The Storm God

Chapter 1344 Emperor Dragon Qi! (Please subscribe!)

Speaking of green snakes.

Bai Xiaofei was filled with emotion immediately!

that day...

The so-called real dragon descending into the world is actually just a way for Bai Xiaofei to use the transformation technique in Naruto to deceive the world! Unexpectedly, after a year or so of practice and tempering, the little green snake has entered the realm so quickly, it seems that it is about to reach the end of the dragon, transforming into a dragon, its cultivation base has increased dramatically, and it has entered another stage and realm up!

But think about it.

Although these four famous capture worlds are low-level, their aura is very strong! There are many spiritual veins around the world, as well as treasures of heaven and earth that are more than a thousand years old! The little green snake can indeed get enough pure aura from it by jumping into the water, and with the treasures of heaven and earth that Bai Xiaofei feeds it from time to time, it's really hard to think about it!


Relying on these alone is not enough!

In fact, what really promotes the rapid evolution and growth of the little green snake is the emperor's dragon spirit on Bai Xiaofei's body!

That's right!

It is Emperor Dragon Qi!

Since ancient times, almost all the emperors have been called true dragon emperors, using the supreme golden dragon to symbolize their status and rights, and these... are not groundless! As long as the emperor, especially the country, is vast and vast, the emperor's dragon aura on his body will be richer and more powerful!

And the so-called Emperor's Dragon Qi, in fact, is the Mandate of Heaven!

Anyone who can become an emperor is a hero, or someone who possesses great luck, and it is because of [destiny's destiny]! And once he ascends to the throne, starts to rule the world, and holds the power of life and death in his hands, his own destiny will become stronger and more tenacious!

The rise and fall of destiny's strength is not only related to the strength of the country and the love and affection of the people, but the most important point is how many spiritual veins there are within the geographical range of the country! And all the people with spiritual veins are all winding mountains and rivers, treasure lands of geomantic omen!

Just like the little green snake.

If you want to transform into a nine-day true dragon, the first step is to go into the water!

Its real purpose is nothing more than to absorb the energy of the spiritual veins in the river, and these powers are nothing more than a drop in the bucket compared to the spiritual veins of the entire country!

And the imperial dragon aura on the emperor is actually a special fortune formed by many spiritual powers within the country, combined with the emperor's own destiny, the power of luck, the power of merit, and the power of will that the people love and love... ... and other powers, fused into one super aggregate!

The more spiritual veins there are in the Jiangshan region, the stronger one's destiny will be, and the more the people will support and love him, the stronger and stronger the emperor's dragon spirit will be on the emperor! Even... some special skills can be cultivated by using these emperor dragon energy, and they can learn a peerless divine skill that shocks the heaven, earth and sky!

The awesomeness of the Emperor's Dragon Qi can be seen from this!

Compared with the power of the emperor's dragon energy, the mere power of Jianghe's spiritual veins is nothing compared to the big witch, almost a world of difference!

Bai Xiaofei became the emperor, the ruler of the world, and he would naturally form a corresponding emperor dragon aura. First of all, Bai Xiaofei's own destiny is extremely tough and perverted, plus he has the small world of the Bliss Space and the world of the four famous catchers. The power of the spiritual veins in the two worlds of time and space can only be described as vast and infinite!

As for the power of merit, power of luck, power of will, etc. formed by the people's support and love, let alone the power, it is absolutely beyond the tens of thousands of times the sum of all the emperors of all dynasties. Much more! With such perverted and heaven-defying conditions, combined in one body, it is conceivable how tyrannical and perverted the emperor's dragon aura in Bai Xiaofei's body is!

That's almost ready to condense into a substantial dragon, okay?

well known.

The little green snake is Bai Xiaofei's pet.

The two of them signed a contract, and they are the best partners for the exchange of life! And because of the power of the contract, the little green snake will naturally be somewhat nourished by the emperor's dragon energy on Bai Xiaofei's body! Although these moisturizing powers are very subtle and rare, they can't hold back the high level and quality of others!

Even if it is only a little bit, it can almost equal to the achievement of the little green snake in the river where the spirit veins are very strong and powerful, and it has been a dragon for about a year!

