The Storm God

Chapter 1332: The Art of Spirit Fire! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei put away "Ten Thousand Years Tai Sui".

Although this thing is less than ten thousand years old, there is still a long way to go before becoming a fairy, and there are many difficulties to overcome, but to Bai Xiaofei, these are nothing, after all, he is sitting on a space-time shuttle , can travel through the heavens and worlds!

Hundreds of millions of time and space, infinite world!

Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe it, there are so many vast planes, and there is no way to quickly cultivate Tai Sui? !

Just kidding!


He began to study another reward after completing the special task——

The method of manipulating the alien spirit fire!


The secret method of using spirit fire is not much in content, and it is easy to understand, let alone a master like Bai Xiaofei, even a master of the rivers and lakes like Zhuge Zhengwo, can see clearly and understand clearly without any obstacles , It's just that... if you understand it, you can understand it. Whether you can practice successfully or not is another matter!

Just like a clever woman can't cook without rice.

The method of manipulation in the secret method is not difficult to say, Bai Xiaofei has fully mastered it within a few minutes, but what makes people miserable is that the release of the spiritual fire needs the energy of heaven and earth as fuel, and the energy of the sky and earth is used as fuel. With his current state and ability, he simply cannot display his aura at will!

Even if it is displayed, it cannot last for a long time, at most it will only last about 5 minutes!


The extent of the fire.

It is also limited to a radius of ten meters.

Compared with An Shigeng's spiritual fire attack range of tens of meters, which he can release at will with the help of Tai Sui's body, it is nothing compared to the big witch! Of course... Don't look at the pitiful small range, but in terms of power, An Shigeng can't compare to Bai Xiaofei, who is proficient in secret methods and skills, even if he flatters him!

"It's really depressing!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile on his face.

Although his main body is known as the divine body, but because the level is too high, the difficulty of awakening certain abilities is naturally frighteningly high. In addition, it is the most basic stage, so until now, Bai Xiaofei has not enjoyed it yet. Affordability and convenience to any!

On the contrary, those vibrating gold bodies and wooden bodies that are not as good as gods have begun to shine!

Especially the clone of Mu Dun's body.

Wood escape + eye of reincarnation!


The proper body of a fairy!

Under the premise of not being restricted by the rules of the space-time world, it is almost Bai Xiaofei's most peak and powerful strength, and its bug level is even far beyond Bai Xiaofei's body! On the premise of not using the Vibrating Gold Saint Cloth, its power is simply dozens of times stronger than Bai Xiaofei's body!

Even the technique of spiritual fire is the same.

don't you see...

An Shigeng, who has the body of Tai Sui, without any rules or control methods, can use and squander the spiritual fire as he likes, without worrying about the consumption of spiritual energy at all. The body is a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times more powerful!

If the technique of spirit fire is used on Mu Dun clone, wouldn't it be against the sky? !

"What the hell!"

Bai Xiaofei just did a simple and rough calculation, and was immediately stunned by the conclusion he drew: "According to the fact that my body can only be used for about 5 minutes, and the range is no more than ten meters at most, the wooden dungeon clone is better than my body. It is more than ten times stronger, plus the bonus of Wood Dun and Samsara Eye..."

"Be good!"

"This spirit fire should last for about 150 minutes at least, and the range of action is nearly one kilometer! If combined with the ultimate move of the eternal kaleidoscope——Amaterasu, if the two special flames are superimposed on each other, the power is beyond imagination. Feel excited!"


Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head helplessly again, and said to himself: "Because of the restricted-level mission, I can't summon the Mudun clone at all, so naturally I can't test the maximum power of the spirit fire, and combine the fire of Amaterasu with the spirit fire. The fires superimpose and merge with each other!"

"Let's try again later!"


Bai Xiaofei put aside all distracting thoughts.

Turning his eyes, passing through the endless ruins in front of him, looking towards the direction of the Daqing Palace, he muttered to himself: "The most urgent task is to quickly get rid of that old fox in An Yunshan! Just get rid of him, and then control the government and stabilize the overall situation , The world of these four famous arresters can almost fall into my hands!"

"At that time..."

"After completing the restricted mission, I will not only be able to obtain rich and incomparable rewards, but also refine this space-time into my own small world. At that time, I can do whatever I want, unlike now, where I am restricted everywhere , What a disappointment!"


Shaking his head depressed.

Bai Xiaofei withdrew his thoughts, took a look, and after sensing the time-space technique imprinted on Catcher, he was about to cast the Flying Thunder God technique and teleport over there!

Just then.


An extremely familiar spiritual breath suddenly broke into Bai Xiaofei's range of perception.

"This is……"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback immediately, and said in astonishment: "Yayu?"

That's right!

The visitor is ruthless!

In the palace more than 100 meters away from here, Wuqing is displaying body skills and lightness kung fu, and is rushing towards Bai Xiaofei's side quickly. Already frightened by the earth-shattering battle between Bai Xiaofei and An Shigeng, they fled in all directions.

They are not fools.

Here are the sky full of flames, and the thunder unicorn. The battle scene and the degree of violence have long exceeded the imagination and tolerance of mortals. Destroyed and collapsed, the power is terrifying, if you stay here, you will be affected by the fish in the pond sooner or later!

Who has nothing to think that their life is long!


For the sake of my own life, there are basically no people here!

Without the obstruction of the soldiers, the ruthless forward speed naturally took one step further, as if flying, and the distance of more than two or three hundred meters was almost crossed in a blink of an eye. Then...she saw Bai Xiaofei standing in the huge deep pit full of flames and lightning!

"Little Fei!"

Seeing that the person he loves the most is safe and sound, and seems to have won the final victory, Wuqing was overjoyed, exclaimed, and rushed over on the spot, rushing into Bai Xiaofei's arms, and said excitedly: "You It's great that you're fine! The thunder just now was so scary, I thought you..."

Thinking of the horrible vision just now, Wuqing still has lingering fears.

"OK OK!"

Bai Xiaofei laughed, hugged Wuqing, and kept comforting him: "Aren't I okay? A mere An Shigeng wants to kill me? Do you think it's possible? Just let him practice for another ten or eight years. He may not have this ability either! Then look at who I am, Ya Yu, do you really have no confidence in me?"

"No way!"

He shook his head ruthlessly, and then explained: "Of course I have confidence in you, but... the thunder just now was really terrifying! It's beyond my imagination and cognition, okay? Knowing who summoned it, of course I can't help but worry about you!"


"Speaking of which, you must have summoned that terrifying thunderbolt, right?"

"how did you do it?"


The little girl looked curious.

Just like a naughty kitten's glance, the bright and beautiful eyes are full of doubts and surprises, as well as deep admiration and fascination!


Bai Xiaofei smiled and shook his head.

Looking at Wuqing's cute pretty face and mischievous eyes, she couldn't help scratching her slim smooth nose bridge with her hand, which made Wuqing smile coquettishly and shyly, and then said haha: "That trick is called Thunder Dun. Qilin, it's It is a very difficult ninjutsu, I will tell you about the specific situation later!"


"Our top priority is to reach the Daqing Hall as soon as possible and deal with that old fox in An Yunshan!"

"I'm about to perform space ninjutsu, hold on to me!"


Bai Xiaofei reminded.


Ruthlessly follow his word.

Immediately, like an octopus with eight claws, it hung firmly on Bai Xiaofei's body, making him blush like a big ripe apple, really cute!

Bai Xiaofei glanced at it happily, then came back to his senses, and quickly sealed it!

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"


The void shook.

The figures of the two disappeared instantly.

When they reappeared, they were already located near the Daqing Hall in the imperial palace.


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