The Storm God

Chapter 1348: First Born with Double Horns! (Please subscribe!)

Fifty miles away.

The imperial soldiers in charge of guarding the Shenlong Holy Land all had dignified faces and lowered eyes, and their eyes were all looking at the core of the guarding, full of doubts and horror!

"Oh My God!"

"What the hell is going on inside?"

"Was that thunder just now? How could there be thunder on such a sunny day? Could it be the legendary thunderbolt?"

"It's just too scary!"


There was a lot of discussion.

Curious and worried at the same time, suddenly there was a thunderous sound on a sunny day, it was too weird!

Something must have happened in there!

As for what?

All right!

The distance is too far, they can't see anything at all!

Although these soldiers were very puzzled, as a soldier, duty was added to him, even if it was struck by lightning, he had to stick to his post and not waver in the slightest!

"The situation doesn't look good!"

In the barracks, guarding here is a general who is about forty years old and has a beard. He is powerful and looks extremely rough, like Zhang Fei, a general of the Three Kingdoms, with tiger eyes and copper eyes, and he is not angry and majestic. .

At this moment, I saw him frowning tightly, and his face was very anxious and worried: "This weird thunder has lasted for so long, but our side is clear and sunny. In the words of the Holy One, this It's not scientific!"

"I think we should go in and see what's going on? After all, this is within our jurisdiction! If something happens to the True Dragon Sacred Land, none of us will be able to take the blame if the higher-ups blame it!"

"Several colleagues, what do you think?"


Except him.

There were also three lieutenants in the camp, and they all sensed the abnormal situation, so they came to the camp to discuss with the general.

How can I think...

They haven't started asking questions yet, but the boss is the first to kick the ball to himself and others!

The three of them were speechless for a while!

After they looked at each other, they both felt that this matter was not trivial, and they must not be taken lightly, otherwise, if something happened, none of them would be able to get over it!

To know.

This is the holy land where the real dragon descends into the world!

I don't know how many people secretly want to draw its attention and get a glimpse of it! Every criminal they catch in Moonlight can almost fill up the prison in the capital!

If an accident happens in the Holy Land, but they don't know about it, that is negligence. Even if the court doesn't kill them, those fanatics who believe in dragons and regard this place as a sacred place will probably not spare them lightly!

Verbal insults and beating sap are considered petty, and even their families and family members will be implicated!


You can't measure them with the thinking and logic of normal people. Once they go crazy, they can do anything!


For the sake of the safety of themselves and their families, the three lieutenants quickly reached a consensus and said almost in unison: "Master Zhang is wise, I also think we should go in and take a look. If there is nothing wrong, it is naturally best. If there is an accident, we can also Take action early!"


General Zhang slapped the table immediately when he heard the words, and resolutely made a decision: "In this case, let's immediately bring some people into the Holy Land to see what's going on!"


After a while.

A small group of about 50 elite soldiers was assembled quickly, and then led by General Zhang, they marched all the way towards the Holy Land.


As they gradually deepened, the thunder they sensed became more terrifying, as if the sky had collapsed. The trembling and fear came directly from the depths of their souls, and all the people in the group were shivering. , Terrified!

General Zhang has always been known for his bravery and senselessness. In the process of conquering the world, he has repeatedly made outstanding achievements. This is why he has become a general and has been reused by Bai Xiaofei. Otherwise, he would not have been sent to guard this sacred dragon. What a beauty!

But now...

Under the awe of the roaring sound of the rolling thunder and thunder, Rao was as brave as General Zhang, and at this moment he was also frightened out of his wits and terrified!


"What the hell kind of thunder is this! Why does the more I listen to it, the more I feel psychologically frivolous. Could it be that I'm hitting evil!"


General Zhang was also very frightened by Jie Lei, and just as he was thinking about whether to retreat and wait for the weird thunder in the Holy Land to end before going in to investigate, the rolling sound of Jie Lei almost cast a psychological shadow on him. , but they all stopped suddenly!


A group of people were overjoyed immediately!

The expressions on their faces were all excited and excited like the rest of their lives, they almost jumped up and cheered!

"Very good!"

General Zhang's spirit was shocked, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately changed his mind and ordered: "The thunder has disappeared, let's speed up and move forward!"


As a result, a group of people rushed towards the central area as if they had been beaten with chicken blood!


It didn't take a while.

Then they can all see the huge robbery cloud in the sky, but now the robbery cloud is no longer pitch black, but the whole body is shining with golden light, as if coated with a layer of gold paint , During the period, there were countless thunder and lightning shining with golden electric light, criss-crossing, like galloping wild horses, it looked like a tall and unknown person!

"I'll be good!"

Where have General Zhang and the others seen such a strange and beautiful cloud! All of them were dumbfounded immediately, and said dumbfounded: "What kind of cloud is that? It's too beautiful! Could it be that the rolling thunder just now came from it?"

The voice just fell.

There was a loud "click", thunder rolled, and lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a giant cyan snake with a length of 100 meters, suddenly flew into the sky, and collided fiercely with the golden thunder that fell from the sky!


There is no more after that!

General Zhang and the others felt an incomparably bright golden light rushing towards the sky. Before they realized what was going on, their eyes were already dazzled by the golden light, which was even more dazzling than the sun at noon. Blind, his eyes are full of golden lights, and he can't see anything!

A few minutes later, when they finally regained their vision with blurred eyes and looked up at the sky again, the magnificent golden clouds had long since disappeared!


Floating in the sky is this giant flying python that is nearly fifty feet long and as thick as a water tank!


That's not a python!

It's the little green snake that successfully transformed into a dragon! Now it is no longer a snake, but a dragon whose life has evolved to a higher level, the lowest existence among dragons!

Compared with the giant python, it is more powerful and against the sky, the two are not in the same order of magnitude at all, and its most obvious feature is its head, which has ethereal and slender dragon whiskers, and extremely sharp Not to mention the mouth full of fangs, the top is like an elk, with two huge and fierce sharp horns!


Seeing the current appearance of the little green snake, not only General Zhang and others were stunned and shocked, even Bai Xiaofei was quite surprised and stunned.

"First born with double horns?"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "According to the inheritance and explanation left by Taoist Huanglong, shouldn't the initial stage of the green snake transform into a dragon be a horn?"

"How come there are only two?!"



Bai Xiaofei also discovered some abnormalities.

After transforming into a dragon, the little green snake, in addition to becoming larger in size, powerful in hole and force, greatly increased in magic power, able to travel clouds and rain, and has two horns on its head, on the back about seven inches below its head , there are actually two very obvious protrusions, two small bulges, it seems that something wants to get out of it, but in the end it fails, it looks very weird!

"Could it be..."

Looking at the bulge, Bai Xiaofei's mind flashed, and he said thoughtfully: "Those two bulges are..."


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