The Storm God

Chapter 1334 The world is quiet! (Please subscribe!)

Both Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing possess telekinetic power.

And the strength of the two is not low, the distance of only a few hundred meters is nothing to them.


They flew to the scene.

At this moment, Zhuge Zhengwo and others who finally rushed over have also joined Ji Yaohua and others. Tie Shou, Zhui Ming, Leng Lingqi, and two top experts joined forces to deal with An Jia's masters. The three masters of the rivers and lakes are helping Ji Yaohua and others deal with the many soldiers around them!

As for Zhuge Zheng me.

But he did his part to join in the battle between An Yunshan and Catching God. Catching God's current state is quite bad, not to mention that his internal strength is almost exhausted, and his whole body is covered with injuries. If Zhuge Zhengwo hadn't appeared in time, he might not be able to survive An Yunshan's onslaught at all!

"Brother Zhuge!"

Catcher smiled helplessly and said, "I owe you my life!"

"Brother Liu, you are being polite!"

Zhuge Zhengwo smiled nonchalantly, and then used the gossip mentality to divert the strong wind from An Yunshan, and said to Zhushen, "Brother Liu, let's pay attention here." Give it to me, your injury is not serious, and your internal energy is exhausted, you should find a place and take a good rest!"

"Then I'll have Brother Zhuge!"

Catcher did not try to be brave, and immediately withdrew from the battle circle upon hearing the words.

But before leaving, he was very loyal and quickly told Zhuge Zhengwo all the information he had mastered and analyzed about the number of attacks and characteristics of An Yunshan's star-absorbing magic, so as not to let Zhuge Zhengwo I don't know what's tricky in it, and I suffered from the opponent's secret loss!

"Thank you brother Liu for telling me!"

After Zhuge Zheng and I listened to the information, we nodded understandingly, thanked Catching God, and then focused on fighting An Yunshan. Although there was a slight wrinkle between his brows, it was only a little bit. Obviously An Yunshan's star-absorbing magic is buggy, but Zhuge Zhengwo is not incapable of dealing with it!

"Master An!"

"It's all come to this point, there's no need to hide it anymore!"

"Show your true colors!"


While sneering.

Zhuge Zheng and I immediately blasted away with a gossip!

His skill is no small feat, he is equivalent to a superhuman existence like Xiongba, not to mention he was instructed by Bai Xiaofei before, his strength today is far beyond the plot, he has already reached the super powerful realm of the unity of man and nature , Zhuge Zheng, I am now even if I just casually hit Li Huo Palm, it still has great power!


Although Zhuge Zhengwo is strong, An Yunshan is even stronger!

Before he was three feet away from the palm of fire, he melted away at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye, and immediately became as tall as a person before shrinking into a small pudding in a blink of an eye, until it disappeared completely, without giving any attention. Yunshan caused even the slightest damage and threat!


After completely absorbing Li Huo Palm, An Yunshan snorted coldly, and said: "It is rumored that you, Zhuge Zhengzheng, are full of gossip mentality, run rampant in the world, and have few opponents. Today, the old man should take a good look at it and see what is going on. Is it because your gossip skills are great, or my star-absorbing magic is better!

Say it.

He was about to use his unique move and fight Zhuge Zhengwo to the death.

And at this moment.


An Yunshan suddenly frowned.

He seemed to feel something, his eyes suddenly turned, and he looked straight at somewhere in the sky. There are two figures there, flying towards this side with lightning. But I saw a man and a woman coming, the man is handsome and majestic, the woman is as beautiful as a flower, with fairy air, it is Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing!

Not just him.

Zhuge Zhengwo, Catch the God, Tieshou, Zhuiming, Leng Lingqi, Ji Yaohua and others all also noticed their coming!

after all……

Everyone is not blind.

Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing Fei's speed is extremely fast, and they don't fly very high.

The big target of two people, so bright in the sky, is almost flying in front of them, and they don't have the slightest intention to hide it. Let alone warriors, especially first-class masters and peerless masters, they are just ordinary soldiers. As long as you are not blind, you can see clearly, okay?

"Mr. Bai!"

"My lord!"

"There's Ya Yu too!"

"That's great, they're all fine!"

"Now I can finally rest assured!"

"This is impossible!"


I saw two people appear.

The people on Zhuge's side were naturally overjoyed, overjoyed, and burst into cheers in an instant.

Only An Yunshan had a pale face.

