The Storm God

Chapter 1345 Ice Age! (Please subscribe!)

Thunder is raging!

Violent and overbearing!

In the clouds, there are thousands of thunder and lightning galloping ferociously, like wild horses running wild, or like thousands of beasts galloping, roaring angrily, as if the little green snake is their father-killing enemy, and they will not split the little green snake into pieces With ten thousand pieces of corpses and an unstoppable posture, countless thunder and lightning condensed crazily, and then turned into bucket-sized, even more terrifying thunder and lightning, ruthlessly bombarding the little green snake!



The thunder was rolling, shaking the sky and shaking the earth!

Affected by this, all kinds of animals within a radius of tens of kilometers immediately dispersed, and no one dared to stay here for even a second! That's Thunder Tribulation! The most powerful punishment of nature! Who dares to underestimate? ! Bai Xiaofei, Mu Dun Clone, Heavenly Dao Xiongba, and Little Green Snake are almost the only goods in this area!


Seeing that countless thunderclaps gathered once again, they were ready to go.

The little green snake suddenly sank, and quickly used the power of the contract, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "This is the thunder disaster of transformation! I have to go through the trials and tribulations that I have to go through to transform from a snake to a dragon. Except for me, no one else is allowed to intervene." , otherwise you will be implicated and attacked, believe me, I can survive!"

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei himself has experienced the tribulation of becoming a god, so of course he knows something about it.


There are no absolutes in everything!

As long as you find its key points, you can still drill some loopholes.

Although the little green snake is full of confidence, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents? Therefore, Bai Xiaofei still can't take it lightly, and is always preparing and analyzing. If something unexpected happens, he can take action at the critical moment and help the little green snake! Of course, this cannot be done directly, but a certain method must be found!


Not only can't help the little green snake.

Maybe it will be self-defeating and make the situation worse!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei nodded immediately, and then said to Little Green Snake: "Xiaoqing, you can rest assured that you will survive the catastrophe, and leave everything around you to me. I will always pay attention to the situation and loopholes of Lei Jie, if you really can't bear it If you stop, tell me immediately, and I will help you overcome the calamity!"


The little green snake responded firmly.

Immediately, he stopped talking to Bai Xiaofei, and put all his thoughts on the thunder disaster in the sky.

And this time.

The little green snake didn't intend to be beaten passively.

It has to take the initiative!


Taking advantage of the thunder and lightning in the sky, they are still frantically gathering.

The little green snake gritted its teeth fiercely, its tail straightened up abruptly, and then it spun wildly, as if it was a turbocharger turned on to the maximum power. Relying on its super strong body and abnormal speed, it rolled The river filled the sky, turned into turbulent waves, shot up into the sky, and firmly protected himself below!

There is an extremely strict and deadly requirement for taking the shape of a dragon——

Cannot use any mana!

Pure toughness!


Little Green Snake can only rely on some knowledge and skills learned from Bai Xiaofei to face the violent attack of Heavenly Tribulation Thunder!

As for the effect, it depends on your luck!


Closer to home, the turbulent waves created by the little green snake had just ascended to the sky to protect itself. The thunder robbery in the sky seemed to be completely enraged by its behavior, and then it immediately began to slam down wildly. The thunder like a giant pillar was so terrifying that even the void was split and burned!




How fast is the speed of thunder and lightning!

Almost instantly, countless violent thunderbolts from the sky crashed into the turbulent waves rolled up by the little green snake.


It was like pouring a ladle of clear water into a hot stove in a sauna. The momentum looked extremely huge, almost no less than the thunderous thunderous river. The sky-killing thunder and lightning blasted into countless water vapors, which directly turned into an incomparably white cloud in midair!

And the thunder in the sky, after this confrontation and toughness, although it is somewhat consumed, it is very small, almost only about one-two tenth of the level, and the remaining countless lightning bolts have undiminished power. The white clouds passing through the air slashed at the little green snake again!

"It's this time!"

The little green snake was already prepared.

