The Storm God

Chapter 1340 Enthroned as Emperor! (Please subscribe!)

this day.

The wind is sunny and the sky is clear!

In the Zhenwu Hall (the Daqing Hall was destroyed, so the place where it went to court was changed to the Zhenwu Hall in the imperial palace), finally all the living civil and military officials were assembled in the hall, and they were presenting to Song Huizong (fake, Bai Xiaofeiying) Clone disguised) reported the latest affairs.

In the past half month, a lot of things have happened. The first is the impact of the joint rebellion between An Jia and Cai Xiang.

Although they failed, there are still many followers who are living outside. Some of these people have to take the initiative to plead guilty and ask for leniency, and some have the fluke mentality of getting away with it, pretending that nothing happened, but most of them take their own The power of the country, absconded in fear of crime, and went to a foreign country, either incognito, or directly sentenced to foreign countries, and joined the power of foreign countries!


It is the behavior of some people with ulterior motives to take advantage of the fire! Anjia intends to rebel, the planning time is very long, and the force used is also extremely large, almost involving most of the country's provinces, cities, states and counties, and whether it is to recruit or deal with related rebels, it will have a great impact on the local situation !

And some people with ulterior motives took advantage of this opportunity to loot and make a fortune, or they had other plans to form cliques and establish their own forces!

Even those foreigners from foreign countries, taking advantage of the great opportunity of internal chaos in the Song Dynasty, intend to invade on a large scale, attack cities and land, and expand their territories!


The situation in all parts of the country is similar to that in the capital. It can be said to be quite uneasy!

One word - chaos!

on this...

Of course the imperial court cannot sit idly by!

Song Huizong (Bai Xiaofei) immediately ordered that all remnants of the rebel army and those who made troubles be settled!

Even when necessary, the power of the imperial army can be used to forcibly suppress and execute the law on the spot!

As for those foreigners...

one word ----


Kill them until they don't dare to have any unruly thoughts, don't you agree? Then continue to fight until they are exterminated, completely desperate, and see who dares to refuse to accept it then!

These matters can be said to be of great importance, and the people sent to carry out the tasks naturally cannot be sloppy in the slightest. In order to ensure that the orders and wills of the above can be thoroughly implemented and implemented, Bai Xiaofei not only broke the rules and promoted many selected talents, even He also took action personally, performed hypnosis and spiritual hints on him, and completely brainwashed the other party to become his sincere little brother!

And among these people, most of them are some familiar characters, such as Chao Gai, such as Wu Song, such as Shi Jin, such as Lin Chong... and so on.

These people did not disappoint Bai Xiaofei, they quickly completed the task excellently, settled the chaotic situation one by one, and even subdued many foreigners from other countries, gained a very high reputation, and provided a lot of support for their promotion. Favorable Guarantee! It also let the national prestige of the Song Dynasty spread far and wide, and the sound shook the world!


"The people recommended by Mr. Bai, the national teacher, are indeed capable people! Their achievements are certainly indispensable, but I think the most important thing is the recommendation of the national teacher Bai Xiaofei!"

"As the saying goes, Chollima often exists, but Bole does not often exist. Without the recommendation and strong support of Mr. Bai, the national teacher, I am afraid that the chaotic incidents all over the country will not be completely calmed down so quickly! Especially for our Song Dynasty, It has opened up a lot of territory!"

"Masters, what do you think?"

"The emperor is holy!"


Song Huizong read the memorial and listened to all kinds of blessings from the ministers. It can be said that Long Yan was overjoyed and excited!

She looks like a queen who is selling melons and boasting about herself!


Apart from the prince, the only people who knew Song Huizong's true identity were the few ministers who survived that day.

Most of the civil and military officials at the scene didn't know about it, and they only said that because Song Huizong admired Bai Xiaofei's ability to know people very much.

And everyone really had to admit that Bai Xiaofei was really capable! Not only is he super strong in force, his medical skills are heaven-defying, he can live to the death of human flesh and bones, and make people rejuvenate, but he is also superhuman in terms of government affairs and knowledge of people.

Especially those old Chen who have experienced the coup d'etat, they know far more than these newly promoted ministers!


This Song Huizong sitting on the Dragon Court was actually Bai Xiaofei pretending to be the real Song Huizong who had already been killed by An's family!

And all the new policies, new systems, and new laws that were praised and overwhelmed... were all proposed by Bai Xiaofei alone. The title of being incompetent and incompetent, but now being praised by the world as a wise sage and a merciful lord, is all thanks to Bai Xiaofei!

Thinking of Bai Xiaofei's various brilliant achievements, these ministers who have already thought about it in their hearts are full of enthusiasm!

Especially today!

Good news kept coming from all over the country, and even those foreign nationalities were completely surrendered, and many territories were completely included in the territory of the Song Dynasty. All these things can be said to have strengthened their belief and determination!


After the morning court ended, several ministers gathered together, and then took action one after another, calling Bai Xiaofei, the prince, and several other important ministers together, saying that they had important matters to discuss!

