The Storm God

Chapter 1346 Vibrating gold against lightning! (Please subscribe!)

"Try this!"

The light in Bai Xiaofei's eyes kept flickering, and he had some thoughts in his mind.

Immediately, I saw him make a move in the void, a dark blue statue with infinite cold power inside, like breathing, an artifact that flickers on and off, suddenly flashed out, and landed firmly in Bai Xiaofei's hands, it was from the Marvel universe The kingdom of ice in the world - Jotunheim, the supreme artifact of the frost giants!

Ice Treasure Box!

This is a powerful existence similar to infinite gems!

It contains endless death and coldness, and can release the vast and infinite power of ice movement. Even the entire planet of the ice cave is easy to do. Its awesomeness and strength can be seen!


The Ice Treasure Box was inlaid by Bai Xiaofei on the Vibrating Gold Saint Cloth of Aquarius, and was given to Bai together with the Saint Cloth, making it an Obito Uchiha no less than Gemini (there is no prerequisite for the Cosmic Cube) Below) Aquarius Gold Saint Seiya, but the current situation is too special for Bai to appear.

So to be conservative, Bai Xiaofei just summoned the ice treasure box alone. And he didn't use the power of the ice treasure box to deal with the thunder and lightning of the heavenly tribulation. Doing so would only get himself and the little green snake into greater trouble. some conjectures!


As soon as the ice treasure box appeared, it was immediately controlled by Bai Xiaofei and began to release infinite freezing power. I saw a tyrannical ice-blue impact beam of light suddenly gushing out from the treasure box, like a laser ray, almost In a blink of an eye, it crashed into the opposite river.

next moment.

Layers of ice crystals began to spread rapidly!

I saw that the river water with a length of several hundred meters was almost instantly frozen by the power of the ice treasure box into countless hard ice cubes of strange shapes. Against the backdrop of the shining light, endless cold and gloomy air flashed out!

at the same time.

On the other side, Mu Dun's avatar and Tiandao Xiongba were not idle either.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

The powerful gravitational force was instantly applied to the little green snake. Seeing its miserable and huge body, it was immediately controlled by Tiandao Xiongba to escape from the danger of being boiled by the scalding river water and the fate of being frozen by the ice treasure box, and then slowly flew towards him.

During this period.

The Mutun avatar opened the dimensional space, summoned more than a dozen bottles of alien medical spray, and smashed them all, mixed with some crushed natural treasures and panacea, just like spraying pesticides, evenly The picture was sprinkled on the horrible snake body of the little green snake!

Whether it is the alien medical spray, or those natural treasures and panacea, they are all rare and rare treasures unique to Bai Xiaofei. The effects of each are far beyond the imagination of the world, even a drop, or a grain, a plant , can live to the death of human flesh and bones, which shows how awesome it is!

But now...

But Bai Xiaofei squandered it so recklessly, and gave it to a little green snake to use!

Really rich and willful!

next moment.

The terrifying wound on the little green snake began to heal quickly on the spot at an astonishing speed visible to the naked eye. Not only that... Its physical strength and spirit, as well as the state of its body's muscle energy, are also under the influence of natural treasures and panacea, and it begins to recover rapidly, and even doubles!

so on.

I'm afraid it won't take a few minutes to fully recover.

And even better!

All this is a long story, but in fact it only took a few seconds.

And the thunder calamity in the sky was also very humane. It didn't take this opportunity to release the last wave of thunder and lightning. It seemed to be giving the little green snake time and opportunity to recover and prepare for it. After all, this tribulation is too difficult, you are not allowed to use mana, you can't ask for help, you can only rely on your own body to resist, it is simply abnormal!

If you don't give some time to prepare and recover, it will kill you!

"Crack, click!"

Under Bai Xiaofei's deliberate control, almost all the nearby rivers and rivers were frozen, completely turning into a glacier. Of course... this is just a superficial phenomenon. Under these ice crystals, there is still a raging river that can flow through it!

Otherwise, if the whole section of the river, from top to bottom, were to be frozen to death and turned into ice crystals, the upper reaches would be flooded!


