The Storm God

Chapter 1335 Shock the audience! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei's current strength is far inferior to the previous heyday, only a few percent of the original level, but even so, the power of his Tathagata Palm is not something that a group of top-notch masters can compete with!

Just for a moment.

Just now, Ji Yaohua and others who were flaunting their might, arrogant and persuasive, were almost besieged on all sides. Several experts in Anjia, including a large number of soldiers, were all cleaned up by Bai Xiaofei with a slap!

That's right!

Just clean up!

The almost substantial three-foot-long palm slammed forward with vigor, just like hitting mosquitoes with a fly swatter. It was like a strong wind sweeping fallen leaves. It doesn't matter whether you are a master of the rivers and lakes or an ordinary soldier, or a palace building, you can only be slapped. What a rotten smash!

With Bai Xiaofei's palm, at least he had to kill the 180th person. He was heavily surrounded on the spot and opened a huge exit. Ji Yaohua and the others were stunned and shocked. The gaze towards Bai Xiaofei is like looking at a monster!

"Be good!"

"Those are a few first-class and peak Jianghu masters! They even brought so many soldiers and buildings, and they all disappeared with a single slap. Why don't you be so perverted!"

"This guy is so inhuman!"

"Could it be a fairy?"


Everyone was silent.

Even those few helpers recruited by Zhuge Zhengwo and Zhui Ming, seeing Bai Xiaofei make a move so intuitively for the first time, were shocked on the spot and forgot about their luck, and were completely stunned, like wooden chickens, their eyes full of Full of surprise and disbelief!

Fortunately, the soldiers around were also completely intimidated by Bai Xiaofei's shocking slap, they all froze in place, forgetting to attack, otherwise...these people would have to be stabbed a few times!

Not just them.

On the other side, An Yunshan and Zhuge Zhengwo who were fighting fiercely were also taken aback by Bai Xiaofei's unpredictable palm!


They all knew that Bai Xiaofei was very powerful, but they never expected that he would be so powerful. They all paid attention to that palm just now, it didn't consume much real energy at all, but it was all due to a special force. Power drives the air of heaven and earth to form such an astonishingly powerful attack!

Simply put, it is similar to the unity of man and nature! But in fact, it is obviously different from their harmony between man and nature. It is obviously more natural and freehand, and it is extremely relaxed. That feeling...

It's as if Bai Xiaofei himself is the will of heaven and earth, he can control the energy of heaven and earth as he likes, unlike them, he must concentrate his energy and spirit, and enter a certain state of incomparable mystery, in order to use the power of heaven and earth, although the power is equally powerful, but But it has obvious time and local restrictions!

Comparing with Bai Xiaofei, it feels like a child of the same age is comparing the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division algorithms with a college Olympiad professor. No matter how amazing their talents are, there is a difference between the two. The two sides are not at the same level, okay? !

Zhuge is better than me!

after all……

He has been in contact with Bai Xiaofei for so long, and has been shocked many times, so he naturally got used to it. Although he was surprised, he already had antibodies to some extent, so his performance was not so exaggerated!

But An Yunshan is different!

After all, they only played against each other twice, and it turned out that he was the loser every time, and this time he was deeply frightened by Bai Xiaofei's shocking tricks!

The most critical question is that the current situation is very bad for him! It's almost besieged on all sides, okay?

As for the soldiers...

All right!

It's just a group of minions, no matter how many people there are, it's useless, it's all about delivering food to others!

Unless it is an elite-level forbidden army who carries a lot of siege weapons to form pressure and threat to a master of their level, otherwise it is completely sideways!

Saying that is going too far!

Leaving other things aside, just the cooperation between Bai Xiaofei and Zhuge Zhengwo has already caused great pressure and threat to An Yunshan!

Although An Yunshan prides himself on being the best martial artist in the world, he is not afraid of either Bai Xiaofei or Zhuge Zhengwo, but if the other party joins hands, he will have no confidence at all!

Especially after seeing Bai Xiaofei's Buddha Palm!


And that thunder unicorn!

Others don't know, but as An Shigeng's father, An Yunshan knows very well that An Shigeng is absolutely incapable of that. That is to say, besides Tathagata Palm, Bai Xiaofei at least has one trick to control Thunder The astonishing skill!


Thinking of this, An Yunshan's heart was filled with despair, and he said bitterly: "The situation and strength are so different, how can we fight!?"

this moment.

An Yunshan finally understood!

This coup d'état, the battle for another day, actually they failed from the very beginning, and the root cause of the failure was because of one person!

Bai Xiaofei!

If this person is not eliminated, great things will never happen!

As soon as he thought of this, An Yunshan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes flickered one after another, and he seemed to have a plan in his heart. Immediately afterwards, the attack in his hand became fierce and ferocious, and with the posture of a madman, he instantly put him at a disadvantage. The Zhuge Zheng I was beaten!

"What a domineering attack!"

Zhuge Zhengwo was secretly surprised: "Is this old fox planning to go all out? Just because of this state, just because I am not his opponent! Could it be that here..."


I haven't finished thinking about it yet.

Suddenly, An Yunshan's cold snort came from next to his ear: "Zhuge is up to me, and he dared to be distracted when fighting with me. Are you looking down on me, or are you sincerely trying to die!"

Between words.

Of course, An Yunshan would not be polite to Zhuge Zhengwo, and before the other party could react, he slapped Zhuge Zhengwo directly on the vest, and the latter flew upside down like a broken sack, and hit a palace In the building, I don't know how many things were smashed and smashed, and I don't know if they are alive or dead!


See this situation.

The surrounding Iron Hands, Zhui Ming, Leng Lingqi and the others immediately looked aside, extremely worried, including Ruthless!

Although Zhuge Zhengwo deceived him and was the direct promoter of the Sheng family's massacre, the culprit is still guessed, they were also used by others!

Coupled with the 12 years of nurturing grace and the bond that everyone has built up with each other, Ruthless has actually already regarded Zhuge Zhengwo as his father!

Before, it was because I couldn't save face, and I was a little bored in my heart, and I couldn't think about it, so I hid from the Shenhou Mansion everywhere!


Seeing with my own eyes that Zhuge Zhengwo was hit by An Yunshan's palm on the back of my heart, seriously injured, and I don't know whether I will live or die. He flew over on the spot!

at the same time.

The soldiers around, seeing An Yunshan showing great power, immediately became more confident, and immediately launched a siege against Ji Yaohua and others!


They all knew that Bai Xiaofei was a peerless and fierce god, he was extremely difficult to provoke, and he didn't even know how to die, so they were all very smart and didn't do anything to him.

As long as there is him, everyone walks around!


Even Wuqing who came with Bai Xiaofei took a lot of credit because of this, the soldiers did not stop her at all, and let Wuqing rush into the nearby building.

Seeing that Ji Yaohua and the others were speechless for a while, they said to themselves: "Fuck! We are all human, why is there such a big difference in treatment? Do you want to treat them differently like this!"

"We protest!"


Regardless of what Ji Yaohua and others think. After An Yunshan defeated Zhuge Zhengwo again, he came directly in front of Bai Xiaofei.

"Bai Xiaofei!"

An Yunshan's face was gloomy and solemn, with a little jealousy and deep hatred in his eyes, he said in a cold voice: "You have repeatedly obstructed my plan and killed my son, today the old man will settle the matter with you account!"

The voice did not fall.

The old guy directly attacked Bai Xiaofei, and the first time he came up, he was a housekeeper's stunt ---- star-absorbing magic!



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