As for what the important thing is, others may not know, but Bai Xiaofei is clear in his heart!


He secretly smiled, his eyes flickering, "If I'm not mistaken, these radical ministers, I'm afraid they can't help but let me take over the throne!"


"Now the chaos in all parts of the country has basically been quelled, and my reputation has almost reached its peak, and I have been here for a long time. It is time to complete the task and completely refine this world!"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and followed several ministers to a side hall in the backyard of the palace. When everyone arrived, Song Huizong had already been waiting inside for a long time!

"See Your Majesty!"

"Free gift!"

After some courtesy.

The veterans didn't write any ink, they looked at each other, and then went straight to the point and began to explain their intentions!

as expected!

What they mean is to let Bai Xiaofei replace Song Huizong, formally ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, control the Great Song Dynasty, and then lead them to expand the territory, dominate the world, and create a unique prosperous and powerful country, so that everyone can live forever and be famous in history. !

"You guys are crazy!"

Not surprisingly, as soon as the ideas of the ministers were expressed, they were immediately opposed and furious by some old and stubborn people, especially those who did not understand the truth of the matter. In their opinion, the ideas of these ministers, It's so crazy, let Bai Xiaofei ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, darling! Isn't this an obvious rebellion!

Let me ask...

A normal minister who is loyal to the court, no matter if he is an old minister or a new rich man, can he not turn his face in anger when he hears such rebellious words? !


Regarding this situation, several senior ministers had expected it a long time ago. Facing the abuse and anger of the crowd, they didn't care. They just smiled, then turned around one after another, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "My lord, please release the illusion." !"

Obviously, they intend to speak directly with facts and prove that their choice is correct!


Bai Xiaofei pretended to ponder for a while, then shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly: "Anyway, I can't hide this matter for the rest of my life, so I will follow what you said and let everyone know the truth!"


Following Bai Xiaofei's pretentious seal, in the bewildered eyes of everyone, they saw that the majestic, wise and benevolent Song Huizong suddenly changed into Bai Xiaofei's appearance!

"This this……"

"Why did the Holy Majesty suddenly become the Master of the State Teacher!"

"My God, what's going on?"

"Two national teachers?"


Except for the prince and others, the rest of the ministers who didn't know the truth were completely shocked by the strange situation in front of them in an instant! All of them stared wide-eyed, stunned, and unable to speak, their mouths were so wide that they could almost stuff a coconut into them!

"It's like this!"

Several ministers smiled triumphantly, and then began to explain the ins and outs to everyone. When everyone learned that the real Song Huizong had already been killed by An's family, they immediately showed expressions of disbelief and shock, and murmured: "So...these days have always been the country's The Master Teacher is pretending to be the Holy Master to handle government affairs, and those policies, systems, laws, etc., are also proposed by the Master National Teacher?!"

At this moment, everyone who has calmed down a little has begun to slowly understand the thoughts and intentions of the ministers!

In all fairness, if it were them, meeting such a rare genius and capable person as Bai Xiaofei, they could bring peace to the world, make the country strong, and let everyone live forever and be famous in history. As long as they are not fools or idiots, I am afraid they will not If you want to serve it as your master!


Several ministers glanced at everyone with deep meaning, and said proudly: "Everything these days has been arranged and presided over by the master of the state, and everyone can see the result. are still against me. Are you waiting for a proposal?"


Everyone was silent.

Judging by their faces, it is estimated that they are all engaged in ideological struggle, but compared to the original rage and opposition without hesitation, this phenomenon is obviously much better now!

After a while.

Everyone looked at me, looked at you, their eyes flickered and hesitated, and it was obvious that they still hadn't made up their minds!

Seeing so.

Bai Xiaofei smiled immediately, and then gave Wang Ye a subtle wink. The Wang Ye understood, and immediately stood up, expressing his position in public: "I have no objection!"

"My lord!"

Everyone was shocked.

You know, the prince is the last royal family of the Zhao family, and he is currently the most powerful candidate for the throne. As long as he ascends the throne, the probability of success will definitely be as high as 90%!

But now...

The prince actually gave up on his own initiative!

"Oh My God!"

"We must not be dreaming! That is his throne! The throne is almost within reach!"

"He gave up so easily!"

"I can't believe it!"


Everyone was dumbfounded, speechless for a long time!

However, the prince, regardless of how everyone reacted, directly explained his own thoughts. Simply put, he has self-knowledge. If Jiang Shang falls into his hands, he will only become mediocre or even corrupt. Its care is thriving and becoming stronger and stronger!

For the sake of the people of the world, for the sake of the entire Song Dynasty, the prince is willing to give up this right and give it to Bai Xiaofei!

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone immediately admired him, since even the prince had no objection and publicly supported Bai Xiaofei's ascension to the throne, they naturally had nothing to hesitate and expressed their surrender!


The people who united the front began to discuss how to make Bai Xiaofei the emperor as a matter of course!


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