More than three hundred and sixty days a year!

Little adds up!

After a whole year, just the nourishing power of the emperor's dragon energy absorbed from Bai Xiaofei's body is almost equivalent to more than 300 years of hard work, plus the little green snake jumped into the water and absorbed the power of the river's spiritual veins, As a result of my own practice and sharpening, the little green snake successfully reached the final stage of walking the dragon and evolved into a jiao, which can be said to be no exception at all!


A dragon is a dragon!

Huajiao is Huajiao, the two cannot be compared!

Walking the dragon is just a process, which is equivalent to learning and precipitation. As for Huajiao, it is to cross the catastrophe, which is equivalent to the final exam. If you pass the exam, you will naturally be promoted to a higher level! But if he fails, he will suffer a lot, be beaten back to his original shape, and even his life is in danger!


Only through the power of the contract will the little green snake contact Bai Xiaofei and rush over to serve as its guardian to prevent accidents!

When Bai Xiaofei arrived, the little green snake could no longer control the power in her body, and began to transform. I saw the rolling river water, turbulent and angry, and the layers of turbulent waves were set off, like a flood of beasts, ferocious and wild, and overbearingly impacting everything on both sides of the river!


The river bed cracked, and the earth and rocks flew away!

The turbulent river flooded the sky and covered the earth, flooding large areas of forest and river banks in a blink of an eye!

Fortunately, due to the birth of the real dragon, this place has long been turned into a sacred forbidden place by the imperial court. The surrounding area of ​​50 miles is heavily guarded and the security is extremely strict. Therefore, there are no people and residential buildings near the river bank. What was destroyed was only some natural environments, and no casualties and losses were caused!


Fish, shrimp and crab are not counted!


The river is billowing, as if falling from the sky, shaking the world! Among them, a huge blue long and narrow figure with a length of nearly 100 meters can be faintly seen, moving and flashing, elusive, and every time it appears, the water waves and water potential in the river will become more violent and wild and domineering!


Seeing such a situation.

Bai Xiaofei's face turned pale with shock, and he quickly used his methods to calm down and divide the rushing river water!

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

The Mu Dun avatar was instantly summoned by Bai Xiaofei.

The situation is urgent and there is no need to delay, so Mu Dun's avatar did not dare to neglect it. As soon as it came out, it switched to the state of reincarnation eyes, and summoned Tiandao Xiongba. Jiang Shui was all pushed back by rejection!


Mu Dun's avatar was not idle either.

Seeing the right moment, he immediately cast "Wood Dungeon - Wooden Dragon Technique", wrapping the little green snake out of the turbulent river, forcibly pulled it out, and brought it in front of Bai Xiaofei. And Bai Xiaofei sent the panacea, natural treasures, and so on that he had prepared a long time ago into the mouth of the little green snake.

"Eat it!"

The power of the mind suddenly released.

Coupled with the role of the contract between Bai Xiaofei and the little green snake, the double strength added to the body made the little green snake regain its sanity and sobriety immediately.


Panacea medicines are all in the stomach!

Little Green Snake was about to say thank you to Bai Xiaofei, at this moment, Hua Jiao's real transformation effect suddenly started. I saw the green glow all over its body, like a snake-shaped light bulb, almost illuminating the entire river, followed by a loud "cracking" noise, which followed without warning!

at the same time.

Layers of dark clouds in the sky began to gather rapidly.

It was as dark as ink, with strong winds, lightning and thunder, earth-shattering, the sun was shining brightly just now, and the sky was as clear as blue, and the weather instantly became gloomy and dark, cold and terrifying, as if the end of the world, the extremely weird atmosphere enveloped in an instant Within a radius of ten miles!


"Crack, click!"


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket suddenly fell from the sky, and ruthlessly landed on the body of the little green snake. The power of the lightning was so terrifying that it directly exploded many scales on the back of the little green snake, and the wound was burnt black in an instant, and the blood flowed continuously!


With the addition of thunder and lightning, the little green snake couldn't help but growl in the sky.

At this moment, he is not angry!

But excited!


The Calamity of Transforming Dragons has officially begun!

"Boom boom boom!"


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