The Storm God

Chapter 1336 You are not qualified yet! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

The situation changed, and the void trembled violently!

The palm of An Yunshan's hand seemed to be a terrifying black hole, instantly forming an incomparable suction force, like a giant gluttonous beast, as if it wanted to devour everything, extremely overbearing!

This blow.

An Yunshan obviously tried his best!

Faced with such a perverted existence as Bai Xiaofei, he dared not show up to fight with all his strength, otherwise he would simply be looking for death!

He's as fast as lightning!

And Bai Xiaofei?

All right!

At this moment, as if he didn't react, or was frightened, he just stood there in a daze, neither dodging nor avoiding, with an appearance determined to die!

"Mr. Bai!"

"be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's situation, Ji Yaohua, Tie Shou and others around him were extremely anxious, and they all sounded reminders!


Bai Xiaofei was still "in a daze" as always, the most important thing is that the distance between An Yunshan and Bai Xiaofei is not far, and An Yunshan fights with all his strength, the speed is unparalleled, when Ji Yaohua and others speak out, An Yunshan's palm was already in front of Bai Xiaofei's eyes, even if Bai Xiaofei wanted to hide, he probably couldn't dodge it!

"Damn it!"

"This time, the old ghost of An Yunshan's strength is unpredictable. Even Mr. Zhuge is no match for him. Mr. Bai is so underestimating the enemy, I am afraid that he will suffer in the end!"

"That's right, what the hell is he doing?!"


Regarding Bai Xiaofei's behavior, everyone was extremely puzzled and puzzled. In terms of strength, Bai Xiaofei is undoubtedly recognized as the number one. Compared with An Yunshan, he is definitely not weaker than An Yunshan. There should be such a mistake? !

"Is there something hidden in it?"

Ji Yaohua secretly thought.

Compared with Tie Shou and others, Ji Yaohua, who is very good at using brains, is more afraid and deeply impressed by Bai Xiaofei's terrorist methods. In her opinion, Bai Xiaofei will definitely not be a guy who makes mistakes easily. There must be a reason for doing so!

And it is true!


Just when An Yunshan's black hole was about to approach Bai Xiaofei's face, Bai Xiaofei finally looked at everyone's concerned and puzzled eyes, the corners of his mouth raised evil spirits, and he said domineeringly: "An Yunshan, if you want to challenge me, you Not enough!"


The voice just fell.

Seeing that An Yunshan seemed to be fixed in the body, the terrifying black hole-like attack stopped abruptly in an instant, and he froze in mid-air so unbelievably!

Obviously only a tiny distance away, he was able to touch Bai Xiaofei, completely absorbing Bai Xiaofei's skill!

But such a slight distance, it was like a moat, no matter how hard An Yunshan tried, gnashing his teeth, his palms just froze there and did not move at all!

Not only that……

The horrible black hole-like suction on An Yunshan's palm, like an electric fan without electricity, slowly began to disappear and dissipate, until it lost all power and became an ordinary palm!

"This is impossible!"

An Yunshan was startled and terrified at once, it can be said that he was completely terrified, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were full of disbelief and bewilderment, his face changed wildly, and he said tremblingly: "The surname is Bai! Yes, what did you do? Why did my body completely stop responding because of your [stop], and the true energy in my whole body was like a stone sinking into the sea. What kind of demon method are you doing?!"

this moment.

He is terrified!

Bai Xiaofei's methods are really scary, if it's a fair and square defeat, then it's nothing, although it's miserable, but what kind of person An Yunshan is, he's naturally not someone who can't afford to lose!

It's just a winner and a loser!


The current situation is really weird!

Bai Xiaofei didn't do anything, he just said "Stop" casually, and he really stopped, unable to move, and his true energy completely dissipated, making himself completely reduced to a useless person. Like a demon god, it's really unbelievable!


This is obviously bullying, okay?

The old man refuses to accept!


This moment.

Not only An Yunshan, but also Ji Yaohua and others around, as well as countless soldiers, almost everyone present was also stunned by Bai Xiaofei's move, and completely froze in place!

What melee!

It stopped completely, and the whole scene was instantly dead silent, almost a needle could be heard!

Everyone never expected that the situation on the scene would undergo such a dramatic change. An Yunshan, who was still fierce just now, was completely subdued by Bai Xiaofei with the word "stop". Like a puppet, it froze there, unable to move!


What the hell is going on!

Someone tell me!


Those who know the situation know that Bai Xiaofei really subdued An Yunshan, but those who don't know the situation will definitely think that the two of them are acting, okay?

This is too fake!

too exaggerated!


Regardless of how the people around them react.

At the scene, Bai Xiaofei seemed to see An Yunshan's reluctance. He smiled wickedly, stared at An Yunshan with burning eyes, and explained, "Witchcraft?"

"No no no!"

"This is not a sorcerer's art, but a serious ninjutsu! A special ninjutsu that specializes in manipulating the human body!"

"Master An!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at him with a smile, and said persuasively: "Do you still remember the magic pill you stole from me before? After taking it, didn't you find any abnormalities?"


An Yunshan old fox was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized: "Damn it! You damn bastard! You actually tampered with the magic pill!"

"Despicable! Shameless!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled indifferently, and continued: "Mr. An, you are wrong. I admit that I did tamper with the magic pill, but my goal at the beginning was not you. , the purpose is not like that, I blame you for being greedy and insisting on trying to get my idea!"

"Since you stretched out your head and let me kill it, if I don't move the knife twice, it would be too unreasonable!"

"I can only say that you deserve to be unlucky!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled proudly.

Bai Xiaofei had already tampered with the magic pill that was given to the prince at the beginning. Although the effect of the medicine has weakened a lot, it can greatly improve the body's physique, enhance the toughness and strength of its meridians, and thus make the medicine pill A person who cultivates can get twice the result with half the effort and advance by leaps and bounds!

And in order to put an end to the white-eyed wolf phenomenon and the appearance of traitors, Bai Xiaofei will naturally add some special ingredients to it, so that he can control it conveniently!

Just like An Yunshan now!

As long as Bai Xiaofei activates the special component power mixed in the divine pill, they will instantly form a large array of locking spirits in his limbs and eight meridians, completely suppressing him from the inside out, forming Like a puppet, at the mercy of Bai Xiaofei!

It's not an exaggeration to say that An Yunshan was doomed to fail as early as when he put his mind on the lord's batch of magic pills!


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation, An Yunshan was at a loss for words. It turned out that all of this was caused by a mistake of his own. If he hadn't doubted Bai Xiaofei's elixir and swallowed it directly instead of letting Geng'er take it, Even if he would still be defeated today, at least he wouldn't be defeated so embarrassingly and helplessly!

All of this can only be said to be God's will!

So far.

An Yunshan's heart was ashamed, and he was completely hopeless! Seeing the countless soldiers around who stopped and stared blankly, he smiled miserably, and said sadly: "I lost! Bai Xiaofei, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"


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