Bai Xiaofei also had a deeper intention in doing this.

First of all, the little green snake can't use mana right now, and can only rely on the strength of its body to attack the area with thunder and lightning. Just mobilizing the river water, it has almost exhausted its power. If the entire river is frozen and turned into The incomparably hard crystal will be an even heavier burden for the little green snake!

So only part of the area can be frozen, and the degree should not be too thick!


It is also for the next step of the plan.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped the power output of the ice treasure box, and after putting it back into the dimensional space, he flew straight up and shot towards the upper reaches of the river, leaving only the wooden box behind. The Doppelgänger and the Heavenly Dao Xiongba sit here to protect the little green snake back to its state.

After a while.

The little green snake finally fully recovered!

And its current state is stronger than before, with confidence and contentment!


At the same time, Jieyun in the sky also seemed to sense that the little green snake on the ground was ready, so he also started the attack rhythm, and suddenly the thunder rolled, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, and thousands of thunder and lightning rushed across the sky. , like ten thousand horses galloping, all gathered in one place, turned into giant thunderbolts as thick as water tanks, and then smashed down!


Terrifying thunder and lightning pierced the sky, slashing fiercely at the little green snake!


The little green snake had already sensed it.

When the tribulation thunder in the sky was still condensing and rolling, he followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions and quickly got under the ice crystals of the frozen river, and then used all his strength to agitate his huge and savage body, violently slapping the turbulent flow below. The river water instantly shattered all the ice crystals on the upper layer of the water!


In the turbulent river.

It seems that there is also a faint blue color different from ice crystal fragments!


Under the violence of the little green snake.

The hundreds of meters of ice crystals, like a glass mirror, instantly shattered into countless ice-blue blocks of different sizes. Then, accompanied by the turbulent waves soaring into the sky, they turned into infinite sharp arrows and shot straight to the nine heavens, and there was another passionate collision with the thousands of thunder and lightning crashing down!

And this time the collision.

It was obviously different from the last time. The little green snake's counterattack not only had the power of the river, but also had an extra layer of protection from the ice treasure box that was frozen into blue crystals. Although the power of the last wave of tribulation thunder is also multiplied and should not be underestimated, but this time it was obviously blocked even more!

If the number and power of the last wave of tribulation thunders were compared to 100, the little green snake blocked about 7-12 at most last time. But this time, they actually forcibly resisted 40-60, and almost half of the power of the tribulation thunder was blocked!


After realizing this strange situation, the little green snake was taken aback for a moment, filled with disbelief and curiosity, secretly wondering: "What's going on? The counterattack this time is just an extra layer of ice crystals." , but blocked so many powerful tribulation thunders, this is unscientific?!"

"Could it be..."

"What's so special about these ice crystals?"


The little green snake looked carefully.

But he was surprised to find that these ice-blue ice crystals are just colder and stronger than ordinary ice cubes, but there is no big difference in essence, so the real reason why they can resist the terrifying power of thunderstorms is Should not be on them!


The little green snake was surprised to find out.

In the sky-filled river, apart from the icy blue and cold ice crystal fragments, there is another unusual blue color. These faint blue objects are in the shape of spherical particles as a whole, and they are densely packed in a large number. They are mixed in the river water and ice crystals. If you don't observe carefully, you really can't find them!

The most important thing is that these small blue particles are still faintly shining with blue and white lightning sparks all over their bodies, but these phenomena are very short-lived, almost fleeting, if it is not for the little green snake's cultivation base Increase, the eyesight is extraordinary, I probably can't notice it yet!

"This is……"

Seeing this situation, the little green snake was shocked immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized: "That's it! I said why the mere river water and ice crystals can block more than half of the power of the last wave of tribulation thunder Well, it turns out that the master is secretly helping me with all this!"

It finally recognized the origin of those blue particles. It is one of the treasures that Bai Xiaofei has become famous in many time and space worlds. It comes from Wakanda in Africa in the Marvel universe. The world of Marvel is very famous, precious and rare metal substance - vibration gold ore factor!

Most of Jielei's power was absorbed by Zhenjin!


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