After all, that was tribulation thunder and lightning! How powerful it is, if you think about it with your toes, it is absolutely terrifying and domineering, unparalleled, and how can it be resisted and countered by mere ordinary river water? The monstrous huge waves are just a cover for the little green snake!

Its real purpose is to slightly block and delay the speed of the lightning strike! Even if it's just for a second! Taking advantage of this opportunity, the little green snake has enough time to respond and dodge. Although the hope is still slim, it is better than not preparing at all!

"Boom boom boom!"

When the heavenly tribulation thunder fell like a meteor, and when it slammed down, the little green snake had already left the place, and moved towards the depths of the river and the upper reaches of the river like a zigzag, and quickly drifted away. It was this short delay of one second that allowed the little green snake to avoid the bombardment of many thunder and lightning!

"Wow, boom!"

Pity the river below, and suffered disaster on the spot. Where the tribulation thunder and lightning fell, everything exploded on the spot, boiling and splashing, forming huge deep pits with visible bottoms one after another. More than a dozen deep pits appeared in an instant, and even almost caused the river to stop directly.

The terrifying power of Thunder Tribulation can be seen from this!

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder was rolling, shaking the sky and shaking the earth!

The power of tribulation thunder and lightning is far from that simple. In addition to their terrifying power, they all have the function of locking and tracking! Although the bombardment just now caused a waste of about three to four tenths due to the blocking and delay of the stormy waves, there were still about half of the thunder and lightning left, which stopped the car in time!

These thunderbolts in mid-air unexpectedly changed their falling trajectory abruptly, just like countless pursuit bombs, chasing the little green snake that was slithering and dodging quickly, it was a burst of overwhelming bombardment, not seeking merit, but seeking No fault, pure carpet bombing, that is a wayward and wild!

Pity this big river, and the surrounding woods along the bank, once again implicated in it by the little green snake, and instantly destroyed by countless thunder and lightning. The river was flooded and there were countless potholes. The trees either fell down and turned into coke, or they were bathed in fire and suffered from the heat of the flames.

The scene at the scene was appalling!


After a while, this wave of tribulation thunder and lightning finally ended. And when the billowing dust and smoke all over the sky and the mist formed by the hot and high-temperature evaporation of the river slowly dissipated, the figure of the little green snake finally appeared clearly in front of Bai Xiaofei and the others.


When Bai Xiaofei saw it, his expression changed drastically.

I saw a huge blue figure floating in the turbulent river several miles away, it was the little green snake.

But I saw that its huge, twisted and winding body was covered with scorched marks and wounds, and even in many places, because of the boiling hot river water and high-temperature cooking, it was still bubbling and bubbling, scarlet blood and flesh and blood, as if Don't be like money, just drop straight down!


More parts of the little green snake's body were still burning with raging flames.

The flesh and blood were mercilessly burned, and the most serious part of his body was bombarded by thunder and lightning, leaving large areas of white bones. The injuries were terrifying! If it weren't for the power of the contract, knowing that the little green snake is still alive, if it were someone else, seeing such a terrible injury, I'm afraid they would have thought it was dead long ago!


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's call, the little green snake immediately endured the severe pain all over his body, gritted his teeth and said to him: "I'm fine! It's my miscalculation. The power, range and speed of this tribulation thunder are far beyond It exceeded my imagination! But fortunately, I managed to survive!"


"There is only the last wave of tribulation thunder left!"


As he spoke, the little green snake turned his gaze. Looking up at the sky stubbornly, he has already accumulated a lot of strength, and the black clouds that are rapidly brewing the third wave of tribulation thunder and lightning said with firm eyes: "As long as I get through it, I can successfully break through the shackles and get rid of the mortal body." , has evolved into a dragon!"

"let me help you!"

How could Bai Xiaofei not know the current situation.

It's just that the physical condition of the little green snake is really terrible. He was seriously injured, dying, and almost fell into a dying state. Without using any mana, with such a body, he wanted to resist the last wave , and at the same time the most powerful wave of tribulation thunder and lightning, that is simply death!

As the owner of the little green snake, Bai Xiaofei certainly won't sit idly by!

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei made a bold move.

And the first shot is a powerful super trick - Ice Age!


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