when facing the enemy seriously. After launching a killer move with full power, its power is not inferior to the deity at all, let alone several avatars working together, even An Shigeng's No matter how strong Swallowing Heaven and Earth is, he can't easily kill him!

"Boom boom boom!"

Shocking and roaring, one after another!

The two sides fought into a group, and the fight was so brutal and domineering, it was really dark, and the situation changed!

The walls and other buildings of the poor palace, as well as the soldiers guarding here, how could they bear the aftermath of such an earth-shattering attack? Across the fields, blood flowed like rivers, it was too horrible to look at!

What's even more pitiful is that no one cares about An Shigeng or Bai Xiaofei at all!

"I see!"

"What a devouring world, I finally understand!"


After a while.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly lit up, his face was full of excitement.

He suddenly realized: "What an An Shigeng, who actually used the power of the thousand-year-old Tai Sui to combine the power of the five elements, water generates wood, wood generates fire, and fire refines the sky! The power of the three attributes alternates and merges into one. It is really overbearing. No wonder you dare to call such an awesome name like Tun Tian Shi Di, you really have it!"

The secrets of An Shigeng's body have already been fully understood by Bai Xiaofei!


"Congratulations, master, completed 1/2 part of the special task!"

"Please carry on again!"

"in addition……"

The little kid's systematic voice without any emotion also echoed in Bai Xiaofei's soul at the same time: "The master is lucky, and with a chance of 0.031, he successfully obtained the extra reward of the special task. The reward is [ A random card], the rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check!"


"This is an extra reward? Random cards?!"

"What the hell is it?"


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he was taken aback on the spot.

Puzzled, he said, "Little kid, isn't there still 1/2 part of the special task that hasn't been completed? Why do you just start drawing extra rewards? It's unscientific!"


Little Kid's voice was humanized again.

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's doubts, he immediately explained with a smile: "Master, the requirement of the special mission is to let you analyze An Shigeng's ability and defeat him. Strictly speaking, the core of the difficulty of this mission lies in the analysis, and Not defeat! And now you have solved the hardest problem!"

"As for defeating An Shigeng?"


The little boy looked at Bai Xiaofei speechlessly.

Shrugging his shoulders, he curled his lips and said, "With the master's means and strength, if you really want to kill him, it doesn't seem to be difficult, right? Anyway, it's a matter of time! So... even if there are 1/2 of the special The task has not been completed, but the space-time shuttle has already counted you as completed by default!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while: "What about this operation?!"


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