The Storm God

Chapter 1333 Besieged on all sides! (seeking subscription)

"I rely on it!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei appeared, he was completely taken aback by the scene in front of him. Looking around, there is no palace! It's clearly a piece of ruins, okay? He couldn't help but wonder if he came to the wrong place: "What's the situation? Where is the Daqing Palace? Why is it in ruins?!"


Ruthless is also full of surprise and suspicion.

The Daqing Palace is the place where the Chinese, military, and military officials of the imperial palace and the emperor went to the early court to discuss state affairs. The palace building is magnificent and shocking, and it is extremely strong. It is impossible to destroy it with ordinary attacks, but now... it has become a place A mess and ruins, countless wreckage, really incredible!

And in the ruins, some objects glowing with golden light can be vaguely seen. Presumably, they should be decorations in the Daqing Palace, such as dragon chairs, incense burners, giant cauldrons, etc. Besides, more are still crushed. Bloody remains of limbs, and bloodstains!

Judging by their attire, most of these dead people were guards in the palace and soldiers from the six gates.

The number of deaths of civil and military officials is extremely small!

There are only a dozen or so!


They are all treacherous ministers and thieves of Cai Xiang's lineage!

The current owner of the Six Doors is Ji Yaohua, and Ji Yaohua has surrendered to Bai Xiaofei. Even the former Catcher of the Six Doors has completely become Bai Xiaofei's younger brother. It is no exaggeration to say that the Six Doors Up and down, almost everything is already Bai Xiaofei's private property!

And before acting.

Bai Xiaofei once gave death orders to Ji Yaohua and others from the six sects. No matter what, he must keep a few civil and military officials among them. After all, those people are talents of pillars. It will take another effort to find a replacement, it will be troublesome!


When the Daqing Palace collapsed.

Only the soldiers of the Six Doors spared their lives to build a human wall shield, saving the lives of several ministers!

As for those treacherous ministers of Cai Xiang's lineage?


I love it so much!

It is better to be smashed to death, even if they are lucky enough not to be smashed to death today, in the future when Bai Xiaofei refines this space-time and collects the four worlds as his own small world, Bai Xiaofei will definitely not tolerate the existence of these moths. Give them a happy time, and return the world to a clean one!

Except for these people.

There were no traces of Ji Yaohua, An Yunshan, Catching God and others in the ruins.

It should be fine after all.


At the scene, there was no trace of the crowd, so what's going on?

Bai Xiaofei frowned, out of curiosity, he couldn't help spreading out his mind and thoughts, like a radar, and began to scan and sense on a large scale. His mental power is extremely powerful, but now limited by the seal of the restricted task, he can only detect a radius of about one kilometer at most.

But even so, it is much, much higher than the level of ruthless thought power.


Bai Xiaofei found a clue.

In the range of his perception, about 300 meters away from the ruins (Daqing Palace), two powerful masters are fighting fiercely... No! To be precise, it should be chasing! One has the obvious upper hand, slapping the other side, while the other side can only defend and dodge!

It was An Yunshan and Catching God that Bai Xiaofei was looking for!

And not far from the battle between the two, there is another group of people who are fleeing in a hurry, running for their lives. Catcher knows that he is invincible, but he is still standing in front of An Yunshan, just to protect them, and these people are just now. It's Ji Yaohua, the arresters of Six Doors, and the loyal ministers who survived!

In the palace, the guards are heavily guarded.

Especially in the case of Anjia's coup, the guarding soldiers were one after another, and in order to protect the surviving loyal ministers and escape from An Yunshan's murderous hands, the soldiers of the Six Doors had already suffered heavy casualties and were almost defeated. , now it is all up to Ji Yaohua and her good sisters and female police officers to act as protection!

And around them.

Not only are there countless rebel soldiers, but also several first-class top masters from the An family are chasing and killing them. Among them, Catching God is the most powerful, but now they are restrained and hanged by An Yunshan, and there is no time to clone If there were no internal support from the army from time to time, who would come to respond bravely without fear of death, Ji Yaohua and others would have all died in the street long ago with the strength of Ji Yaohua and others alone!

According to the current situation.

Ji Yaohua and the others should have left first, because they had to protect the loyal ministers and there were many soldiers chasing and intercepting them, so the speed of advance was not very fast. On the contrary, it was An Yunshan and Catching God, both of them were peerless masters, both of them were far superior to ordinary people in terms of agility and dexterity.

For them, the distance of more than 100 meters is at most two breaths.

It's almost there!

Just now when Bai Xiaofei sensed the time-space spell on Catching God, Catching God might still be at the Daqing Hall. But when Bai Xiaofei activated the technique and teleported over with the ruthless Flying Thunder God Technique, Catching God and An Yunshan had already left this place after fierce fighting, and only then did the scene of no one appear!

after all……

Although the Flying Thunder God Technique is called teleportation, it is not real teleportation! From the sensing technique to the activation of the technique, there will be a slight time difference. Even if the time difference is very short, it cannot be ignored, because in the eyes of some experts, no matter how small the time difference is, it is fatal!

Like in Naruto.

The fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato with the title of [Golden Flash] is synonymous with the Flying Raijin Technique, and the movement of his body is unbelievably fast! But even so, his speed is not invincible. When facing the ab combination of Yunin Village, he almost tied with Qibila!

Although Bai Xiaofei's accomplishments in the Flying Thunder God Art are far more powerful than Namikaze Minato, he has not yet achieved the point where he is truly exempt from jet lag. Even a short moment of delay can lead to a huge change in the situation!

Bai Xiaofei used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport over, and was a step behind. He didn't see An Yunshan and Catching God, but it's not impossible! What's more, he has a ruthless spirit on him. Of course... this also has a lot to do with Bai Xiaofei's limited strength.


Based on Bai Xiaofei's real level, let alone taking one person, the sensing opponent is God Catcher, even with a group of people, the sensing opponent is a stronger super master, no matter how fast the opponent is, that is definitely not enough. There will be a phenomenon of "delay"!


After figuring out the ins and outs.

Bai Xiaofei was immediately depressed, and said silently: "This feeling of being limited in strength is really uncomfortable! It seems that from now on, Lao Shizi's restricted missions must not be taken lightly, although the rewards are indeed enough It’s so rich that it makes people greedy, but it’s even more painful to play tricks and dig holes for yourself everywhere!”

at the same time.

On the other side, An Yunshan laughed ferociously, and shot mercilessly, beating Catcher until he was powerless to fight back, almost ending the battle several times!

Although the mysteries of the Ten Thousand Swords of Catching Gods are endless and unpredictable, the time of practice is too short after all, and it is impossible to comprehend the mysteries of its supreme god, and it is impossible to exert its true power at all. Facing the star-absorbing magic An Yunshan, who has been immersed in it for decades, can be said to be clear at a glance which is stronger and weaker!

If there are no exceptions, it is only a matter of time before God Catcher loses.


Definitely not too long!

The situation of Ji Yaohua and others is also quite bad, and even the critical level is still higher than Catching God! Not only did they have to face the siege and interception of countless soldiers, but they also had to face the attack of several first-class peak masters trained by the An family.

Bai Xiaofei was about to help.

At this time, an angry shout suddenly came from the front, the sound shook the sky, and the momentum was like a rainbow. Bai Xiaofei looked intently, and when he saw who was coming, he immediately smiled, and then said to Wuqing: "It seems that we don't need to take action, Zhuge Zheng and I finally rushed over!"


"Let's go to the theater!"



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