The Storm God

Chapter 1330 I would rather die without him! (Please subscribe!)

Inside the palace.

Zhuge Zheng and I from the Shenhou Mansion were still rushing forward bravely towards the Daqing Palace. It wasn't that they were weak, but that the palace was too big and was blocked by countless soldiers. Even with the internal assistance arranged by Bai Xiaofei, it would not be an easy task to reach the Daqing Palace!




In the vast imperial palace, the sound of killing shook the sky, corpses were strewn all over the field, and blood flowed like rivers. Just when countless soldiers frantically blocked Zhuge Zhengwo and the others, while the latter was trying to get rid of them and try to pass quickly, there was a deafening roar of thunder in the sky!

"That is……"

Everyone was startled, especially Zhuge Zhengwo and others. They were so powerful, so they immediately recognized that the source of the sound was the direction of the palace gate! If the prediction is correct, this voice should have something to do with the fight between Bai Xiaofei and An Shigeng!


Isn't this voice too shocking?

Those who understand the situation know that you are fighting each other, but those who don't know may think that it is raining and thundering! Out of curiosity and concern, Zhuge Zheng, I and the others, like everyone else, involuntarily followed the direction of the voice, took a look, and then they saw a scene they would never forget!

"Oh My God!"

"What the hell is that? Thunder? Lightning? Monster?!"

"Could I be dazzled?"



Everyone on site.

Whether it was the soldiers guarding the palace, or Zhuge Zhengwo and the others, at this moment, they were all stunned!

In the far sky above, there were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, as if a torrential rain was coming, and right in the middle of the pitch-black clouds, there was an incomparably huge bluish-white light group, which was going crazy Cohesive, and quickly transformed into shape, as if turning into a butterfly, transforming rapidly!


The speed of light group metamorphosis is very fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it completely turned into a ferocious and domineering giant beast. It raised its head and roared in the clouds, roaring into the sky! Looking at its appearance, it looks like a dragon but not a dragon, a deer is not a deer, and a horse is not a horse. It is 90% similar to the rumored rare and auspicious beast—the unicorn!


The most important thing is.

It is actually completely composed of thunder and lightning! Lifelike, lifelike, almost as real, domineering and awe-inspiring!


Everyone who saw this thunder unicorn.

At this moment, all of them couldn't help but gasped, their eyes full of horror and disbelief.

Everyone was stunned and completely lost their ability to speak!

"My God!"

"Thunder Qilin!"

"It's really a miracle of nature!"

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I could actually see such a rare, gorgeous, and shocking vision. Even if I died on the spot, it would really be worth my life!"

"Look at that appearance, it's really domineering!"

"The gods appear!"


Not only in the imperial palace, but also in the capital city, countless common people, dignitaries, merchants, and pawns also saw this strange and shocking scene in the sky that had never been heard for thousands of years. For a moment, everyone cheered, Excited, excited, talking!

The capital, which was originally dead and silent, suddenly boiled up because of the shocking vision of the thunder unicorn!

Regardless of how people outside react.

In the sky.

That thunder unicorn roared into the sky, roaring non-stop!

Suddenly, as if it had been summoned by some kind, it fixed its eyes on a certain place on the ground, and before countless people had time to react, the dragon's head roared, its teeth were ferocious, and Thunder kicked its limbs violently. With a "click", it swooped directly towards the ground!


"Oh my God!"


The form of the thunder unicorn is too realistic and real.

When he roared and pounced from the clouds in the sky, all the people on the ground who saw this scene, especially the people in the area that happened to be facing the Thunder Qilin, thought that the Thunder Dun Qilin was coming to eat him All of a sudden, those who were frightened screamed and screamed, and even many people were so frightened that they passed out!

follow closely……

A loud bang suddenly came.

As if a major earthquake had occurred, almost all the people in the capital, whether they were inside the palace or outside the palace, could clearly feel that the ground under their feet was violently shaken with the roar. Even some houses and buildings that were relatively close or of poor quality were knocked down on the spot!

at the same time.

Near the gate of the imperial palace, a burst of incomparably loud light burst out, almost blinding the eyes of the people nearby!


"That's the direction of the imperial palace. Could it be that the emperor was fatuous and dishonest, and was condemned by heaven?!"

"This is really exciting!"

"Go and see!"


Many people recognized the location where the thunder unicorn landed.

Then, many of them who were bold, not afraid of death, and driven by curiosity, immediately set off and gathered towards the palace, just to find out. Even Zhuge Zheng, I and the others, especially Wu Qing, almost couldn't help turning around and running back when they saw this, for fear that something might happen to Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

They didn't know that the Thunder Qilin was summoned by Bai Xiaofei.


"What's going on at the city gate?!"

"Isn't this too perverted?"


Everyone was shocked.

Zhuge Zheng and I were also dumbfounded and astonished.

Immediately, he saw his deep eyes, and said to everyone with a serious face: "Such a terrifying and astonishing move, if it is expected to be correct, should be done by Mr. Bai. No matter what the result is, the situation over there is not what we expected. We can control it, our top priority now is to quickly break through the blockade, reach the Daqing Palace, and rescue the emperor!"

"Don't let Mr. Bai's hard work go to waste!"


A persuasive tone.


Wuqing and the others were silent when they heard the words.

Zhuge is right what I said, why don't they understand? It's just unacceptable for a while! Especially ruthless! You know, among the people present, she is the one who has the closest and closest relationship with Bai Xiaofei. Now that such an astonishing strange situation has happened there, how can you tell her not to worry? !

"Yu Yu!"

Zhuge Zheng and I called her: "Don't worry, Bai Xiaofei will be fine!"

Others also persuaded.


Ruthless but silent.

Looking stubbornly at the direction of the palace gate, he opened his mouth slowly after a long while: "Let's go! I'll go find Bai Xiaofei! For you, the safety of the emperor is more important than anything else, but in my eyes, Bai Xiaofei is the most important person. I am everything, without him, I would rather die!"

Say it.

It doesn't matter how everyone reacts.

Ruthlessly mobilized her mental power and the lightness kung fu that Bai Xiaofei taught her, brandished a strange staff weapon, resolutely headed in the direction of the palace gate, and turned back!

Everyone wanted to stop it, but it was already too late.


Zhuge Zhengwo sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Let her go! Let's hurry up and continue to break through!"


Melee broke out again.


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