The Storm God

Chapter 1339 Soaring! (Please subscribe!)

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, five days have passed.

During these five days, the entire capital city, even the Great Song Dynasty, was plunged into great turmoil and shock!

Mr. An in An Yunshan, who enjoys the title of "Living Bodhisattva" and a great benevolent person, and the entire An family, together with Cai Peng and treacherous ministers, plotted to rebel and change the dynasty! The previous shocking tragedies, including the Sheng family's extermination tragedy twelve years ago, were all planned by the An family or Cai Xiang!

Fortunately, people from the two major departments of Shenhou Mansion and Six Doors, as well as the national teacher Bai Xiaofei, worked together to turn the tide and destroy the conspiracy between An Jia and Cai Xiang. , An Shigeng, and others killed on the spot!

Even the old man An Yunshan who was the culprit.

He was also captured alive on the spot!

"Oh My God!"

Such a huge and astonishing news spread so fast, it is conceivable that it almost quickly spread to the entire Song Dynasty, and even the surrounding tribes and other major tribes and foreigners. All of a sudden, the wind started to move, the dark tide surged, and countless people with ulterior motives all became active.

Regardless of how the outside world reacts.

Within the capital.

At this moment, whether it is the Shenhou Mansion or the Six Gates, it can be said that they are busy in circles, and there is almost no time to stop. In addition to dealing with the aftermath of the coup, they also have to replace many treacherous officials who died. His job, dealing with government affairs, is really busy like a spinning top, and he can't stop for a moment!

Especially the six doors.

After the war, the imperial palace suffered serious losses. Many buildings and city walls suffered devastating blows and urgently needed to be rebuilt and repaired. At the same time, almost all the guard work in the imperial palace fell on them. There are only a few people there, so we can only trouble six doors!

no way!

Who makes the six doors more people!

If you don't do it, who will do it?


The Shenhou Mansion did not remain idle because of this, and the matter of recruiting talents and heroes fell entirely on Zhuge Zhengwo. Although there were not many people in the Shenhou Mansion, the archives in the mansion were quite complete. It is most appropriate to leave the selection of talents to them!

And in order to stimulate the recruitment of talents.

Bai Xiaofei also specially took out a lot of magic pills, martial arts cheats, and many benefits and rewards! Don't be afraid to pay too much, just be afraid that you don't have the ability! As long as you have the real ability, no amount of rewards can be given to you! Even... some extremely special talents can get special care from Bai Xiaofei!


Bai Xiaofei has just one request!

No matter what type of talent, as long as they have real skills, no matter how high or low their background is, they all want it!

As soon as this news comes out.

Up and down the whole country, it was completely boiling!

Who is Bai Xiaofei?

That's the master of protecting the country!

Known as the reincarnation of the living god, who can bring people back to life, and rejuvenate the super awesome man!

Its reputation is so great that it is even louder than the current emperor!

Rewards for such characters...


Even if you think about it with your toes, you know that it will never be worse!

Especially the reward and treatment that can get Bai Xiaofei's special care, it makes people boil and excited! Oh My God! That was the personal interview and guidance of the Great Master of Protecting the Nation! Even if you don't give any benefits, just this personal guidance is definitely enough, okay?


With any luck.

Maybe he can still join Bai Xiaofei's gate, and it's not impossible to rise from the top to the top of the world!

Such a huge benefit, a fool would not go!

as expected!

Not long after the news got out.

The number of people who came to Shenhou Mansion to sign up for the election exceeded a thousand people that day! Obediently! These people are not messy guys, but they are all outstanding people who have real skills and abilities! The scene of thousands of people queuing up was shocking and astonishing! From the Shenhou Mansion, they can almost reach outside the city walls of the capital!


No one dares to act wild and arrogant here!

There is no need for guards and supervision, these people will all line up spontaneously and put away their arrogance, be a good baby, line up and participate in the selection!

Bai Xiaofei's deterrent power and awesomeness can be seen from this!

Absolutely in full swing!

"A lot of people!"

Faced with so many applicants.

Zhuge Zhengwo and others in the Shenhou Mansion are both suffering and happy!

And this is just the beginning. With the passage of time, the news has spread throughout the Song Dynasty and even among foreign tribes. I believe that there will be more strange people and strangers who will come here one after another! After all... Bai Xiaofei's conditions are really against the sky!

