The Storm God

Chapter 1343 Green Snake Transforms into Flood Dragon! (Please subscribe!)

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

It has been a full year since Bai Xiaofei ascended the throne. Under his rule, the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty had long ago accomplished its goal of unifying the world, and used China's vast and long history and culture to bring all the people from other races into the world. Completely assimilated into one, the national strength can be described as unprecedentedly strong and rich.

In today's world, things are going well, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

but now……

But Bai Xiaofei encountered a big trouble!

"His Majesty!"

A group of civil and military ministers, including the prince, were full of sincerity and depression, and they all persuaded: "Our country is now strong, and under the management of the new policy, the people live and work in peace and contentment, so there is no need to worry about it." What can go wrong, but..."

"The important matter of the Holy Majesty has not yet been settled. We, as well as the people of the world, are really in a hurry!"

"Your Majesty, please think again!"


A group of people knelt down and bowed together while talking. And if you don't agree, we'll just kneel here until you agree, that's a determination! As for the major event they talked about, it was nothing more than Bai Xiaofei's spouse issue!

To know.

Bai Xiaofei's current identity is the Dragon Emperor of China's Dragon Dynasty! As the lord of a country and the ruler of the entire planet, he is still single. He has not established a kingdom, and he has no heirs. Why don't you call the traditional and staid civil and military officials in a hurry? What do the people of the world think? !

In the past, Bai Xiaofei could use expanding his territory and being busy with government affairs to evade and change the topic.

But now...

Everything in the country is on track.

Basically, there will be no major problems, even if there are, with the current ability of the civil and military officials of the court, it is enough to deal with it, there is no need for Bai Xiaofei to go out in person, so...they will naturally bring up the old matter again, hoping that Bai Xiaofei will quickly solve his problems It's a lifetime event!


There are quite a few people already.

Started to secretly collect peerless beauties, planning to choose Bai Xiaofei as a concubine!


Facing the persecution of the ministers, Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while, and said to himself: "My thoughts, especially what ordinary people like you can guess?"

But everyone also had good intentions, and he didn't want to show too much.

"OK OK!"

"I will consider this matter!"

"Get up first!"


Bai Xiaofei waved his hands impatiently.

Then he shook his head and said: "Prime Minister Li, you can stop those little tricks in secret! I already have a place in my heart, no matter how many beauties you collect, no matter how overwhelming the country, I will not have the slightest interest! Let’s go home! Only this time, no next time!”


Prime Minister Li wanted to say something else.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't give him a chance at all, and interrupted directly: "It's nothing to worry about! Is it you marrying a wife, or I marrying a wife! It's not your turn to make decisions about my marriage, and I have the final say! In addition ...I have something to go out these few days, and you can discuss and handle the affairs of the court!"

Say it.

It doesn't matter how people react.

Bai Xiaofei flicked his sleeves and left the Zhenwu Hall directly.

Only a group of civil and military officials were left, kneeling in the main hall, looking at me and yours, all dumbfounded and speechless for a long time.

Until a long time later.


Then Prime Minister Li sighed helplessly, and then said to everyone: "That's all! After all, this is the marriage of the Holy Majesty, so let the Majesty arrange it himself. As courtiers, all we can do is to urge and urge. The rest can only be left alone!"

"Everyone get up!"


Following the prime minister's speech.

Everyone stood up from the ground, and one of them came to Zhuge Zhengwo who had rejuvenated and returned to the peak state of youth, and asked curiously: "Master Zhuge, I have been hearing that the Holy Majesty and your god+daughter Sheng Yayu Miss, we have been in contact for a long time, and the relationship is very good, the relationship is close, it looks like a couple!"

"It stands to reason that the two of them should have achieved good things long ago. How could they have dragged on until now without any results?"

"Is there something in it?"


This person is Wei Wuji, Minister of Rites.

After going through elections, examinations, and other layers of screening, this person was exceptionally promoted, and he did have a lot of ability.

Except for Prime Minister Li.

It is he who is most passionate about Bai Xiaofei's marriage!

Today, the Holy Spirit ordered him not to collect beauties anymore, and to make fools of himself for Bai Xiaofei's marriage. In desperation, Wei Wuji could only focus on Zhuge Zhengwo. To be precise, his ultimate goal was Zhuge Zhengwo's. God + daughter - Sheng Yayu!

As far as he knows.

Sheng Yayu is one of the few women who are closest to the Holy Majesty today!

Based on the relationship between the two parties, it is reasonable to say that good things should have been achieved long ago, but the fact is the opposite. Not only did the two not get married, but they seemed to be a little distant. Wei Wuji was very curious about the various things here. Doubt!

In the past, he was too embarrassed to ask Zhuge Zhengwo. After all, this matter was related to the daughter of the Holy Majesty and Zhuge Zhengwo. If he touched any taboo topic, he would be too embarrassed to walk away! But now... he can't even ask if he doesn't want to!

Not just Wei Wuji.

Prime Minister Li, the prince, and other civil and military officials were all so thoughtful, and they gathered around one after another, wanting to find out what was going on! Because in their opinion, the heart that the Holy Majesty said belongs to, nine out of ten it should be Sheng Yayu, but the current relationship between the two parties is very puzzling!

Zhuge Zhengwo may be the only breakthrough to facilitate the marriage of the Holy Majesty!

But don't know.

Zhuge Zheng and I were also extremely puzzled and depressed.

Regarding the matter of Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing, as an elder, he is naturally happy to see the results, and very much hopes that the two of them can be together and live happily. But I don't know why, since Bai Xiaofei ascended the throne, Ruqing's attitude towards Bai Xiaofei has suddenly turned cold!

at first.

I didn't pay much attention to Zhuge Zheng either.

I thought it was a quarrel between couples, a disagreement or something, it's normal, it will be fine in a few days!

How can I think...

The two have been fighting until now.

It's not that I haven't asked Zhuge Zheng Wuqing what's going on between the two, but every time he hasn't spoken, Wuqing just turns his head and walks away, never giving Zhuge Zheng me a chance to ask, obviously I have already used my mind-reading ability to read Zhuge Zhengwo's intentions, so I don't want to talk about it!

The ruthless attitude is so obvious and firm, what should you call Zhuge Zheng me? Not to mention him, even Jiao Niang, who has the best relationship with Wu Qing, has no effect at all. Maybe it will be useful. Wu Qing said something to Jiao Niang, but Jiao Niang is completely on Wu Qing's side. Anyway, there is nothing. Tell Zhuge Zheng me!

As for asking Bai Xiaofei?


That's even more impossible!

Today is different from the past, Bai Xiaofei is the number one Dragon Emperor of all time!

Zhuge Zheng, who am I, dare to ask Bai Xiaofei about his personal relationship? The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei doesn't even tell others if he is okay! Seeing many ministers all gathered around, with an attitude of asking questions, Zhuge Zheng was speechless in my heart!

You ask me?

I don't even know who to ask!

This shit!


Regardless of the situation of the people here.

On the other side, after Bai Xiaofei left Zhenwu Hall, he didn't go back to his bedroom, but flew away from the palace by himself, and arrived near Dajiang on the outskirts of the capital! Because Xiaoqing contacted Bai Xiaofei just now through the contract and said that it is going to undergo transformation!

If snakes want to evolve into nine-day true dragons, they must go through many trials and tribulations.

And Zoulong is the first stage!

its end...

It is to shed the mortal body and turn into a dragon!


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