The Storm God

Chapter 1338 Control the Great Song Dynasty! (Please subscribe!)

Zhuge Zheng, my complexion is very bad!

An Yunshan's palm used almost all his strength, if Zhuge Zhengwo hadn't used the gossip mental method and the technique of borrowing force transfer in the way of Tai Chi in a critical moment, he would have used An Yunshan's palm strength at the critical moment. , Kankan shifted to the side of the heart, I'm afraid he is already a dead person now!


He was nothing more than a heart attack.

With Zhuge Zhengwo's strength, physical fitness, and medical skills, it is estimated that after a few days of recuperation, he will be completely cured!


These are not the most important.

What really made Zhuge Zhengwo happy was that the conflict and cold war between himself and Yayu had finally been eliminated. In addition, An Yunshan, the chief culprit of the coup, was finally subdued by Bai Xiaofei, and the countless soldiers around him also surrendered, which can be described as a complete victory!


"It's great that you're all right!"

"I knew it!"


Tie Shou and others saw that Zhuge Zhengwo was not dead, but was seriously injured, they were overjoyed and cheered!

Zhuge Zheng and I greeted everyone politely.


Only then did he come to Bai Xiaofei.

He said sincerely: "Mr. Bai, thanks to you this time! Otherwise, I really don't know how bad the situation will be!"

"Mr. Zhuge, you are being polite!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said with a smile: "Even without me, I believe you can handle it. As long as you eat the magic pill I gave you, you will be able to recover from your injuries immediately and return to the peak youthful state. At that time, with your With martial arts attainments, An Yunshan may not be able to defeat you!"

He was right!

As long as Zhuge Zhengwo regains his youth, there will be a qualitative change in both physique and strength.

Although An Yunshan is powerful, the hidden danger of star-absorbing magic is too powerful. Perhaps in terms of the amount of skill, he is many times stronger than Zhuge Zhengwo, but in terms of the quality of skill, as well as the research and attainment of martial arts, An Yunshan is more powerful. But Yunshan can't keep up with Zhuge Zhengwo even if he flatters him!

after all……

That's a gossip mentality!

It is rumored that it is a magical skill created by Zhuge Wuhou during the Three Kingdoms period. It is extensive and profound, and it also incorporates Bai Xiaofei's Tai Chi. It can be said to be more powerful and mysterious. Nothing like magic!

If the two were to fight each other, under almost equal conditions, the winning side would definitely be Zhuge Zhengwo!


I do not know why.

Zhuge Zheng I have never taken the magic pill to restore youth.

Bai Xiaofei was very curious about this!


It seems to see Bai Xiaofei's doubts.

Seeing Zhuge Zheng, I shook my head with a wry smile, and said with a sigh: "I originally wanted to recover my youth with Jiaoniang, and then achieve good things. After all, she has been by my side for so many years, and I owe him too much. You can’t be selfish and restore your youth first, right?”

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei has also heard about the matter between Jiaoniang and Zhuge Zhengwo, so he has no opinion on what Zhuge Zhengwo did, and even quite understands and agrees with it. If it were his own, Bai Xiaofei probably would I should do the same!


There is another reason, Zhuge Zheng, I didn't mention it.

That is Bai Xiaofei!

With such a pervertedly powerful ally by my side, Zhuge Zhengwo naturally wouldn't be too anxious and worried, otherwise, if Bai Xiaofei didn't intervene, see if he would eat or not! Zhuge Zhengwo, who cares about the safety of the world, should choose between Jiaoniang and the people of the world, I guess everyone knows it well!

the other side.

Catching God, Leng Lingqi, and Ji Yaohua are leading the Six Sects. They are in charge of cleaning up the battlefield and recruiting the soldiers who surrendered. With the defeat of An Yunshan and the surrender of countless soldiers, this massive coup was finally over. But the aftermath work is not so easy to do!