As the saying goes, "money can turn ghosts!".

not to mention……

The conditions given by Bai Xiaofei.

Not only money and material rewards, but also a bright future, lost youth, and even a longer life!

Let me ask, who can resist such a temptation?

at the same time……

In the palace.

Bai Xiaofei performed the technique of multiple shadow clones, splitting one into two, the deity continued to play the role of Bai Xiaofei, the master of protecting the country, and the summoned shadow clone used the transformation technique to transform into the appearance of Song Huizong, sitting on the dragon chair On the top, majestic and domineering, high above the ground, diligently handling all kinds of affairs in the court!

Compared to the original genuine Song Huizong.

The emperor pretended by the shadow avatar is more powerful and clever in terms of ability, ideology and cognition, or the means of behavior and dealing with things. All kinds of affairs in the court, big and small, fall into his hands, no matter how difficult the problem is, he can solve it easily, and handle it properly, which makes people full of praise!

In particular, some of the newly launched policies to improve the people have shocked the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty and admired them!


There is no need for Bai Xiaofei to use any means.

Some of the ministers have already begun to think in their hearts, if Bai Xiaofei is allowed to become the emperor, how strong and rich this country will be!

As for what is undignified?

All right!

They didn't think about it at all!

In other words, in the face of the hope of the country's prosperity, dignity is no longer important to them! Although these people are pedantic, they are not stupid! Who has the ability, who can make the country better, who can make their own name go down in history, and live forever, they all know it in their hearts!

Anyone can be an emperor!

It doesn't matter whether your surname is Zhao or not, it's the same. Isn't the country of the Song Dynasty also taken from the hands of the previous dynasty! But people who can make the country stronger and richer, and even completely unify the world, have been rare since ancient times. Even Qin Shihuang was the most powerful one, but it is a pity that he died early!


With the national power and strength of Daqin.

How can there be anything about the foreign tribes and tribes around them, they have all been unified into Qin people long ago!

But on Bai Xiaofei.

These ministers have seen this hope!


Compared to Qin Shihuang.

Bai Xiaofei's strength and hope are even stronger!

Leaving aside anything else, at least Bai Xiaofei will never die young like Qin Shihuang did!

Every time this group of ministers thought of this, they were so excited that they were dying of excitement. They firmly believed that if Bai Xiaofei became the emperor, as long as he didn't die for a day, he would definitely be able to shock the world and make all the people submit. They dare not have second thoughts! Conquering all races and crossing overseas is definitely not a fantasy!

And as time goes by.

This kind of thinking became more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of many ministers, and even took root and grew rapidly, making them start to act and plan for it involuntarily!


Some of the more radical ministers have already set their minds on the prince. No wonder! Who made the prince the only heir to the Zhao family of the royal family at present! As long as the prince is persuaded, then the rest of the messy things will naturally not be a problem!

Bai Xiaofei saw this clearly, but he didn't stop it, and was even happy to see it happen!

Because it is his goal and mission to control the Great Song Dynasty and refine the four famous captures of the world. Even if these people don't do anything, he will find opportunities to make himself the hegemon of the world. Only in this way can he completely complete that task. Damn restricted mission!


Ministers are so proactive.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't be stupid enough to refuse, just let nature take its course!

In this way, not only can he save a lot of effort and effort, but he can also throw the scapegoat for seeking to usurp the throne to those ministers, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone! At that time, all the ministers will pay homage to the will of the people, and jointly beg him to be enthroned as emperor, even if he wants to, he will not agree!

One thought here.

Bai Xiaofei was so excited, he said in his heart: "This is the so-called political conspiracy! Sure enough, killing people without blood is no worse than real swords and guns! Really! When did I become so black-bellied and dark! No! I can do it in the future! I can’t do this anymore, otherwise I’m really afraid that I’ll get lost in it and can’t extricate myself!”

"That's all!"

"Only this time, the next time will not be an example!"


He secretly warned himself.


Time flies like an arrow.

In a blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

More than half a month has passed since the Anjia rebellion incident, and after this period of precipitation and fermentation, the day Bai Xiaofei was looking forward to finally arrived!


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