The Storm God

Chapter 1337 Completely Convinced! (Please subscribe!)

"do not worry!"

Seeing An Yunshan's face that looked death like home, Bai Xiaofei sneered, and said: "Based on what you have done, there will definitely be no good end! But before that, I have to absorb your kung fu first, Lest you play any more tricks!"

Say it!

A sharp right hand!

All of a sudden, a strong suction force, not inferior to the star-absorbing magic that An Yunshan had used before, was immediately generated, like a black hole, and even the entire void was distorted for a while!

What Bai Xiaofei is using now is not star-absorbing magic, but the Beiming magic art that combines the characteristics and advantages of star-absorbing magic!

And compared to An Yunshan's star-absorbing magic, Bai Xiaofei's Beiming magic skill is obviously superior. Although the posture of the man-absorbing skill is equally terrifying, Bai Xiaofei's is more solid!

I saw the suction in Bai Xiaofei's palm, as if it had turned into a huge transparent palm, directly holding An Yunshan's whole body in his palm!

next moment!

Hearing a burst of painful screams erupted from An Yunshan Pass, his whole body seemed to be like a deflated balloon, and he quickly became wilted!

After taking Bai Xiaofei's magic elixir, An Yunshan had already returned to the peak of his youth, but with Bai Xiaofei's crazily absorbing, at this time, the power, energy, and mental power in his body were surging like a bank breaking. pass!

Almost in the blink of an eye, An Yunshan had aged from a young boy to a gray-haired one again!

Even more miserable than before, the whole body is like skin and bones, almost collapsed by the wind, extremely weak!


After absorbing all of An Yunshan's power, Bai Xiaofei loosened his grip on An Yunshan, and the latter fell to the ground immediately, unable to get up for a long time, just like a vegetable, lying there unable to move!

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, took a deep breath, looked at An Yunshan with a smile, and said sincerely: "Mr. An, thank you very much! With the help of your three-hundred-year-old skills, my strength is finally here." You can go one step further!"

An Yunshan is worthy of being the ultimate big boss. His skill is extremely profound, as high as hundreds of years. Although it is mottled and messy, it is not pure, but it has a lot of power!

Star-absorbing magic cannot refine and purify heterogeneous zhenqi to make it more solid and mixed, but Beiming magic can!

It only takes a few days for Bai Xiaofei to refine all of An Yunshan's skills, and purify it into 100% Bei Ming's true energy. According to Bai Xiaofei's preliminary estimate, with An Shigeng's massive skills, let alone It can also be purified to a level of about one-fifth!

That is about sixty years of skill!

Don't underestimate the skill of the past sixty years, this skill is not that skill, these are pure and incomparable Bei Ming's zhenqi, both in power and quality, are far above the average level of skill!

For example!

If the skill of a first-class master is compared to gasoline, then Beiming Zhenqi is aviation fuel specially used for aerospace launch vehicles. It is also a liter of oil, but its power and efficiency are vastly different, and the two are completely incompatible. Same day!

And this is also an important dividing line between first-class masters and extreme masters. Below the extreme, they all focus on improving the amount of skill, while above the extreme, they specialize in their quality!

Because only the power of higher quality can perfectly control the energy of heaven and earth, just like a super sports car can only be fueled with purified special fuel, if you add 92 # gasoline to it, even if you can barely Driving will also form carbon deposits, which will not be able to play its due performance, and the sports car will be damaged in a short time!

If the pure Beiming Zhenqi of the past sixty years or so is cultivated by Bai Xiaofei alone, it will take a few days at least. Otherwise, it will take even more time!

And now...

In just a few days, he possessed such a pure and massive amount of Bei Ming's zhenqi, which can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, a thousand miles a day! Sure enough, no one is rich without windfall!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei was overwhelmed with emotion immediately, and said in his heart: "It seems that if you want to quickly improve your skills, achieve the true unity of heaven and man as soon as possible, and use the spirit fire technique as you like, you still have to rely on robbing!"


And no matter how happy Bai Xiaofei was, An Yunshan, who was lying on the ground and couldn't move, not only was not angry when he heard Bai Xiaofei's sarcasm thank you, but even laughed out loud: "My surname is Bai, don't be too happy too soon, Although I lost, you didn't win either, Song Huizong has already been slaughtered by me, the world is about to be in chaos, and you will not end well either!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Ji Yaohua and others around couldn't help but startled, and exclaimed secretly: "What? The Holy One has been killed! This..."

All of them are full of disbelief and bewilderment!

To know.

They worked so hard for the purpose of saving Song Huizong, avoiding leaderless dragons, chaos in the government, and chaos in the world!

How can I think...

I have worked so hard for a long time, but it turned out to be nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket. How can you tell them to accept it in their hearts? !

"Is it?"

Bai Xiaofei smiled wickedly indifferently, and said with a grin: "So what if Song Huizong was really killed by you? Why don't I establish a new king? Mr. An, please don't use your limited wisdom to judge me." For others, Song Huizong may be the true son of heaven, the lord of a country or something, which is extremely important, but in my opinion, it is a dispensable existence!"

"It's good without him, so many of my plans can be done freely, for example..."

"I will be the emperor!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled sinisterly, his eyes were full of pride and brilliance, and he said these words to An Yunshan on purpose! The purpose is to anger An Yunshan!


You also want to play tricks on me and provoke me?

I think you are thinking too much!

Bai Xiaofei had already set up an isolation circle around him, except for him and An Yunshan, Ji Yaohua and the others outside had no idea what they were talking about!


An Yunshan was shocked when he heard the words.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, and then at Ji Yaohua and the others who looked at them in a daze, their eyes were full of shock and subversion, as well as endless anger and frustration!


"Well, you are Bai! I never thought that not only me, but the whole world was deceived by you. It turns out that you are the one who hides the deepest! All my actions are just pawns in your hands." It's just a calculation!"

"I'm convinced!"

Thinking of the result of his whole life of fighting for it, but actually only making wedding dresses for others, An Yunshan was so desperate, his heart was really ashamed, and he was completely chilled!


Bai Xiaofei didn't care what An Yunshan was thinking, and smiled evilly, followed by the force of his sword, locking An Yunshan's speech ability, then lifted the isolation circle, and directly told An Yunshan to throw it to Ji Yaohua and others, And using the lion's roar technique, he exhaled loudly and shouted loudly: "An Yunshan has been defeated, if you don't hurry up and catch you, is it true that I want to kill you quickly!"

While roaring!

In order to frighten the countless soldiers around him, Bai Xiaofei directly blasted out another Tathagata palm, aiming at a very majestic and huge palace not far away!

next moment!

Hearing a loud bang, the vast and magnificent palace was immediately crushed and smashed to pieces, it ceased to exist, and was directly turned into wreckage and ruins all over the place!


Countless soldiers around were immediately deeply shocked by Bai Xiaofei's hand, and all of them lost their souls, trembling with fright, and immediately threw away the weapons in their hands, and fell to their knees one after another. , Raise your hands and surrender!

And this time.

Ruthlessly supporting Zhuge Zhengwo, he also walked out of another palace full of ruins.


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