The most important thing is that the current emperor, Song Huizong, had already been killed!

This is the most headache!


That's the current sage!

The top leader of the entire Great Song Dynasty has now said that there is no more, and now it will be gone. If this is reported, the whole world will not be in chaos! Thinking of all kinds of bad situations to be faced in the future, as well as unexpected accidents, everyone's originally happy and joyful mood suddenly became dull.


strictly speaking.

They have already lost this battle!

Although they stopped An Yunshan, they completely lost the top leadership of the country. Is this also called winning? !

"Block the news first!"

Bai Xiaofei saw everyone's worry.

After pretending to ponder for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Our top priority now is to quickly quell the bad influence brought about by the coup d'état and calm the hearts of the people. As for the murder of the Holy Majesty, we should find a chance to move after everything is stable. Come out, I will solve all kinds of problems during the period!"

A certain person looks like he has everything.


Bai Xiaofei seemed to have become the leader among the crowd.

In fact, he does have this qualification. After all, he has a serious status, but he is the imperial teacher! The important ministers of the imperial court, the civil and military officials, the wounded and the dead, there are only a few who survived. Except for Catcher and Zhuge Zhengwo, in terms of official positions and powers, they belong to the prince and Bai Xiaofei !

It stands to reason.

The prince is also surnamed Zhao, but he is a descendant of the authentic royal family.

After Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty was killed, he was the most hopeful to ascend the throne and inherit the status of emperor. Regardless of status or the aspirations of the people, he should be the leader! The second is Bai Xiaofei! But this prince, although his status is noble, his ability is seriously insufficient, so it is difficult to be the leader!

The most important thing is that this prince has been Bai Xiaofei's younger brother from the very beginning.

Even the prince himself does not object to Bai Xiaofei's prominence, so what can others say? Besides, whether it is Zhuge Zhengwo and others from the Shenhou Mansion, or the Catcher of the Six Doors, Ji Yaohua and the group, or the loyal ministers who survived, they have all been favored by Bai Xiaofei, or just like the prince. Out of Bai Xiaofei's control.

Let me ask...

Under such circumstances!

And who would jump out against Bai Xiaofei, making himself unhappy? !

not a single one!


Everyone looked at each other.

Afterwards, everyone looked at the prince and Zhuge Zhengwo, as if they had given the final decision-making power to them.

The lord and Zhuge Zheng and I looked at each other for a while, seeing the lord shook his head slightly at me, Zhuge Zheng and I knew in my heart that the lord didn't have any objection, and he followed Bai Xiaofei's lead. So he sighed and said, "Mr. Bai is right! This seems to be the only way we can do now!"

"If everyone has no opinion..."


Speaking of which.

Zhuge Zhengwo glanced over everyone. Ruthless naturally listens to Bai Xiaofei, and absolutely supports 10,000%! The others also nodded one after another, thinking that what Bai Xiaofei said was very reasonable, saying that they did not have any opinions, and no one raised any objections.

"very good!"

Seeing this situation, Zhuge Zheng and I made a final decision: "Since this is the case, then we will do as Mr. Bai said!"

So far...

Someone has almost become the actual controller of Da Song!

As long as he works a little harder, finds a suitable opportunity and reason, allows himself to be enthroned as emperor in a legitimate way, and enjoys the admiration and recognition of all people, refining this world into his own small world is a certainty. At that time... Bai Xiaofei will be able to complete the restricted-level tasks issued by the space-time shuttle, and get the heaven-defyingly generous rewards!


The power of 30 million fates!

500 million energy value, and a full 100,000 meritorious power!

As soon as he thought of the incomparably rich reward, Bai Xiaofei was so excited that he didn't want it, his whole body was almost floating! With these huge amounts of wealth, Bai Xiaofei believes that his own strength will definitely have a qualitative improvement! Even if you travel to the world of cultivation and mythology, you still have the capital to protect yourself!

And all of this is close at hand!


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