The Storm God

Chapter 1328 The Power of Thunder! (Please subscribe!)

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

Let's talk about random cards later.

The most urgent task now is to quickly complete the remaining 1/2 of the special mission, get the Millennium Taisui and the Alien Spirit Fire, and then get rid of the final boss An Yunshan, master the four famous capture worlds as soon as possible, and complete the limit Level tasks, get that rich rewards that make people drool!

Bai Xiaofei has already analyzed An Shigeng's ability thoroughly.

It's easy to say.

To know.

An Shigeng originally possessed two completely different attributes of ice and fire, and his cultivation was very advanced. He could do whatever he wanted, and he was one step away from reversing yin and yang. Before, he was crippled by Bai Xiaofei!

Later, with the help of the power of the millennium Tai Sui, he regained his new life, and this was a blessing in disguise, awakening the power of the wood attribute!

The power of the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint, water generates wood, wood generates fire!

Triple attributes complement each other!

It's great!

not to mention……

An Shigeng also obtained the powerful vitality of the thousand-year-old Tai Sui and the spirit of the wood spirit!

The spirit of the wood spirit is especially special among the powers of the five elements. As we all know, trees are magical plants that can purify the air, absorb nutrients, and produce benign gas and effects. Even in difficult areas, you can also survive tenaciously!

With the assistance of the water of the five elements, the power of the wood spirit will be further improved!

Among the five elements, water produces wood, and wood produces fire. Combining the three, practicing the power of wood spirits, and then performing fire-attributed skills, will also be like a tiger with wings added, and its power will be doubled!

This was the case after An Shigeng was reborn. His own water attribute power, assisting the power of the wood spirit, made the body formed by the combination of Tai Sui stronger and indestructible, and trees have the power to absorb and release, especially For the Qi of Heaven and Earth, the effect is even more amazing!


The right half of the body incorporates the power of Tai Sui.

This also allowed An Shigeng to have the ability to absorb the energy of heaven and earth and release more pure power. Coupled with the fire attribute skills he is good at, it naturally made the flames released by him advanced into a foreign spirit. fire! Although it was a mistake, its power should not be underestimated!

Simply put.

An Shigeng is like a tree!

A humanoid tree that has its own water source and can make fire to drive away enemies!

And all trees have a certain "field", that is, the effective range that can absorb water, the air of heaven and earth, photosynthesis, and exhale air!

The bigger the tree, the stronger the vitality, and the wider this special field, such as the world tree in the space of bliss, because of the vast vitality of the seeds of the stars, and the nourishment of the consciousness of Gaia on the earth, its vast field is almost Boundless, almost covering the entire Australian island!

Although An Shigeng has the thousand-year vitality of Tai Sui, but he doesn't have a special practice method, so he can't make full use of it. Therefore, the range of his own field is limited, at most, it is only about fifty or sixty meters away. Once beyond this area, it will be beyond reach!

Compared with the domain of the tree of life, An Shigeng's domain is like an ant, inaccessible!

To deal with him, it may be even more difficult for others, such as Catcher, who was easily killed by An Shigeng. But for Bai Xiaofei, it's extremely simple, even after Bai Xiaofei's strength and means are limited by more than 91% by the space-time shuttle, it's still the same, as the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles!

Knowing An Shigeng's ability, Bai Xiaofei naturally has a way to restrain him!

The power of the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint, to defeat An Shigeng, in addition to forcibly breaking through with absolute power, it is to use the corresponding attribute power to completely defeat An Shigeng's ability, An Shigeng's ability, almost All come from the power of the wood spirit, and they are all performed with the power of the wood spirit as the main body.


Bai Xiaofei only needs to use the power and means to restrain the power of wood spirits!

There are many powers that can restrain wood, such as fire, such as gold, which can form a good suppression of the power of wood spirits, but unfortunately... Bai Xiaofei does not have these attribute powers, even if he has, it is the ordinary power of gold and fire , it is simply not enough to restrain An Shigeng!

To know.

An Shigeng has a different spiritual fire!