"How can it be!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was unscathed and appeared to be a normal person, An Yunshan's calm old face was almost completely blackened, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "You came here without incident. , doesn't that mean... my son An Shigeng has already..."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "I have to say, after your son An Shigeng was reborn, his strength has indeed improved beyond belief, and he even possesses supernatural powers and spiritual fire powers beyond imagination. Nine out of ten I have to kneel down, but it's a pity..."

"He met me!"


That's all.

It doesn't matter what An Yunshan's reaction is.

Bai Xiaofei directly landed in front of Ji Yaohua and the others not far away with ruthlessness. Catching God is also among them, but now he belongs to the level of the injured, not only can't provide any help to Ji Yaohua and others, but needs the protection of everyone, only in this way can he restrain the injury and recover his true energy!

Bai Xiaofei came down to catch God.

"this is for you!"

He casually threw a small bottle over.

Inside is Bai Xiaofei's spare time, using many natural materials and earth treasures, as well as the restorative elixir refined in the Hunyuan iron pot. Taking it can not only cure diseases and heal injuries, but also strengthen the foundation and restore energy, although It is not as miraculous as Blood Bodhi, which can enhance one's skill, but it is superior in that there is no limit to the number of times, and the effect is remarkable.

Catching God is now covered in injuries, and his true essence is seriously consumed. Taking this kind of elixir is simply perfect! Not only Catching God, but Ji Yaohua, Tie Shou, Zhui Ming, Leng Lingqi and others came all the way through the pass, and their internal energy was also consumed a lot, and it's time to make up for it!

Although this small bottle looks quite small, there are surprisingly many pills in it, there are more than one hundred pills in it. It's not that Bai Xiaofei has done something to the small bottle, the key is that these pills are small in size, but they are full of efficacy, do not take up any volume, and are very easy to store, ordinary small bottles can hold a lot!


In order to preserve the medicinal properties of the elixir, ordinary bottles are absolutely not acceptable. Only guys with jade quality can take on this great task, but compared to the preservation needs of some natural and earthly treasures, these are nothing serious! Once the elixir is used to recover more than a dozen people like Ji Yaohua, it is definitely enough, and there will even be a lot left!

Catching God and the others were not polite to Bai Xiaofei either.

As a result, they swallowed the elixir immediately, and began to exercise energy and adjust their breath to speed up the absorption.

As for Zhuge correcting me?

All right!

From the very beginning, Bai Xiaofei didn't count him at all!

And he doesn't even need to!

To know.

After entering the unity of man and nature.

Whether it is a warrior or other cultivators, the level of their own skills is no longer a crucial factor. As long as you have enough energy, you can use the energy of heaven and earth to form an attack, and even make up for your own depleted skills. It is almost endless and will never be exhausted!

It is precisely because of this.

Zhuge Zhengwo is not afraid of An Yunshan's star-absorbing magic!

As long as one's energy is not exhausted, or exhausted all at once, Zhuge Zhengwo can constantly use the energy of heaven and earth to attack An Yunshan, or to recover his own exhaustion, which is extremely buggy. As for the star-absorbing magic, it is powerful, but at best it is just an accelerated version of the unity of man and nature!

So what if you can breathe again?

Is it possible that you can absorb all the aura of the whole world and store it in your body!

If you don't believe it, it won't kill you!


Zhuge Zheng and I faced An Yunshan, the two of them can be said to be evenly matched, even if there is still some difference in strength and realm between the two sides, they are definitely not as vulnerable as in the original plot, almost instantly. Was given a second by the other party. From Bai Xiaofei's point of view, no matter how bad Zhuge Zheng I am, at least I should be able to fight him for about 300 rounds!

With Zhuge Zheng's old body like me, three hundred rounds is the limit that his energy can support the state of harmony between man and nature! Unless he can rejuvenate like An Yunshan, regain his youth, and return his body to its peak! In this way, old Zhuge's energy and spirit will undergo a qualitative change, thus making the limit of the state of the unity of man and nature soared exponentially!

The god Dan Bai Xiaofei has already given it to him!

As for when to take it, it depends on the old Zhuge himself! Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't worry about Zhuge Zhengwo's safety at all. Instead of wasting that time and emotion, he might as well free up his hands and clean up the "little mouse" jumping up and down in front of him!


"Just because of you clowns, how dare you attack me?"

"It's courting death!"


Facing the five An family's first-class top experts who joined forces to attack him, Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his aura instantly soared to the extreme. The Tathagata God's Palm with a huge range slammed over!


The world is quiet!


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