The Storm God

Chapter 1329: Lightning Dungeon Qilin! (Please subscribe!)

"The atmosphere is almost there!"

After a while, the two shadow clones on the ground finally couldn't hold An Shigeng's domain and spirit fire, and they all turned into white smoke and disappeared. But Bai Xiaofei didn't care, but looked at the void with deep eyes, his eyes were full of smiles: "At this level, I should be able to use that move!"

"The surname is Bai!"

Seeing that the two Bai Xiaofei are clones.

An Shigeng suddenly became furious, and yelled again: "You coward! You are a coward! Come out if you have the guts! What's the point of delaying time by relying on the avatar! If you are a man, come out and talk to me!" Fight to the death! I'll tear you to pieces!"




An Shigeng was beating wildly, like a wild beast running wild, utterly irrational! Pity the surrounding environment, it was already miserable enough, the ground was full of wreckage, flames everywhere, and thick smoke filled the sky, but after being messed up by him like this, it suddenly became even more horrible, like the end of the world!


Bai Xiaofei watched and shook his head.

Disdainfully said to himself: "With this state of mind, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how powerful you are, your achievements will not be much higher!"

"Forget it!"

"Now the time is ripe, and it's time to deal with you!"

"Send you to hell immediately!"


After making up my mind.

The next moment, Bai Xiaofei directly released the invisible state, and then slowly landed from a high altitude, his eyes staring at everything, he sneered and said: "An Shigeng, what's your name? Dude, haven't you been here all the time? You can find out by yourself." If you don't, it's your fault for not being able to!"

"Bai Xiaofei!"

An Shigeng was startled when he heard the words, his eyes were about to burst, and he almost vomited blood with anger!

I saw that Bai Xiaofei was like a god, descending from the sky, calm and majestic, with such a body and form, even a fool can see that this is no longer a realm that martial arts can achieve, it is more like fairy art, flying in the air, What is it if it is not fairy art? !

An Shigeng never expected that Bai Xiaofei would have such abilities!

It just doesn't make sense!

He hates it!

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous!

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei, a big enemy, had been hiding for a long time without saying anything, and when he appeared, he put on a proud, condescending, supercilious bird-like appearance, An Shigeng exploded on the spot!

"Go to hell!"

This guy also doesn't talk too much.

An Shigeng, who hated Bai Xiaofei in a hurry, immediately launched a big killer move - Meteor Fire Rain!

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless tentacles, as fast as lightning!

The spiritual fire is raging, and it is like a stormy sea, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, with an attitude that you will never stop if it is not extinguished!


Faced with such an offensive.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care, his eyes were full of calmness.

"An Shigeng!"

I just heard him laughing and said: "Before I changed it, I might still be afraid of your attack, but now... Hehe! Sorry, it doesn't work on me anymore! Next is the time for me to counterattack Now, accept this feast I specially prepared for you!"

Say it.

The whole person suddenly disappeared.

The Art of Flying Thunder God!


The next moment, Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly appeared on a certain high part of the palace wall.

"Fire escape——The mighty fire is lost!"


In An Shigeng's astonished eyes.

Bai Xiaofei quickly formed a seal, and then spewed out a giant fireball with great power and scale from his mouth, heading straight to the sky!

That's right!

Just go straight to the sky!

The huge fireball was not aimed at An Shigeng.

"what the hell?"

An Shigeng froze for a moment, and was immediately puzzled: "Could it be a miss? Or is there another plan?"

After being astonished, his eyes sank immediately, and he didn't care what Bai Xiaofei was doing right now, he hit him first, then he moved towards Bai Xiaofei's place quickly!

no way!

The place where Bai Xiaofei flickered with the Flying Thunder God Technique is really too far away! Far beyond the scope of An Shigeng's ice-cold domain, An Shigeng could only try his best to rush over to attack Bai Xiaofei.

Otherwise, it won't work at all!


There's no after that!

Poor An Shigeng couldn't get close to Bai Xiaofei, but a certain person disappeared again!

"I rely on it!"

An Shigeng was furious.

Looking around, he found Bai Xiaofei's trace in a certain far away position again, and just like before, Bai Xiaofei fired another super-large fireball and shot straight into the sky! With the experience of last time, this time, An Shigeng learned his lesson and did not rush over again immediately.