Take ordinary flames and fight with others, isn't this obviously giving food to people! And the power of gold, needless to say, fire can overcome gold, and burning a thousand pieces of gold is not just for fun, not to mention the fire of others is still an outrageous spiritual fire with great power!

Fighting with the power of gold is tantamount to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, a meat bun beating a dog!

It's even worse!


Bai Xiaofei doesn't have the power of gold either!

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaofei finally gave up the power of the five elements, and instead focused on Naruto's ninjutsu! After all, he is very confident in his accomplishments in this area, and the ninjutsu attributes in Naruto are basically modeled on the Five Elements Theory!


Stones from other mountains can attack jade!

It doesn't matter whether you are a black cat or a white cat, as long as you can catch a mouse, it's a good meow!

Wanting to restrain An Shigeng's wood spirit power, the first thing Bai Xiaofei thought of was Lei Dun! That's right! It is the power of thunder! In Chinese legends, Thunder Law was once the leader of all laws. Whether it is a human or a demon, a god or a fairy, or a magic weapon or a god, everyone has great fear and fear of the power of thunder!

Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't know how to use thunder, but he has a lot of research on the technique of lightning escape!

Like Chidori!

Like Rachel!

Another example is the unicorn...


If you want to deal with An Shigeng, you must first not be shrouded by his domain.


Within the domain, I am invincible.

The power of the wood spirit continuously absorbs the power of the surrounding world, supplements itself, and suppresses the enemy. Before the fight starts, they are already in the upper hand! So for An Shigeng, you can only attack from a distance, not close combat, otherwise if you are accidentally caught by him, you will be sucked dry by him and turned into ashes!

"Far away?"

After pondering for a long time.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei's eyes were flickering, flickering on and off, and finally suddenly lit up, excited and hot!

Obviously, he has a plan!

at the same time.

on the ground.

The battle between An Shigeng and Bai Xiaofei's five or six shadow clones has also come to an end.


Bai Xiaofei's shadow avatar has strong strength and means, but An Shigeng's ability is even more perverted. Once the ice-cold domain is opened, the air of heaven and earth within a radius of tens of meters is all nourishment from others, and it can also form a suppressive force. Countless The tentacles are indestructible, and the spirit fire is even more overbearing, it burns when touched!

within the field.

An Shigeng is like a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, and the attack of the shadow clone will hardly cause any serious problems when it hits someone, but An Shigeng's attack, as long as he rubs the side slightly, Bai Xiaofei's shadow clone will There was a "bang" on the spot, it turned into white smoke, and disappeared immediately.

One ebb and flow, the situation can be imagined!

Sure enough, Bai Xiaofei took a closer look. Up to now, An Shigeng has not suffered any damage, but there are only two shadow clones left, and their condition is not very good. Geng's incomparably flexible tentacles and terrifying spirit fire had no choice but to dodge everywhere, so as not to hit the street on the spot!

The three of them fought non-stop, mad like beasts, and what they passed was simply appalling!

The whole area near the gate of the imperial palace has become a sea of ​​flames, hundreds of meters of city walls collapsed, countless buildings collapsed, the ground cracked, corpses littered the fields, and blood flowed like rivers! Screams, moans, groans... one after another, it shook the heavens and the earth! The whole scene was like a purgatory on earth!

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

He secretly said: "Very good! This scene and situation saved me a lot of effort!"


Bai Xiaofei began to transmit sound in his mind.

The two shadow clones on the ground immediately understood, and began to frequently use fire escape ninjutsu to attack An Shigeng. , non-fire escape ninjutsu is not needed!

As if to compete with An Shigeng's spirit fire!



"Playing with fire, I am the ancestor, compare fire with me?!"

"Simply stupid!"


An Shigeng laughed contemptuously.

While the murderous intent in his eyes was flourishing, his hands kept moving, countless tentacles danced crazily, and the strange spiritual fire was overwhelming, turbulent and overbearing, as if to burn the whole world, they kept chasing Bai Xiaofei's two A shadow clone!

But don't know.

All his actions have already been counted by Bai Xiaofei.


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