The Storm God

Chapter 1331 Ten Thousand Years Fairy! (Please subscribe!)

Palace gate.

This place is miserable and messy, with dark wreckage and ruins everywhere, where is there any sign of a city gate?

Thunder Dunk Kirin is one of Naruto's super-large Thunder Dunninjutsu with a difficulty factor of "S". It is extremely powerful and has a huge range. The key speed is extremely fast. Almost no one can dodge, and the hit rate is infinitely close to 100%. ! How can it be resisted by a mere dilapidated city wall? The buildings within a range of about 100 meters were almost blown to pieces on the spot!

Its power is terrifying, it can be described as destroying the world!


Even so.

Bai Xiaofei also failed to kill An Shigeng directly!


The power of the mind expands.

Finding that An Shigeng is not dead, but still lingering on his last breath, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly startled, you know, this is the Thunder Dun Qilin! The super-giant ninjutsu that is famous in Naruto, its power can definitely be ranked on the top of the list, but now it can't kill An Shigeng in a low-level martial arts world? !

This is not scientific!


Between surprises and doubts in my heart.

With a movement, Bai Xiaofei appeared directly at the core of the explosion. But it was scorched black here, and there was a huge crater nearly five meters deep in the middle, like a meteorite impact, which was extremely shocking! And An Shigeng lay miserably in the middle of the core of the huge pit.

This moment.

An Shigeng is no longer as aggressive and arrogant as before.

There are many scars, bones can be seen, blood is flowing continuously, and he is dying. Even the Tai Sui body on the right side of his body, and countless tentacles, were blown apart by the terrifying power of the Thunder Dunk Kirin. Like a dead tree, its vitality is gone, obviously it is not far from death!

Around it, there are countless fragments of tentacles scattered. Some of these fragments are scorched black, some lose their luster and vitality, and directly turn into a piece of dead wood, some are burning with flames, and some are flashing blue-white thunder. Lightning, twisting and trembling, obviously not completely dead yet!

The most surprising thing is that the ground on which An Shigeng is lying is shaped like a stone platform, raised high up, like a small bed, just holding An Shigeng on it. In this situation, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and immediately understood why An Shigeng was not bombarded to death by the Thunder Dun Qilin on the spot!

"I see!"

The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth grinned, and he said to himself: "What an An Shigeng! Sure enough, he was quick-witted, and he was able to use the countless tentacles of Tai Sui's body to form a heavy protective shield just before the Thunder Dun Qilin hit him. Really wrapped up!"


"You have underestimated the power of the Thunder Dun Qilin, the might of the sky, the destruction of thunder, how can your mere Tai Sui's power of Mu Dun be able to compete? It's like a mantis' arm is like a car, beyond his control! But if you can persist to this point, It’s your fault that you didn’t die on the spot!”

"Let me give you a good time!"


The words should just fall.

Bai Xiaofei poked at it with a sword finger.

Immediately, the domineering sword intent and sword energy shot out, directly piercing through An Shigeng's eyebrows and brain!


An Shigeng is finally dead!

Before he died, he seemed to have seen through everything, with a look of relief on his face.

And with his complete dying, after the death of vitality, the powerful wood spirit power of the millennium Tai Sui began to quickly erode An Shigeng's flesh and blood, and almost instantly swallowed and assimilated the left half of his body into Lost a part of himself, completely turned into a human Tai Sui!


It has long been integrated with An Shigeng. Once An Shigeng died, this Tai Sui was a rootless duckweed, completely cut off its vitality, and there was no possibility of survival. After assimilating An Shigeng's body, it began to decline, and finally turned into a dead wood in human form, shattered inch by inch, In the endless thunder and flames around, it turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace!


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sighing quietly.

Don't get me wrong, he's not sympathizing with An Shigeng, but pitying the millennium Taisui.

You must know that Tai Sui is a large slime mold complex with extremely powerful vitality, which can be cut at will and reproduce infinitely! Bai Xiaofei still wanted to recycle it and reuse it. He never thought that it would be like this. I don't know if it was because of the inertia of the plot or the transformation, but it just disappeared!

What a waste of money!


Bai Xiaofei quickly recovered from his disappointment, and then comforted himself: "With An Shigeng's death, my special mission has been completely completed, and the mission reward is a plant that was used by An Shigeng. The thousand-year-old Tai Sui is exactly the same, as well as the secret method that can be controlled flexibly, it is not in vain!"


Bai Xiaofei thought about it.

The next moment, I saw a miraculous thing the size of a millstone, extremely thick, and weighing hundreds of catties, appearing in Bai Xiaofei's hands out of thin air, like a large mass of fat.

This is the millennium Tai Sui rewarded by special missions!


See this millennium Tai Sui.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, his eyes widened and he said: "This is wrong! In the original plot, the thousand-year-old Taisui used for An Shigeng's transformation was not a tree stump-like thing? Why is the thousand-year-old Taisui in my hand long? Like this? Is it because of my intrusion, and there is a deviation?"

He was curious.


At this time, the little boy suddenly jumped out and explained: "This Tai Sui plant is much better than the one in the original plot! The original one is only more than 900 years old at most, it is close to a thousand years, but it is not a thousand years. The plant in your hand is more than 9,000 years old, almost ten thousand years old!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

He looked at the little kid in disbelief, and said blankly: "You said this is... Wannian Taisui?!"


The little boy nodded.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei with a look of "You've made a lot of money this time, so let's have some fun" and said, "I don't know what kind of virtue the An family has accumulated in their previous lives, but even this one is only one step away from becoming a The real Wannian Taisui gave birth to spiritual wisdom, gave birth to spiritual life, and turned into [fairies] all the treasures of heaven, material and earth can be found!"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly brightened.

He still knows a little bit about what level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures fairy spirits are.

It is rumored that ginseng, the ultimate product, will evolve into a "ginseng doll" when it grows to a sufficient age, absorbs enough energy from the heavens and the earth, and reaches a certain level, becoming a treasure of heaven and earth that can walk. An extremely terrifying elixir with infinite uses!


Not only ginseng, but other rare and exotic species such as ganoderma lucidum and gourd, as long as conditions permit, can also have this opportunity to transform into a fairy thing of the same level as ginseng doll, or even higher. You can even practice exercises and heart formulas, and embark on the journey of cultivating immortals and becoming gods!

Tai Sui is called "meat Ganoderma lucidum". Compared with ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, Ganoderma lucidum and other top medicines, it is rarer and more precious! Especially Tai Sui, who is so old, is simply rare! Although there is also the possibility of advancement, the difficulty is obviously more demanding than other species!

Bai Xiaofei never expected that the Tai Sui plant in his hands was actually a peerless treasure of nearly 10,000 years. It was only one step away from stepping into a higher level, transforming into a human being, and becoming a heaven-defying existence. Now, doesn't that mean that I will never lack natural talents and earthly treasures? !


This is simply pie in the sky!

Thinking of this, someone was so excited that he almost jumped up on the spot!


"Don't be too happy too early. Although Tai Sui can cut at will and reproduce infinitely, it can't grow endlessly, and the speed of growth is extremely slow. It took nearly ten thousand years to have the scale it is today. The slow growth rate can be seen! So..."

"Those ideas of yours are obviously unrealistic!"


The little kid just poured cold water on it.

Bai Xiaofei: "..."


Such an exciting moment.

You can't say something nice, why don't you tell the truth!

Sincerely angry with me, am I!


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