He stood where he was, looking at Bai Xiaofei coldly.

With teasing and disdain in his eyes, he sneered and said, "Bai! I want to see, what the hell are you doing!?"


The fireball exploded in the air.

The extremely scorching air waves, mixed with the already high temperature, immediately formed a large-scale updraft! Then the balloon rises, meets the cold air, and under the interaction, a large cumulonimbus cloud is produced. The rain cloud is gloomy, dark, billowing and huge.


"Boom, boom!"


Dark clouds rolled, and thunder bursts.

Dazzling lightning also began to flash among the clouds one by one, raging and running around!

After a while.

The drizzle is falling quietly!

"Wow, boom!"


The cold rain fell on An Shigeng, startled him a little, and then burst out laughing wildly, haha ​​said: "Bai Xiaofei! Are you out of your mind? You've spent a long time trying to make this little rain? Do you really think that these rains alone can extinguish my flames?"

"Simply fantastic!"


With his ferocious laugh.

Seeing the wooden body on the right side of An Shigeng, suddenly shocked, the rainwater dripping on his body was absorbed in an instant, An Shigeng's body was like a bottomless pit, regardless of the rainwater falling in the sky As much as it comes down, it will be absorbed by him in an instant, endless!

at the same time……

An Shigeng's countless tentacles entwined with the spiritual fire, and then jumped suddenly, as if someone had poured gasoline on it. The fire instantly increased several points, and became more powerful and domineering. From a distance, An Shigeng Just like a small erupting volcano, its arrogance is overwhelming!

as expected.

As An Shigeng said, the rain is not enough to threaten him at all!

It even accidentally boosted his strength!

Aquatic wood!

Wood makes a fire!

The fire burns the sky!

This is simply an incomprehensible ability!


An Shigeng looked up to the sky and laughed, looked arrogantly at Bai Xiaofei in the distance, and said arrogantly: "Did you see it! The surname is Bai! Your calculations will not only have no effect on me, but will also strengthen my strength. It's called losing my wife and breaking my army!"



Bai Xiaofei smiled lightly, neither sadness nor joy on his face.

Looking at An Shigeng's insolent appearance, he just said calmly: "Who told you that I'm going to use rainwater to deal with you?"


An Shigeng was startled when he heard the words, looked at Bai Xiaofei suspiciously, and said in disbelief: "Could it be that you have other plans? Huh! No matter what the hell you are doing, you must be playing tricks! In this sky, apart from the rain all over the sky, you What can I rely on? Could it be the rolling black clouds? Stop joking..."


Talking and talking.

His body shook suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

Immediately, he glanced at the sky in disbelief, then looked at Bai Xiaofei, and said in a daze with a trembling tone: "Bai! Is it possible... are you planning to use the power of thunder in the dark clouds to deal with me? Impossible! The power of thunder is the power of heaven and earth, you are just a mortal, how can you drive thunder to attack!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"


This moment.

An Shigeng was really scared!

The power of thunder has been the most dreaded and feared existence since ancient times, who is not afraid? That is the awe and fear of nature in the biological instinct! If it were someone else, An Shigeng would never believe that the other party could control Thunder, but facing Bai Xiaofei, a guy who was unpredictable, superb in methods, and never played cards according to common sense, he dared not believe it!

What if it is true?


That's thunder and lightning!

Although An Shigeng prided himself on his extremely powerful Tai Sui body, he still didn't have the slightest confidence in the face of the thunder and lightning from the sky!

There have been few examples of lightning striking trees throughout the ages!


Regardless of how An Shigeng reacted.

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei smiled wickedly, and said in An Shigeng's extremely terrified eyes, "That's right! You guessed it right! My real trump card is not the drizzle that is all over the sky, but It is the power of thunder galloping across the cumulonimbus cloud!"

"An Shigeng!"

"You are the number one person in this world who can let me use this S-level thunder escape ninjutsu - [Kirin], you are proud of yourself!"

"Then you can die!"


After saying that, Bai Xiaofei shot suddenly.

"Thunder Dun -- Chidori!"



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